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White Paper

How Cloud Based Court Reporting And Videography Will Change And Democratize The Trial and Deposition Business

by Barry Unger


CourtScribes court reporting agency is changing the court reporting industry by using Internet age technology to create the official record of court proceedings, using remote transcriptionists and charging attorneys up to 50% less than what they now pay, and as argued below as a disruptive technology will not only improve the quality of services, but also ultimately extend and even democratize the use of services that are today often restricted only to high profile or high dollar value cases. The attorneys not only benefit from a less expensive transcript but the video and/or audio recording provides them with a more accurate and verifiable record.

CourtScribes may provide a live feed to attorneys in the office, allowing the office team to monitor the proceedings and more effectively assist the attorneys in the courtroom.

Following is a description of how the service works and customers’ experience to date with this new technology enabled service, and then some comments on what I believe this will mean for lawyers and for the larger public.

The attorneys not only benefit from a less expensive transcript but the video and/or audio recording provides them with a more accurate and verifiable record.

When both transcripts were compared and verified against the actual recording of the proceeding, CourtScribes had significantly fewer errors on each page.

Case Studies on Transcript Quality and Enhanced Features. On a recent job, CourtScribes was hired by one side’s attorney while a competing court reporter trained as a stenographer was hired by the other side. When both transcripts were compared and verified against the actual recording of the proceeding, CourtScribes had significantly fewer errors on each page.

The human ear can only hear so much in a chaotic environment when many speakers in a courtroom talk over each other at the same time. When microphones are placed in front of each speaker, every word spoken can be isolated and heard with complete clarity. While the word per minute capacity of a stenographer is impressive, sometimes it is not enough.