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Posts Tagged ‘Remote Depositions’

Schedule a Court Reporter Online for a Remote Deposition

Posted on: April 10th, 2024 by Sfl Media No Comments

Digital Court Reporting

Streamlining Your Remote Deposition

Booking a Court Reporter Online with CourtScribes’ New Website

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and efficiency are paramount, especially when it comes to legal proceedings. With the rise of remote depositions, the ability to quickly and easily book a court reporter online has become essential for legal professionals seeking seamless solutions. Enter CourtScribes’ new website, which has revolutionized the process of scheduling court reporters for remote depositions with unparalleled ease and convenience.

Gone are the days of tedious phone calls, back-and-forth emails, and manual scheduling hassles. CourtScribes’ innovative platform empowers legal professionals to book court reporters for remote depositions effortlessly, all with just a few clicks of a button. Whether you’re a busy attorney, a paralegal juggling multiple cases, or a legal assistant tasked with coordinating deposition logistics, CourtScribes‘ user-friendly website streamlines the entire process from start to finish.

The intuitive interface of CourtScribes’ website guides users through the booking process step by step, making it accessible to both seasoned legal professionals and those new to remote depositions. Simply visit the website, select the desired date and time for your deposition, and specify any additional services or preferences you may require, such as realtime transcription or video conferencing capabilities.

One of the standout features of CourtScribes’ new website is its comprehensive database of highly qualified and certified court reporters available for remote depositions. With just a few clicks, users can browse through a diverse selection of court reporters, each with their own unique skill set, expertise, and availability. This ensures that you can find the perfect match for your specific deposition needs, whether you’re conducting a complex litigation case or a routine witness testimony.

In addition to simplifying the booking process, CourtScribes’ website also offers transparency and flexibility when it comes to pricing and scheduling. Users can view detailed pricing information upfront, with no hidden fees or surprises. Plus, with flexible scheduling options, you can book court reporters for remote depositions at a time that fits your busy schedule, whether it’s during office hours, evenings, or weekends.

Furthermore, CourtScribes’ commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the booking process. With dedicated customer support available via phone, email, or live chat, users can receive assistance and guidance every step of the way. Whether you have questions about the booking process, need technical support during the deposition, or require additional services post-deposition, CourtScribes’ responsive support team is there to ensure a smooth and successful experience.

In conclusion, CourtScribes’ new website has transformed the way legal professionals book court reporters for remote depositions, offering unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and reliability. With its user-friendly interface, extensive network of qualified court reporters, transparent pricing, flexible scheduling options, and dedicated customer support, CourtScribes’ website sets the gold standard for remote deposition services in the digital age. Experience the future of legal proceedings today by booking your next remote deposition online with CourtScribes.

The Rising Importance of Remote Depositions in the Legal World

Posted on: January 8th, 2024 by Sfl Media No Comments

remote deposition, CourtScribes

Remote depositions have gained significant importance in the legal world, especially in light of recent global events that have reshaped how legal proceedings are conducted. The ability to conduct depositions remotely is not just a matter of convenience; it has become a necessity for many law firms and court systems.

Adapting to Changing Circumstances

Like many others, the legal industry has had to adapt to changing circumstances that limit in-person interactions. Remote depositions offer a viable solution, allowing legal proceedings to continue without delay, and ensuring that justice is not hindered by physical constraints. CourtScribes is at the forefront of this transformation, offering remote deposition services that are tailored to meet the evolving needs of the legal community. Their approach combines technological innovation with a deep understanding of legal processes.

Utilizing Advanced Technology

CourtScribes uses state-of-the-art technology to facilitate remote depositions. This includes high-quality video conferencing tools, secure digital recording systems, and software that ensures the deposition process is as effective as if it were happening in person.

Benefits of Remote Depositions Offered by CourtScribes

Remote depositions provided by CourtScribes come with numerous benefits, making them an attractive option for legal professionals and clients alike.

Remote depositions offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility. Witnesses, attorneys, and other participants can join from anywhere in the world, reducing travel time and expenses. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in complex cases involving parties in different geographic locations. CourtScribes’ remote deposition services enhance accessibility for all parties. They ensure that individuals with difficulty attending in person due to health, mobility, or other constraints can fully participate in the legal process.

Maintaining the Integrity of the Deposition Process

Despite being conducted remotely, the integrity of the deposition process is rigorously maintained. CourtScribes ensures that all rules and protocols governing depositions are adhered to, just as they would be in a traditional setting. Security and confidentiality are paramount in legal proceedings. CourtScribes employs robust security measures to protect sensitive information and ensure that the confidentiality of the deposition process is upheld.

The Role of Professional Legal Videography

In addition to remote depositions, CourtScribes offers professional legal videography services. This service is crucial in capturing the nuances of depositions, providing an accurate and comprehensive record of the proceedings.

Enhancing the Record with Visual Aids

Legal videography can enhance the deposition record with visual aids and demonstratives, making it a more effective tool for trial preparation and courtroom presentations.

Future of Legal Proceedings with Remote Services

The introduction of remote services like those offered by CourtScribes is shaping the future of legal proceedings. As the legal industry continues to evolve, these services are likely to become an integral part of the legal landscape.

Embracing Technological Advancements

The legal industry’s embrace of technological advancements, such as remote depositions, is a positive step towards modernization. It demonstrates adaptability and a commitment to maintaining the continuity of legal processes in an ever-changing world. The adoption of remote depositions by CourtScribes has a profound impact on the efficiency of legal cases. By streamlining the deposition process, remote depositions can significantly expedite case proceedings, reducing delays often associated with scheduling and travel.

Accelerating the Legal Process

With remote depositions, legal teams can quickly schedule and conduct depositions, leading to faster case resolutions. This acceleration benefits not only the legal professionals but also the clients who are seeking timely justice and closure. One of the most significant advantages of CourtScribes’ remote deposition services is the ability to overcome geographical limitations. Witnesses or experts who are located far away or even overseas can easily participate without the need for time-consuming and costly travel.

Expanding Access to Key Witnesses

This ability to connect with key witnesses regardless of their location broadens the scope of evidence that can be gathered, potentially enhancing the strength of a case. CourtScribes also offers real-time transcription services during remote depositions. This feature allows attorneys and legal teams to have instant access to accurate transcripts of the proceedings, which can be crucial for case analysis and strategy development. Real-time transcription services enhance case preparation and strategy, enabling legal professionals to make more informed decisions and respond promptly to developments within the deposition. 

CourtScribes’ service of video-to-text synchronization brings an additional layer of clarity and utility to the deposition process. By syncing the video record with the text transcript, legal professionals can easily navigate through the deposition, pinpointing exact moments and statements. This synchronization simplifies the review and analysis of deposition evidence, making it more accessible and user-friendly. It allows attorneys to effectively prepare for trials and other legal proceedings by quickly referencing key portions of the deposition.

The Role of CourtScribes in Enhancing Legal Collaboration

CourtScribes’ remote deposition services facilitate enhanced collaboration among legal teams. By providing a platform where attorneys, clients, and witnesses can interact seamlessly, they foster a more cohesive and coordinated approach to legal proceedings.

Facilitating Team Coordination

Remote depositions allow legal teams to coordinate more effectively, regardless of individual members’ locations. This collaboration ensures that all involved parties are on the same page, leading to a more unified legal strategy. As the legal industry continues to evolve, the services provided by CourtScribes are indicative of the direction in which legal proceedings are heading. Embracing technology and innovation, while maintaining the integrity of legal processes, will be key to the future of legal services.

The ability of legal professionals to adapt to a changing landscape, with companies like CourtScribes leading the way, will determine the efficiency, accessibility, and effectiveness of legal services in the future. CourtScribes’ remote deposition services play a crucial role in streamlining the discovery process in legal cases. The discovery phase, where evidence is exchanged between parties, can be lengthy and complex. Remote depositions simplify this process by enabling faster and more efficient information gathering.

By allowing depositions to be conducted remotely, CourtScribes helps legal teams reduce the time spent on case preparation. This efficiency can lead to quicker resolutions, benefiting all parties involved in the legal process. Remote depositions also enhance client satisfaction and participation. Clients can actively engage in the deposition process without the inconvenience of travel or disruption to their daily routines. Clients who are more engaged and informed about their cases tend to have higher satisfaction levels. CourtScribes’ remote deposition services make it easier for clients to be involved in their cases, fostering a deeper understanding and a sense of empowerment.

The shift towards remote depositions offered by CourtScribes also presents significant environmental and cost benefits. By reducing the need for travel, both the carbon footprint and the expenses associated with depositions are significantly lowered. The reduction in travel not only saves time and resources but also aligns with the growing need for sustainable practices in all industries, including the legal sector.

Adhering to High Standards of Accuracy and Confidentiality

CourtScribes maintains the highest standards of accuracy and confidentiality in its remote deposition services. Ensuring the precision of transcripts and the secure handling of sensitive information is paramount in upholding the integrity of the legal process. To protect client confidentiality, CourtScribes implements rigorous security measures in its remote deposition platforms. This commitment to security builds trust and reliability, which are essential components of any legal service.

While remote depositions offer numerous advantages, they also present unique challenges, such as ensuring reliable internet connectivity and managing the dynamics of remote communication. CourtScribes is dedicated to addressing these challenges to provide seamless and effective services. CourtScribes is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. By staying abreast of technological advancements and evolving legal needs, they ensure that their services remain at the forefront of the industry.

The transition to services like those provided by CourtScribes is part of a broader digital transformation in the legal field. This transformation is reshaping how legal services are delivered, making them more accessible, efficient, and adaptable. As CourtScribes continues to innovate in the realm of remote legal services, it paves the way for future advancements that could further revolutionize the legal industry. Their commitment to embracing and driving change positions them as a leader in the field.

Fostering a New Era of Legal Accessibility and Efficiency

The innovative approach to legal proceedings embraced by CourtScribes marks the beginning of a new era in the legal industry, one characterized by increased accessibility and efficiency. Their remote deposition services are not just a response to immediate needs but a forward-looking solution that addresses longstanding challenges in legal processes. CourtScribes’ services break down traditional barriers that have often made legal processes cumbersome and inaccessible to some. By leveraging technology, they are democratizing access to justice, ensuring that geographical distances and physical limitations no longer impede legal proceedings.

As CourtScribes continues to refine and enhance its offerings, it sets new benchmarks for what is possible in the realm of legal services. Their commitment to quality, security, and client satisfaction raises the standard for court reporting and deposition services nationwide. The success of CourtScribes’ remote deposition services serves as an inspiration for innovation across the legal industry. It encourages other legal service providers to explore and adopt new technologies that can improve the delivery of legal services. While technology plays a central role in CourtScribes’ services, the company maintains a strong emphasis on the human element. Understanding that technology is a tool to facilitate, not replace, the nuances of human communication and legal expertise, they strike a balance between technological innovation and human insight.

In an industry where personal interaction and trust are vital, CourtScribes ensures that technology enhances these elements rather than detracts from them. Their approach combines the efficiency of digital solutions with the personal touch that is essential in legal proceedings. The dynamic nature of the legal landscape, with its shifting trends and emerging challenges, requires a proactive and forward-thinking approach. CourtScribes’ commitment to innovation and adaptability positions them as a leader in navigating these changes.

CourtScribes: Pioneering the Future of Court Reporting

Posted on: October 30th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

court reporting, CourtScribesIn an increasingly digitized world, court reporting services have had to evolve to meet the changing needs of the legal industry. This evolution has given rise to companies like CourtScribes, a nationwide leader that seamlessly integrates traditional court reporting with cutting-edge technology to provide unparalleled services. Court reporting, at its core, is the art of accurately capturing spoken words and converting them into written transcripts. It’s a crucial part of the legal system, ensuring that an accurate record is kept of proceedings. However, the introduction of modern technology has expanded the possibilities within this field, and CourtScribes is at the forefront of this revolution.

Remote Services Redefining Accessibility

One of the standout features CourtScribes offers is its remote services, including remote depositions and court appearances. This means that even if an attorney or witness cannot physically be present in a courtroom or deposition room, they can still participate and provide their testimony or services. Given the recent global shifts towards remote work and the need for social distancing, this service is not just innovative; it’s essential. Remote services break down geographical barriers. An attorney in New York, for instance, can now easily take a deposition from a witness in California without either party having to travel. This not only saves time and money but also ensures that proceedings can continue without delay, regardless of external circumstances.

Professional Legal Videography: The Visual Advantage

CourtScribes recognizes that sometimes, a written transcript isn’t enough. Enter Professional Legal Videography. This service captures both the audio and visual nuances of a proceeding, ensuring that nothing is lost in translation. Facial expressions, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues can be just as telling as the words spoken. Videography ensures that these elements are captured and can be reviewed as needed. Moreover, with the added feature of Video-To-Text Synchronization, users can simultaneously view the video proceedings and the corresponding transcript. This is particularly useful during review sessions, allowing attorneys to quickly reference specific moments without having to sift through hours of footage.

Unparalleled Accessibility and Streaming Capabilities

Another commendable feature is the FREE 24/7 access to transcripts, exhibits, and videos. Legal professionals often work around the clock, and the ability to access necessary materials anytime and anywhere can be a game-changer. Additionally, CourtScribes offers live streaming at a marginal cost. This ensures that those who need to be in the loop – be it clients, co-counsels, or other stakeholders – can be updated in real time, no matter where they are.

The Importance of Adapting to Modern Demands

The legal field, historically rooted in tradition, sometimes finds it challenging to adapt to modern demands. However, as the landscape of the industry changes, so must the services that support it. CourtScribes is a shining example of how traditional practices can be enhanced and improved with the aid of technology.

By offering services like remote depositions, professional videography, and live-streaming, CourtScribes ensures that the legal system can continue to function efficiently, even in the face of challenges. Their dedication to innovation is a testament to their commitment to their clients and the broader legal community.

It’s not just about keeping up with the times; it’s about anticipating the needs of the future. And with CourtScribes leading the way, the future of court reporting looks brighter than ever.

A Deep Dive into the Benefits of Video-to-Text Synchronization

In a world where information overload is a common challenge, having the ability to streamline and efficiently access relevant data is of utmost importance. This is where CourtScribes’ Video-To-Text Synchronization shines. The pairing of video footage with its corresponding written transcript makes for a powerful tool in the legal arsenal.

For example, during a particularly contentious cross-examination, an attorney can easily reference a specific point in the deposition or testimony by simply clicking on the relevant section of the transcript. This pulls up the exact moment in the video, allowing for immediate visual and auditory recall. Such efficiency can be pivotal during trials when quick references can influence the direction of arguments or even the final outcome.

Accessibility: More Than Just a Buzzword

One of CourtScribes’ standout features is its commitment to accessibility. By offering clients 24/7 access to transcripts, exhibits, and videos, they are ensuring that legal professionals can operate at their best at any given moment. Consider the late-night preparations for a trial or the last-minute need to reference an exhibit before a deposition; with CourtScribes, everything you need is at your fingertips, no matter the time of day.

Furthermore, the added option of live-streaming ensures that no stakeholder is left out of the loop. Whether it’s a client who wants to be updated in real-time or a team of lawyers across different states collaborating on a case, live-streaming facilitates seamless communication and ensures transparency.

The Broader Implications for the Legal Industry

While CourtScribes’ services are undeniably impressive, it’s essential to view them within the broader context of the evolving legal landscape. The legal sector has, at times, been slow to adopt technological advancements. However, as companies like CourtScribes demonstrate the undeniable benefits of integrating tech into traditional processes, the industry is bound to take note.

The efficiencies offered by such advancements not only streamline processes but can also lead to cost savings. Reduced need for physical travel, faster access to essential documents, and the ability to collaborate in real-time are just a few ways in which these services can translate to tangible benefits for both legal professionals and their clients.

Furthermore, as the world continues to grapple with challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to conduct depositions, court appearances, and even trials remotely becomes not just a convenience but a necessity. In this light, CourtScribes isn’t just offering a service; it’s providing a solution to contemporary challenges.

As the legal world continues to evolve, so too will the needs of its professionals. CourtScribes, with its forward-thinking approach and commitment to innovation, is setting the benchmark for what modern court reporting can and should look like. By embracing technology and recognizing the changing dynamics of the legal landscape, CourtScribes is not only serving its clients but also pushing the entire industry toward a more efficient, accessible, and future-ready direction.

The Interplay of Tradition and Technology

In a realm like court reporting, one might assume that innovation has its limits. Yet, as CourtScribes proves, the fusion of tradition with modern technology yields results that far exceed expectations. The age-old practice of court reporting, characterized by meticulous note-taking and a keen ear, now pairs seamlessly with technological advancements, presenting a sophisticated blend of reliability and innovation.

Reinventing Remote Services

A decade ago, the idea of remotely attending a deposition might have sounded fanciful. However, in today’s interconnected world, where telecommuting and digital communication dominate many sectors, CourtScribes has capitalized on this trend, making remote court services not just feasible but also efficient.

Remote services, as championed by CourtScribes, offer more than just convenience. They break down barriers that could potentially delay justice. Consider, for instance, a key witness located overseas or someone with mobility issues. Remote depositions mean their testimony can be heard without the challenges and expenses of travel.

The Vital Role of Professional Legal Videography

While transcripts provide a detailed account of proceedings, they might miss out on the emotional undertones, the hesitations, the assertive gestures, or the skeptical glances. This is where Professional Legal Videography steps in, ensuring that every facet of a deposition or court appearance, from the words spoken to the subtle nuances of body language, is documented.

For attorneys, this means a more comprehensive view of events, which can be instrumental in shaping their strategies. Whether it’s noting a witness’s uncertainty or capturing a contradictory gesture, the advantages of having video evidence are manifold.

Democratizing Access with Live Streaming

The concept of live-streaming court proceedings isn’t just about keeping stakeholders informed; it’s a significant step towards democratizing the legal process. By allowing real-time access to court proceedings, CourtScribes ensures transparency and accessibility, two pillars essential for trust in the judicial system.

Live-streaming also has broader implications for educational and training purposes. Law students, budding attorneys, or even seasoned professionals can tune into live proceedings, gaining insights, observing courtroom dynamics, and enhancing their learning experience.

Cost-efficiency Meets Excellence

One of the more tangible benefits of CourtScribes’ offerings is the potential for cost savings. The combination of remote services, 24/7 access to materials, and live-streaming can result in significant reductions in expenses related to travel, accommodation, and physical documentation. For law firms, especially smaller ones operating on tighter budgets, these savings can be a boon, allowing them to allocate resources to other critical areas.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Court Reporting

With the rapid pace of technological evolution, the potential for further advancements in court reporting is boundless. As AI and machine learning continue to make strides, there could be future integrations that allow for real-time translations, predictive analytics for case outcomes, or even virtual reality-based courtrooms. Companies like CourtScribes are leading the charge, proving that innovation in the legal realm is not just about new laws or novel interpretations of existing ones but also about harnessing technology to make the judicial process more efficient, transparent, and accessible.

With our cutting-edge technology, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality court reporting services that exceed their expectations. Call CourtScribes today and experience excellence; court reporting at its best!

The Keys to Having a Successful Remote Deposition

Posted on: August 16th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Depositions are a key factor in a court case. In fact, they may be one of the most important factors in the decision-making process of a trial. In order for attorneys and other law participants to obtain valid information regarding the case, they must go through the process of deposition.

The actual definition of deposition is the act of going to a witness or someone with regards to the case at hand and receiving their personal information and the facts they have pertaining to the case. It is important to be prepared for these types of interactions. We are in times now where depositions are not necessarily done in person. They are more and more commonly being done remotely.

Here are some tips to get you on the right track to having a successful remote deposition.


Remote Depositions Rely on Working Equipment

This isn’t a standard deposition where you meet in person with an attorney and give all your information then and there. You are working over an online connection and speaking through a video streaming application. All of these interactions are going to be relying on your equipment, that is allowing you to stream, to continue working properly. Ensuring that nothing will go wrong with your computer and the internet is stable is essential.


Be Comfortable and Follow Standard Protocol for a Deposition

You’ve done it. Other than ensuring that your internet and equipment are functioning properly, you only have to answer all the questions the attorney provides you. Remember, you can be comfortable in your own space, but be respectful and follow all other standards for a deposition you would normally attend.


If you need court reporting services that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

The Uncertainty of Remote Depositions Post COVID-19

Posted on: July 19th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

As we have discussed many times here at CourtScribes, remote depositions became more prevalent in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. But we now have an interesting conundrum. Court reporters have refused to use video to record depositions because they were not certified to do so. This led to some attorneys taking the job upon themselves even though very few attorneys have had a chance to “test” the use of self-recorded video depositions at trial.

Now that civil cases are now getting back on the dockets, so are the questions of the admissibility of uncertified videos from remote depositions that took place during the pandemic.

In one Illinois case, a federal judge found that the use of such uncertified video recording bypasses the process outlined in the rules of civil procedure and jeopardizes the integrity of the proceedings. The judge was unconvinced by arguments that the certified transcript was available for comparison to affirm the accuracy of the video.

The judge seemed further concerned about the “vantage point” in remote depositions. He noted that in a gallery view situation, the jury could be influenced by the attorneys’ home spaces and children or pets that will occasionally (inevitably) appear on the camera.

He concluded that neither option mimics a typical video deposition that gives the jury proper focus at trial and that absent changes in the civil rules, uncertified recordings from video depositions are not admissible in his courtroom. It is difficult to tell how other courts will rule on the admissibility of such self-recorded online depositions.

As courts reopen, attempts to use uncertified video deposition recordings at trial will become more common. Until court rules and decisions provide more guidance, it is important to enter proper stipulations to ensure that an uncertified video recording of an online deposition can (or cannot) be used at trial.

If you need court reporting services, please contact, which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

How to Have Successful Remote Deposition?

Posted on: September 7th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


Depositions are a key factor in a court case. In order for attorneys and other law participants to obtain valid information regarding the case, they must go through the process of a deposition. This is the act of going to a witness or someone with regards to the case at hand and receiving their personal information and the facts they have pertaining to the case. It is important to be prepared for these types of interactions. Here are some tips to get you on the right track to having a successful remote deposition.

Court Scribes is proud to provide all remote technology for court practices including remote depositions, remote court appearances for judges and attorneys and a 24/7 database to all information pertaining to the court cases that we have covered.


Remote Depositions Rely on Working Equipment


This isn’t a standard deposition where you meet in person with an attorney and give all your information then and there. You are working over an online connection and speaking through a video streaming application. All of these interactions are going to be relying on your equipment, that is allowing you to stream, to continue working properly. Ensuring that nothing will go wrong with your computer and the internet is stable is essential.


Be Comfortable and Follow Standard Protocol for a Deposition


You’ve done it. Other than ensuring that your internet and equipment are functioning properly, you only have to answer all the questions the attorney provides you. Remember, you can be comfortable in your own space, but be respectful and follow all other standards for a deposition you would normally attend.

Court Scribes is your one stop for all things remote and court reporting related. We allow access to a 24/7 database for all of you court case information. Also, remote depositions and remote court appearances are available to our clients! Contact Court Scribes today for help with your remote deposition!

Who are you Using for your Remote Court Appearances and your Remote Depositions?

Posted on: August 31st, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


The public health crisis known as the COVID-19 pandemic has made the court system take measures that have never been required before. Social distancing measures have been put into play and have made a lot of things that normally require in-person matters impossible. Remote systems have now been put into play that allow us to maintain this social distancing while also keeping up with the day-to-day court needs. However, for someone to conduct these remote court solutions, they need a company that supplies them with such. CourtScribes is proud to provide all matters of court reporting, along with videography and any remote court needs you require.


What are Remote Court Appearances?


Remote court appearances are required by many states to conduct court procedures. What this means, is that you will be speaking to your judge and attorney on an online platform such as Zoom. This will allow all the proceedings to take place for the court date. In order for this to work, the client, attorney and judge all require a system to deliver their online streaming service. CourtScribes provides remote court appearances to judges, attorneys and all other court participants. You need a system that is reliable and our team possess state-of-the-art videography technology.


What are Remote Depositions?


If you want your court proceeding to go successfully, you’re likely going to need depositions from any and all witnesses or peoples related to the case. A deposition is any information gathered from another person prior to the court date that will aid your in your case. However, with the coronavirus in play, these depositions are much more difficult to retrieve. Remote depositions are the exact same situation, but on an online streaming service just like the remote court appearances.

If you need a provider of remote court services, then contact Court Scribes today!



Top 5 Tips for a Successful Remote Deposition

Posted on: June 29th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


Due to the COVID – 19 outbreaks, we are in a state of emergency that calls for as much social distancing as possible. Through the practice of social distancing, it was agreed upon that conducting trials while making use of remote court appearances and remote depositions is the best form. However, many people are not used to these video conferences and may be scouring the internet for tips on how to handle these remote situations. Well you’re in luck, here are the top 5 tips for having a successful remote deposition.

5. Make Sure Equipment is in Order


A stable internet connection is essential to having a successful remote deposition. Make sure all of your computer systems are stable so you won’t have any issues with disconnections. All of your audio devices must be working and make sure that your microphone is transferring audio correctly.

4. Know Your Web Conference Applications


Do a practice run of the software that you will be using during the Remote Deposition prior to having the real one. This will make it so you’re comfortable with using it and can access all the system commands without issue.

3. Try Not to Interrupt Audio from Another Source


Remote Depositions are recorded for future use and it is important that all of the audio is transmitted correctly. Don’t try to speak over others to ensure that everything is recorded.

2. Use a Space you Are Comfortable Being Within


You don’t want any unexpected visitors popping in to interrupt your remote deposition. Make sure that the area you choose to conduct is free from any chance of disruption. Also, take advantage of the fact you may allocate yourself to a space where you feel most comfortable.

1. Follow all Normal Conducts and Courses for a Standard Deposition


Although you are now comfortable in your home, with your familiar equipment, its important that you remain in a professional state of mind. Keep all your standard protocol procedures for conducting a normal deposition. Court Scribes is proud to provide everything required for a remote deposition so contact us today!

COVID-19 UPDATE: We Are Doing Remote Depositions!

Posted on: March 31st, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


CourtScribes has you covered when working remotely.

CourtScribes Remote Deposition Options are highly effective and let you practice law from the comfort and safety of your home or office. We know you probably have a lot of questions on how this works, how fast we can get you set up, and how effective it all works for practicing law. Our staff at CourtScribes will be happy to answer all your legal remote deposition questions. Get you all set up to work from your office or home and provide you any support you may need during the process. At CourtScribes, we stay on the cutting edge of court reporting and as such we are always ready to help our legal clients overcome and obstacle including the Covid-19 pandemic.


The NCRA Describes Court Reporters As Follows:

“Court reporters, also known as guardians of the record because of their impartiality and role within the judicial process, capture the words spoken by everyone during a court or deposition proceeding. Court reporters then prepare verbatim transcripts of proceedings. The official record or transcript helps safeguard the legal process. When litigants want to exercise their right to appeal, they will use the transcript to provide an accurate record of what transpired during their case. During the discovery phase, attorneys also use deposition transcripts to prepare for trial. By combining their skills with the latest technology, some court reporters can provide realtime access to what is being said during a trial or deposition for the benefit of all involved parties. A court reporter providing realtime, which is the only proven method for immediate voice-to-text translation, allows attorneys and judges to have immediate access to the transcript, while also providing a way for deaf and hard-of-hearing Americans to participate in the judicial process.”

If you are ready to keep working and not be stopped by the Corona Virus. Then contact CourtScribes today and we will get you all set up! CourtScribes operates out of multiple states and locations so no matter where you are in the country we can probably help you stay working. At CourtScribes we have one goal and one goal only and that’s to make your court reporting experience as easy and rewarding as possible. We use technology to make your life easier and your legal cases stronger. Call us today our legal staff is standing by and waiting to help!

CourtScribes Phone: 1-833-Scribes