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Posts Tagged ‘court reporters’

CourtScribes: Bridging Language Barriers in Legal Proceedings

Posted on: February 5th, 2024 by Sfl Media No Comments

court interpreters, CourtScribes

In today’s globalized world, the justice system frequently encounters cases involving individuals who speak different languages. This diversity, while enriching, presents unique challenges in legal settings, where clear communication and understanding are paramount. CourtScribes, a leading nationwide court reporting service, recognizes the critical role interpreters play in facilitating justice. Through their comprehensive court reporting services, CourtScribes not only enhances the efficiency and accessibility of legal proceedings but also ensures that every participant’s voice is heard, regardless of language barriers.

The Indispensable Role of Interpreters in Court Reporting

Interpreters are vital in legal proceedings to ensure that non-English speaking participants can fully understand and engage in the process. Their presence is not just about translation; it’s about ensuring fairness, accuracy, and the protection of legal rights. CourtScribes offers professional interpreting services as part of their court reporting solutions, acknowledging the importance of linguistic proficiency and cultural sensitivity in legal contexts.

Ensuring Accurate and Fair Proceedings

The presence of interpreters in court reporting guarantees that all parties involved in a legal case—regardless of their language proficiency—receive accurate information and a fair chance to present their case. Interpreters help bridge the communication gap, translating not just the words but the intent and nuance behind them, which is crucial in legal settings where every detail matters. With CourtScribes, legal professionals can trust that the interpretation provided is of the highest standard, ensuring that the proceedings are both just and equitable.

Enhancing Accessibility and Participation

By incorporating interpreters, CourtScribes enhances the accessibility of legal services to a broader audience. This inclusivity is essential in a justice system that serves an increasingly diverse population. Non-English speakers gain the ability to participate fully in their legal matters, from remote depositions to court appearances, without the fear of misunderstanding or being misunderstood. This level of participation is critical for the integrity of the legal process and the protection of individual rights.

Supporting Legal Professionals

Legal professionals benefit immensely from the integration of interpreters in court reporting services. With CourtScribes, attorneys and other legal practitioners can communicate effectively with their clients, witnesses, and other parties, regardless of language barriers. This support enables them to build stronger cases, understand the nuances of testimonies, and ensure that their clients’ voices are accurately represented in legal documents and proceedings.

Streamlining Legal Workflows

CourtScribes’ commitment to providing comprehensive court reporting services, including interpreters, streamlines the legal workflow. The combination of skilled interpreters with advanced technologies like live-streaming, video-to-text synchronization, and professional legal videography creates a seamless experience. Legal professionals can access accurate transcripts and recordings, confident in the knowledge that the interpreted content is precise and reliable.

Cultural Sensitivity and Legal Accuracy

Interpreters play a crucial role in navigating cultural nuances, which can significantly impact legal proceedings. CourtScribes ensures that their interpreters possess not only linguistic expertise but also a deep understanding of cultural contexts. This sensitivity is crucial in legal settings, where cultural misunderstandings can lead to significant misinterpretations. With CourtScribes, legal professionals can rely on interpreters who are adept at conveying the intended meaning of testimonies, ensuring legal accuracy and fairness.

Empowering All Participants in the Legal Process

The inclusion of professional interpreters in court reporting services empowers all participants in the legal process. Non-English speakers are assured that their legal matters are handled with the utmost care and that they have an equal opportunity to present their case. Meanwhile, legal professionals are equipped with the tools they need to serve their clients effectively, regardless of language differences. This empowerment is at the heart of CourtScribes’ mission to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of legal proceedings nationwide.

In today’s increasingly diverse legal landscape, the demand for clear and accurate communication has never been more critical. CourtScribes, a leading nationwide court reporting service, recognizes this imperative need and offers a comprehensive solution through its interpreter services. This vital component of court reporting ensures that all participants, regardless of their native language, have equal access to justice. The benefits of having interpreters for court reporting are manifold, enhancing the efficacy, inclusivity, and fairness of the legal process.

Enhanced Accuracy and Understanding

One of the most significant benefits of incorporating interpreters into court reporting is the increased accuracy of the recorded information. Legal proceedings involve complex terminology and nuanced discussions, where every word matters. Interpreters ensure that non-English speakers understand these proceedings in their native language, reducing the risk of misinterpretation. Similarly, the responses and testimonies of these participants are accurately translated for the court, ensuring that the official record is a true reflection of the proceedings.

Fostering Inclusivity and Fair Representation

The presence of interpreters in court reporting services like those offered by CourtScribes ensures that all individuals, regardless of their language proficiency, can actively participate in the legal process. This inclusivity is fundamental to a fair justice system, where access should not be limited by linguistic barriers. By providing professional interpreters, CourtScribes guarantees that non-English speakers are accurately heard and fully understood, promoting an equitable legal environment for everyone involved.

Compliance with Legal Standards

The use of interpreters in court reporting also helps legal professionals and institutions comply with federal and state laws requiring the provision of language services to ensure that non-English speakers have meaningful access to legal proceedings. This compliance is not only a matter of legal obligation but also a demonstration of the commitment to justice and fairness. CourtScribes’ interpreter services facilitate this compliance, offering peace of mind to legal professionals and their clients alike.

Efficiency in Legal Proceedings

The integration of interpreters into the court reporting process contributes significantly to the efficiency of legal proceedings. Miscommunications and misunderstandings can lead to delays, repeated questions, or even the need for retrials. Professional interpreters help minimize these issues, facilitating a smoother, more streamlined process. CourtScribes’ interpreters are trained in legal terminology and understand the nuances of court proceedings, ensuring that translations are both accurate and timely.

Cultural Sensitivity and Comfort

Legal settings can be intimidating for those who are not fluent in English, potentially exacerbating the stress and anxiety associated with legal disputes. The use of interpreters can alleviate some of this stress by providing a sense of familiarity and comfort. Furthermore, culturally competent interpreters can navigate cultural nuances, ensuring that all parties’ statements are fully understood and appropriately contextualized. This sensitivity is crucial for maintaining the dignity and respect of all involved, contributing to a more humane and considerate legal process.

Versatility Across Legal Settings

CourtScribes’ interpreter services are not limited to in-person court appearances but extend to remote depositions, court appearances, and other legal proceedings. This versatility is particularly beneficial in today’s globalized world, where parties involved in a legal matter may not always be physically present in the courtroom. The ability to offer accurate interpretation services remotely further broadens access to justice, ensuring that geographical or logistical barriers do not impede an individual’s legal rights.

Building Trust and Confidence in Legal Outcomes

The inclusion of professional interpreters in court reporting significantly contributes to building trust and confidence in legal outcomes. When all parties understand the proceedings in their native language, it reinforces their belief in the fairness and transparency of the process. This trust is crucial, not only for the individuals directly involved in a case but also for public perception of the justice system. CourtScribes recognizes this, ensuring that their interpreter services are an integral part of fostering a positive and just legal experience for all.

Reducing the Risk of Appeals

Accurate and effective communication facilitated by interpreters can notably reduce the likelihood of appeals based on misunderstandings or misinterpretations. When the original trial is conducted with clear, precise translations, the official record reflects an accurate account of testimonies and proceedings. This meticulousness provided by services like those of CourtScribes helps solidify the case’s integrity, potentially minimizing costly and time-consuming appeals.

Expertise in a Wide Range of Languages and Dialects

CourtScribes distinguishes itself by offering interpreters proficient in a vast array of languages and dialects, catering to the diverse linguistic needs of the United States’ melting pot population. This extensive language support ensures that legal professionals can readily access high-quality interpretation services for any client, regardless of their linguistic background. The ability to accommodate such a wide range of languages is not only a testament to CourtScribes’ commitment to inclusivity but also enhances the legal system’s capacity to serve an increasingly diverse populace.

Confidentiality and Professionalism

Interpreters provided by CourtScribes adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality and professionalism, recognizing the sensitive nature of legal proceedings. Their interpreters are trained to handle information discreetly, maintaining the privacy and security of all parties involved. This professional integrity is crucial in legal settings, where the protection of personal and sensitive information is paramount.

Supporting the Evolving Needs of the Legal Field

As the legal field continues to evolve, especially with the increasing prevalence of remote depositions and court appearances, the demand for versatile and reliable interpreter services grows. CourtScribes stays at the forefront of this evolution, offering remote interpreting options that leverage cutting-edge technology to ensure seamless communication. This adaptability not only meets the current needs of the legal community but also anticipates future trends, ensuring that CourtScribes remains a vital partner in legal proceedings, irrespective of format or location.

CourtScribes is dedicated to continuous improvement, regularly updating their technology and training programs to enhance the quality of their interpreter services. By soliciting feedback from legal professionals and clients, the company identifies areas for growth and innovation, ensuring that their services remain exemplary in the industry. This commitment to excellence solidifies CourtScribes’ position as a leader in court reporting and interpretation services, trusted by legal professionals nationwide.

The Evolution of Court Reporting: A Deep Dive into CourtScribes

Posted on: October 2nd, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

In the ever-evolving landscape of the legal industry, one of the constants has been the need for accurate record-keeping. From the days of quill and parchment to the digital era, the chronicle of courtroom proceedings remains an essential pillar of the justice system. For centuries, this responsibility has fallen on the shoulders of court reporters, those silent and diligent individuals who capture every word uttered in a courtroom. Today, as technology redefines many professions, court reporting is transforming. Leading this revolution is CourtScribes, a company that’s reimagining the art and science of court reporting.

Traditional Court Reporting and its Challenges

Before delving into the innovative approach of CourtScribes, it’s essential to understand the traditional model of court reporting. Typically, court reporters, or stenographers, utilize a stenotype machine to transcribe spoken words in real time. This machine, resembling a small typewriter, has a unique key layout allowing reporters to press multiple keys simultaneously, capturing phonetic sounds rather than individual letters. Once the proceedings are over, the reporter translates this phonetic code into readable English, producing the official transcript. While this method has proven effective over the years, it’s not without its challenges. One primary concern is human error. Even the most skilled stenographers can misspeak or misinterpret words, leading to inaccuracies in the final transcript. Moreover, the process can be time-consuming, especially in lengthy or complex trials. Additionally, with an increasing number of legal proceedings and a declining number of new entrants into the stenography profession, many jurisdictions are facing a shortage of qualified court reporters. This imbalance has raised concerns about the sustainability of the traditional model and prompted the search for alternative methods.

Enter CourtScribes

CourtScribes is at the forefront of redefining court reporting by integrating the latest technological advancements with traditional practices. The company harnesses the power of digital recording systems, combined with a network of highly trained court reporters, to produce precise and timely transcripts. One of the core features of CourtScribes’ approach is the use of multiple high-definition audio and video recording systems to capture every angle and voice in a courtroom. These recordings are then synchronized with notes taken by the court reporter, ensuring a comprehensive record of the proceedings. Such a method offers numerous advantages over traditional stenography. Firstly, the risk of human error is significantly reduced. While a stenographer might misinterpret a word or phrase, the audio and video recordings provide an indisputable reference. When the transcript is unclear or contested, one can simply refer to the original recordings for clarification. Moreover, the use of technology accelerates the transcription process. With the aid of advanced software, spoken words can be converted into text in real time, making it feasible to produce transcripts faster than ever before. For attorneys, judges, and other stakeholders, this means quicker access to crucial information.

A Holistic Approach to Court Reporting

Beyond technological innovations, what sets CourtScribes apart is its holistic approach to court reporting. Recognizing that technology alone cannot replace the nuanced skills of a seasoned court reporter, the company ensures that its reporters are not just technologically adept, but also well-versed in legal terminology, courtroom etiquette, and the intricacies of the legal process. This dual emphasis on technology and human expertise ensures that CourtScribes’ transcripts maintain the highest standards of accuracy and professionalism. The reporters act as a bridge between the traditional and the modern, ensuring that the essence of court reporting remains intact while benefiting from technological enhancements.

Addressing the Shortage of Court Reporters

One of the pressing concerns in the legal community has been the looming shortage of court reporters. As the older generation of stenographers approaches retirement, there needs to be a noticeable gap in the influx of new talent. This disparity is not due to a lack of interest in the profession but often because of the perceived limitations of traditional stenography. By introducing a model that blends technology with human expertise, CourtScribes is not only offering a solution to the court reporter shortage but is also making the profession more appealing to the younger generation. With a reduced emphasis on mastering the stenotype machine and a greater focus on understanding the legal proceedings and managing technology, the role becomes more accessible to those who might have been daunted by the steep learning curve of stenography.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Court Reporting

As the legal world continues to grapple with the challenges posed by an ever-increasing caseload, the importance of accurate and efficient court reporting cannot be overstated. CourtScribes, with its innovative approach, is showing the way forward. By reimagining the role of the court reporter and harnessing the potential of modern technology, the company is ensuring that the foundational pillar of the justice system – the accurate record of proceedings – remains strong and resilient. Whether it’s a high-stakes corporate lawsuit, a criminal trial, or a civil dispute, stakeholders can trust that the transcript they receive is both timely and precise. But beyond the immediate benefits, the approach adopted by CourtScribes is indicative of a broader trend in the legal industry – a trend that values adaptation and evolution. As technology continues to permeate every aspect of our lives, it’s only natural that the halls of justice, too, adapt to the changing times. CourtScribes is leading this charge, setting the stage for a future where technology and tradition coalesce to serve the cause of justice. While CourtScribes may be at the vanguard of this movement today, it’s evident that the industry at large is on the brink of a seismic shift. The fusion of human expertise with technological prowess is not just the future of court reporting but the legal industry itself.

The Digital Transformation and its Impact on the Justice System

The rise of CourtScribes and its innovative approach is emblematic of the broader digital transformation sweeping across industries. The legal sector, traditionally viewed as resistant to change, is no exception. But as the demand for expedited processes and increased accuracy grows, the imperative to adopt new technologies becomes undeniable. Historically, the legal profession’s gravitas and the solemnity of the courtroom have been seen as incompatible with technological disruptions. However, in an era where digital tools enhance almost every professional field, the intersection of law and technology is no longer an anomaly but an expectation.

Reimagining the Ecosystem of Legal Documentation

CourtScribes is not just revolutionizing court reporting but is also influencing the broader ecosystem of legal documentation. Transcripts, depositions, affidavits, and other legal records are integral to the justice process. The meticulous documentation and archiving of these records ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability. By integrating digital recording systems into the creation of these documents, there’s an added layer of verification. For instance, video recordings of depositions can capture nuances like body language, tone, and facial expressions—details that are often lost in written transcripts but can be crucial in understanding the context and intent. Moreover, the digital storage of these records heralds an era where accessing historical data or cross-referencing documents becomes more straightforward. Digital archiving reduces the physical space required for storage, offers better protection against deterioration or damage, and simplifies the retrieval process.

Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusivity

Another significant advantage of the digital approach CourtScribes champions is the enhancement of accessibility. In a world that’s increasingly interconnected, there are often instances where attorneys, clients, or other stakeholders might be geographically dispersed. Digital transcripts, coupled with audio and video recordings, can be easily shared, facilitating remote collaboration and consultation. Furthermore, the integration of technology can cater to individuals with disabilities, ensuring the justice system remains inclusive. For example, real-time transcripts can aid those with hearing impairments, ensuring they are not disadvantaged during proceedings.

The Broader Implications for the Legal Profession

The impact of companies like CourtScribes extends beyond court reporting. Their work is a testament to the potential benefits when innovation meets tradition in the legal realm. Other areas, from legal research and analytics to case management and client consultations, are also ripe for technological enhancement. For instance, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already making inroads into legal research, helping attorneys sift through vast amounts of data to pinpoint relevant precedents or regulations. Virtual Reality (VR) might soon be used for recreating crime scenes or simulating scenarios in personal injury cases, providing juries with a more immersive understanding of the events in question.

Balancing Innovation with Ethical Considerations

However, with these advancements come challenges. Digital transformation raises pertinent questions about privacy, data protection, and ethical considerations. As court proceedings and legal documents become digitized, ensuring the security of this data is paramount. There’s a dual responsibility: to harness technology for efficiency while safeguarding the sensitive information that the justice system handles. Furthermore, while technology promises accuracy, it’s essential to remember that tools are only as effective as their human operators. Training and continual education will play a pivotal role, ensuring that legal professionals can adeptly navigate the digital landscape while upholding the principles of justice.

Navigate the Intersection of Tradition and Technology with CourtScribes!

The trajectory that CourtScribes has set underscores the transformative potential of technology in the realm of law. While the company stands out for its pioneering approach to court reporting, its influence is indicative of broader shifts in the legal industry. As courtrooms and law firms adapt to the digital age, the balance between preserving the sanctity of tradition and embracing the efficiencies of innovation will shape the future of the justice system. In this journey, CourtScribes serves as both an inspiration and a beacon, guiding the way toward a more streamlined, transparent, and equitable legal landscape.

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Court Reporting Agency for Your Legal Firm

Posted on: June 12th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

In the fast-paced world of law, accuracy, and efficiency are of utmost importance. Court reporting agencies play a critical role in ensuring that legal proceedings are accurately documented and transcribed. Choosing the right court reporting agency for your legal firm is a decision that should not be taken lightly. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key factors to consider when selecting a court reporting agency and provide you with valuable insights to make an informed decision. When evaluating court reporting agencies, one of the first factors to consider is their expertise and experience. Look for agencies that have a proven track record in the industry, preferably with a solid reputation for delivering accurate and reliable services. Experienced court reporters possess a deep understanding of legal terminology, courtroom protocols, and the nuances of different legal specialties. They can adapt quickly to complex legal proceedings, ensuring that nothing is missed during transcription. Furthermore, consider the court reporting agency’s experience in handling cases similar to yours. If your legal firm specializes in a particular area of law, such as corporate litigation or medical malpractice, partnering with an agency that has experience in those specific fields can be advantageous. Their familiarity with the terminology and intricacies of the subject matter will facilitate more accurate and efficient reporting.

Range of Services 

Consider the range of services offered by a court reporting agency. While traditional court reporting services may be sufficient for some cases, others may require additional services such as real-time reporting, video depositions, or remote deposition solutions. Assess your firm’s specific needs and ensure that the agency you choose can cater to them. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial in today’s legal landscape, so select an agency that can provide a comprehensive suite of services to meet your evolving requirements. Real-time reporting, for example, allows attorneys to view the transcription of the proceedings as they happen. This can be beneficial during depositions or courtroom hearings when immediate access to the transcript is necessary. Video depositions provide a visual component to the proceedings, capturing non-verbal cues and expressions that may not be conveyed through text alone. Remote deposition solutions offer the convenience of conducting depositions remotely, eliminating the need for travel and allowing for more efficient scheduling.

Technology and Innovation

In an era of rapid technological advancements, court reporting agencies must embrace technology and innovative solutions. Look for agencies that leverage cutting-edge tools and software to enhance their reporting capabilities. Real-time reporting, synchronized transcripts, and secure online repositories are just a few examples of technology-driven features that can significantly streamline your firm’s workflow. Furthermore, consider agencies that offer video depositions and remote deposition solutions, allowing you to save time and resources by eliminating the need for travel. State-of-the-art court reporting software can provide searchable and indexed transcripts, allowing attorneys to quickly locate and review specific sections of the proceedings. Cloud-based platforms offer secure access to transcripts, exhibits, and other case-related documents from any location, enhancing collaboration and efficiency. Additionally, inquire about the agency’s ability to handle digital exhibits and multimedia presentations. With the increasing reliance on electronic evidence, having a court reporting agency that can seamlessly integrate multimedia elements into the transcript can be invaluable.

Quality Control Measures

Ensure that the court reporting agency you choose has robust quality control measures in place. Accuracy and attention to detail are paramount in legal proceedings. Look for agencies that have a rigorous process for vetting and training their court reporters. Ask about their proofreading and editing practices to ensure that the final transcripts are error-free and of the highest quality. Additionally, inquire about their confidentiality policies and data security protocols to protect sensitive information. A reputable court reporting agency should have a comprehensive quality assurance program that includes multiple rounds of review, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the transcripts. Ask about their certification and accreditation processes, as these can be indicators of their commitment to maintaining high standards.

Client Support and Communication

Effective communication and reliable client support are crucial when selecting a court reporting agency. Consider how responsive and accessible the agency is, both during and after proceedings. A reliable agency should have a dedicated support team to address any concerns or questions you may have. Clear lines of communication will ensure a smooth collaboration and foster a long-term partnership. Inquire about the agency’s availability to accommodate urgent requests or last-minute changes to the schedule. Responsive and proactive communication is essential in the legal field, where time is often of the essence. Choosing the right court reporting agency is an important decision that can significantly impact the outcomes of your legal proceedings. By considering factors such as expertise, range of services, technology, quality control measures, and client support, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your firm’s specific needs. Remember, the right agency should not only provide accurate and reliable court reporting services but also act as a trusted partner in your legal journey. By selecting a reputable and experienced court reporting agency, you can ensure that your legal firm operates with efficiency, precision, and confidence.

Reputation and References

Consider the reputation of the court reporting agency within the legal community. Research online reviews, testimonials, and case studies to gain insights into the experiences of other law firms that have worked with the agency. A positive reputation and glowing references are strong indicators of the agency’s professionalism, reliability, and ability to meet client expectations. Don’t hesitate to ask the agency for references from previous clients. Reach out to these references and inquire about their overall satisfaction with the agency’s services, including factors such as accuracy, timeliness, and professionalism. Feedback from other legal professionals can provide valuable information that may not be readily available through online research alone.

Pricing Structure and Transparency 

Discuss the pricing structure with the court reporting agency to ensure that it aligns with your firm’s budget and requirements. Transparency is key when it comes to pricing. Look for agencies that provide detailed and itemized billing statements clearly outlining the services rendered and associated costs. Avoid any ambiguity in pricing to prevent unexpected surprises down the line. Consider whether the agency charges additional fees for services such as expedited delivery, condensed transcripts, or additional copies. Assess the value you receive for the price you pay and ensure that it fits within your firm’s financial parameters.

Geographic Coverage

If your legal firm operates across multiple jurisdictions or frequently handles cases in different locations, consider the geographic coverage of the court reporting agency. Ensure that they have a network of skilled court reporters available in the areas where you anticipate needing their services. Local expertise can be advantageous, as court reporters familiar with the local legal environment and protocols may provide a smoother and more seamless experience. Inquire about the agency’s ability to handle remote depositions or provide court reporters in locations where they may not have a physical presence. The ability to adapt to your firm’s geographic needs and provide consistent, high-quality services regardless of location is a valuable asset to consider. CourtScribes provides comprehensive court reporting services nationwide.

Flexibility and Adaptability

The legal landscape is constantly evolving, and your court reporting agency should be able to adapt to changing needs and emerging technologies. Inquire about their willingness and ability to accommodate unique requirements, such as specific file formats, integration with your case management software, or custom solutions tailored to your firm’s workflow. Flexibility also extends to scheduling. Ask the agency about their availability and their ability to handle urgent or last-minute requests. A reliable agency should be able to accommodate your firm’s timeline and work with you to ensure a seamless and efficient process.

Potential for Building a Long-Term Partnership

Choosing a court reporting agency is not just a one-time transaction but an opportunity to establish a long-term partnership. Consider the agency’s approach to building relationships with their clients. Do they prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations? Look for agencies that demonstrate a commitment to ongoing support and collaboration, even after the immediate reporting needs have been met. A strong partnership with a court reporting agency can bring added value to your firm beyond transcription services. They can become a trusted resource, providing insights, recommendations, and industry updates that may benefit your legal practice. Finding the right court reporting agency is a critical decision that can have a profound impact on your legal firm’s efficiency and success. By considering factors such as expertise, range of services, technology, quality control measures, client support, reputation, pricing structure, geographic coverage, flexibility, and long-term partnership potential, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your firm’s unique needs and goals.

Take the time to thoroughly research and evaluate different court reporting agencies, seeking references and engaging in detailed discussions. This process will enable you to select a reputable, experienced, and reliable agency that can deliver accurate and efficient court reporting services, ultimately enhancing your firm’s capabilities and client representation.

Professionalism and Confidentiality

Professionalism and confidentiality are paramount when it comes to court reporting. Choose an agency that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, ensuring that their court reporters are punctual, well-prepared, and conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism throughout the proceedings. Confidentiality is another crucial aspect to consider. Legal matters often involve sensitive and confidential information. Verify that the court reporting agency has stringent policies in place to protect client confidentiality and safeguard sensitive data. This includes secure transcription storage, encrypted communication channels, and adherence to privacy regulations.

Streamlined Workflow and Efficiency

Efficiency and a streamlined workflow are essential for any court reporting agency. Inquire about the agency’s process for scheduling, confirming, and managing court reporters for your cases. A well-organized agency will have systems in place to ensure prompt scheduling, minimize delays, and maximize efficiency. Additionally, consider how the agency handles transcript delivery and storage. Ask about their turnaround times for delivering final transcripts and whether they provide convenient access to transcripts through online platforms or digital repositories. Quick and easy access to transcripts can significantly enhance your firm’s productivity and collaboration with clients and colleagues.

Specialized Services and Expertise 

Depending on the nature of your legal firm’s practice areas, specialized services and expertise may be crucial in selecting a court reporting agency. If your cases involve highly technical or specialized subjects, such as intellectual property law or medical malpractice, seek agencies with court reporters experienced in those specific fields. This ensures that they are familiar with the terminology, procedures, and nuances associated with your practice area, resulting in more accurate and reliable transcripts.

The CourtScribes Advantage 

When it comes to selecting the right court reporting agency, CourtScribes stands out as a leading provider in the industry. With a strong reputation for excellence, CourtScribes offers a range of services that can meet the diverse needs of legal professionals. CourtScribes boasts a team of highly skilled court reporters with extensive experience in various legal specialties. Their expertise ensures accurate transcription and understanding of complex legal proceedings. Additionally, CourtScribes embraces cutting-edge technology, providing real-time reporting, video depositions, and remote deposition solutions. These advanced features enhance efficiency and convenience, saving time and resources for legal professionals. With a commitment to quality control, CourtScribes maintains rigorous standards to ensure accurate and error-free transcripts. Their professional court reporters undergo thorough vetting, training, and ongoing professional development to stay updated with the latest industry practices. CourtScribes understands the importance of client support and communication. Their dedicated support team is responsive, ensuring prompt assistance and addressing any concerns or questions throughout the process. With a commitment to confidentiality and data security, CourtScribes prioritizes safeguarding sensitive information, instilling trust and peace of mind for legal professionals.

For legal professionals seeking a reliable and reputable court reporting agency, CourtScribes offers a comprehensive suite of services, advanced technology solutions, and a commitment to excellence. Their expertise, dedication to client satisfaction, and innovative approach make CourtScribes an ideal choice for all of your court reporting needs.

Make the right decision for your legal firm. Call today and choose CourtScribes and experience the benefits of accurate, reliable, and efficient court reporting services!

How the Quality of Your Court Reporting Service Can Affect the Outcome of a Case

Posted on: June 5th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

An efficient judicial system requires accuracy, speed, and accountability, three cornerstones at the heart of any successful court reporting service. However, the extent to which the quality of court reporting service can impact the outcome of a case is often underestimated. In this regard, the role of companies like CourtScribes becomes pivotal in ensuring fair legal proceedings. Court reporting is the process of transcribing spoken or recorded speech into written form. This primarily involves the documentation of court proceedings, which are legal records maintained for reference and review. A high-quality court reporter can capture every word that’s spoken in a courtroom, providing a precise, complete account of the events that unfolded. The quality of court reporting can directly impact the legal proceedings, as the transcription forms an integral part of the court records. Even minor inaccuracies can lead to misconstrued information, potentially affecting the final judgment.

Quality Court Reporting and its Impact on Case Outcomes

The quality of court reporting services is a critical factor in the outcome of legal cases. It’s not simply about recording what’s spoken; it’s about creating a complete and accurate record. This encompasses everything from the precise transcription of testimonies to the proper identification of speakers and ensuring that all exhibits and relevant documents are accurately recorded. An inaccurate transcription can result in severe implications. For instance, consider an instance where a witness states, “I did not see the defendant at the scene.” If the transcript erroneously reports it as “I did see the defendant at the scene,” it can lead to a wrongful conviction. Further, suppose a case goes to appeal. In that case, the appeal’s success often relies on the exact transcription of the original trial, where a flawed or incomplete record might lead to an unfavorable outcome. The appellate court can only review what is in the record; thus, it becomes paramount to have a comprehensive and precise transcript of the proceedings.

Understanding The CourtScribes Advantage

Recognizing the crucial role that court reporting plays in legal proceedings, CourtScribes leads the industry by providing superior court reporting services. CourtScribes ensures that all transcripts are complete, accurate, and delivered promptly, thereby playing a significant role in facilitating justice. Their professional reporters are trained to maintain the highest standards of accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality. They employ state-of-the-art technology, such as high-definition audio recording systems, to create a flawless verbatim record of every word spoken during a court proceeding CourtScribes also employs innovative cloud technology for real-time transcript delivery and live video streaming of court proceedings, allowing for quicker access and review of information. This can significantly enhance the efficiency of legal proceedings and even impact case outcomes positively. The value of a high-quality court reporter becomes apparent when you consider the potential consequences of inaccurate or incomplete transcription. Legal professionals relying on CourtScribes can rest assured that their transcripts will be precise and comprehensive, greatly minimizing any risk of misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

Why CourtScribes is Your Best Option

At CourtScribes, they understand the gravity of their role in the justice system. Their commitment to delivering exceptional court reporting services is demonstrated through a three-pronged approach:

Exceptional Personnel: CourtScribes employs highly skilled court reporters with a solid understanding of legal terminology, protocols, and procedures. They have the expertise to handle complex cases and maintain professionalism under high-pressure situations.

Advanced Technology: CourtScribes leverages the latest technological advancements in the industry. They use digital recording devices to capture audio and video, ensuring that no detail is missed during court proceedings. Their system facilitates easy storage, retrieval, and real-time access to transcripts and recordings.

Customer Service: CourtScribes goes above and beyond to meet their clients’ needs. They offer personalized services and strive for client satisfaction at every step of the process.

The quality of court reporting services like CourtScribes can significantly affect the outcome of a case. Accurate and prompt transcripts are not just a convenience; they’re a necessity. They provide a complete, precise record of court proceedings, a tool invaluable for judges, attorneys, and litigants alike. By employing highly skilled court reporters, leveraging advanced technology, and maintaining exceptional customer service, CourtScribes ensures that justice is accurately recorded and, consequently, appropriately served. Their commitment to quality and excellence makes them an industry leader and the preferred choice for court reporting services. Choose CourtScribes for precise, professional, and reliable court reporting.

Efficient Workflow Management

The quality of court reporting is also dependent on efficient workflow management, which is another area where CourtScribes excels. The company has streamlined its processes to ensure fast and reliable delivery of transcripts, accommodating the pressing time constraints that legal professionals often face. At CourtScribes, they meticulously manage the complete lifecycle of a case transcript, right from recording the proceedings to delivering the final document. Their workflow involves an extensive review process, where transcripts are double-checked for accuracy before delivery. This ensures that their clients receive nothing but the best, without any room for errors. Furthermore, CourtScribes has experience dealing with various types of cases, including criminal, civil, family law, and complex business litigation. Their team of reporters is trained to handle the unique requirements and challenges that come with each case type. This allows CourtScribes to cater to a broad client base, including law firms, courts, and public agencies.

CourtScribes Upholds Confidentiality and Ethical Standards

CourtScribes is not only committed to maintaining the quality and accuracy of their work, but they also place a high priority on upholding ethical standards and preserving the confidentiality of legal proceedings. Their reporters are bound by a stringent code of ethics that demands absolute impartiality, confidentiality, and integrity. Their commitment to these values ensures that sensitive information is always handled with the utmost discretion and professionalism. It gives their clients the confidence to rely on their services, knowing that their information is in secure hands.

Impact on Access to Justice

CourtScribes’ commitment to delivering high-quality court reporting services extends beyond individual cases. They play a vital role in ensuring access to justice for all by maintaining a complete and accurate record of court proceedings. This ensures that every voice in a courtroom is heard and that justice is administered fairly and transparently. Moreover, by employing cutting-edge technology and innovative practices, CourtScribes is democratizing access to legal transcripts. They have made it possible for people to access court records promptly and efficiently, thereby promoting transparency and accountability in the justice system.

The Future of Court Reporting with CourtScribes

CourtScribes is setting new benchmarks in the court reporting industry. They are constantly evolving their practices, integrating innovative technology, and honing their expertise to meet the ever-changing demands of the legal field. With initiatives like real-time transcription and live-streaming of court proceedings, they are revolutionizing the way court reporting is perceived and delivered. They are making legal proceedings more accessible, promoting transparency, and ensuring that justice is served in the best possible manner. In the complex world of legal proceedings, the role of court reporting services like CourtScribes is both significant and indispensable. The quality of court reporting can have far-reaching impacts on the outcome of a case, underscoring the importance of choosing a reliable and professional service. In a field where every word counts, choose CourtScribes for accurate, reliable, and efficient court reporting. They are not just an ally in your legal journey; they are a crucial player in ensuring the scales of justice remain balanced. With CourtScribes, you choose precision, professionalism, and peace of mind.

Maintaining Legal Precision with CourtScribes

One of the significant aspects of court reporting lies in its ability to provide legal precision. In a courtroom, a single word can often carry considerable weight and can potentially influence the trajectory of the case. By providing accurate, verbatim transcripts, CourtScribes aids legal professionals in their quest for justice. The CourtScribes team understands the importance of exact phrasing, the subtlety of legal language, and the nuance of testimonies. Their reporters are trained to capture everything accurately, ensuring that no detail is overlooked or misrepresented. The level of precision that CourtScribes offers goes a long way in bolstering the effectiveness of the justice system.

CourtScribes stands at the forefront of digitization in court reporting. Their state-of-the-art technology allows them to offer live video streaming and real-time transcription services. This innovation makes court proceedings more accessible and transparent. It allows those involved in a case to review proceedings in real-time or at their convenience, fostering better understanding and preparation. Through their cloud-based platform, CourtScribes provides a secure and reliable repository for all transcripts and recordings. This not only ensures easy access and retrieval of information but also offers robust data protection, giving clients peace of mind regarding the security of sensitive information.

The Benefits of Real-Time Reporting

Real-time court reporting, an innovative feature offered by CourtScribes, allows attorneys to view the transcription as it is being recorded during the proceedings. This can be a game-changer in the realm of legal practice, offering numerous benefits:

Immediate Access to Information: Real-time reporting enables attorneys to have instant access to testimonies and statements as they are being made, facilitating immediate review and analysis.

Increased Engagement: It enables those involved in the case to stay engaged with the proceedings and respond promptly to developments in the case.

Assists in Strategy Formulation: Having immediate access to what is being said can help attorneys adjust their strategies on the fly, potentially influencing the case outcome.

CourtScribes and Litigation Support

Besides court reporting, CourtScribes also provides comprehensive litigation support services. They understand that the process of litigation involves multiple stages and a considerable amount of preparation. Their range of services includes deposition reporting, exhibit linking and management, videography services, and interpreter services. With their litigation support services, CourtScribes aims to make the process of litigation smoother and more efficient for attorneys. By taking care of these ancillary but essential services, they allow legal professionals to focus on their primary task: advocating for their clients. While the quality of service is paramount, cost is a crucial consideration in the choice of a court reporting service. CourtScribes provides top-notch court reporting services at competitive rates. By utilizing technology and efficient processes, they can keep costs manageable without compromising on quality, making them an ideal choice for budget-conscious law firms and public agencies.

Choose CourtScribes for Quality Court Reporting, Nationwide!

The journey towards justice is intricate, and every step in the process is crucial. Quality court reporting ensures the accurate recording of each of these steps, providing a reliable record for reflection, review, and appeal. CourtScribes, with its unwavering commitment to quality, advanced technological solutions, and comprehensive litigation support, provide a service that goes beyond basic court reporting. They play a vital role in facilitating justice, one word at a time. With their exemplary service, CourtScribes is indeed setting the gold standard in the court reporting industry. Their dedication to accuracy, precision, and client satisfaction makes them the preferred choice for legal professionals seeking efficient and reliable court reporting services. Remember, the quality of your court reporting service can significantly impact the outcome of a case.  By utilizing the superior services offered by CourtScribes, you gain more than just a record of the spoken words in a courtroom. You gain a reliable partner committed to aiding your quest for justice through comprehensive, accurate, and timely court reporting services. From complex litigation to simple proceedings, CourtScribes is equipped to handle the unique needs of any case.

The significance of high-quality court reporting is undeniable. CourtScribes combines precision, technology, and experience to provide top-tier court reporting services that meet the highest standards of the legal profession. Their commitment to excellence, encapsulated in every transcript they deliver, redefines what you can expect from a court reporting service. We urge all legal professionals, be it law firms, courts, or public agencies, to leverage the cutting-edge solutions offered by CourtScribes. Do not let the outcome of your case be influenced by subpar transcription services. Instead, opt for the precision, professionalism, and peace of mind that comes with choosing CourtScribes. Isn’t it time you experienced the CourtScribes difference? Reach out to CourtScribes today for your court reporting needs. Trust in their accuracy, depend on their speed, and rely on their commitment to quality. With CourtScribes, you’re choosing a service that upholds the integrity of the judicial process. Join the many legal professionals who trust CourtScribes with their court reporting needs. Contact them today and let their expertise speak for itself. 

After all, in the business of court reporting, every word counts.


Want the Advantage in the Courtroom? Hire One of the Best Court Reporting Agencies with Nationwide Service

Posted on: May 8th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

As a lawyer, your focus should always be on winning your case and providing the best possible legal representation for your clients. With so much at stake, the last thing you want to worry about is the accuracy and reliability of the transcripts you’re using to argue your case. Clients in the legal arena seek the services of CourtScribes, a professional nationwide legal court reporting service that offers a range of standard and advanced services that not only meet the needs of lawyers and legal professionals across the country; they exceed them. Here are just a few reasons why savvy lawyers choose CourtScribes! One of the primary services that CourtScribes offers is the daily delivery of transcripts. This means that lawyers can expect to receive accurate and timely transcripts of everything that happens in the courtroom on a daily basis. This is crucial for lawyers who need to stay on top of the case and make informed decisions based on what’s happening in court. Another valuable service that CourtScribes provides is videography. CourtScribes uses professional-grade equipment to capture high-quality video of courtroom proceedings. This is especially useful for cases that involve complex or technical information that may be difficult to convey through words alone.

CourtScribes also provides interpreters for those who need them. This is important for cases involving non-English speakers or those who are deaf or hard of hearing. CourtScribes’ interpreters are highly trained and able to provide accurate and reliable translations of everything that is said in the courtroom. For lawyers who need expedited delivery of transcripts, CourtScribes offers that as well. This means that lawyers can receive transcripts in as little as 24 hours, which is incredibly useful for cases that are moving quickly and require immediate attention.

In addition to these standard services, CourtScribes also offers a range of advanced services that can help lawyers make the most of their legal proceedings. One of these services is video-to-text synchronization, which allows lawyers to quickly and easily search through video recordings of courtroom proceedings to find specific information. This is incredibly useful for cases that involve large amounts of information and data. CourtScribes also offers professional legal videography services for lawyers who need high-quality video recordings of depositions, trials, or other legal proceedings. This ensures that lawyers have accurate and reliable records of everything that happens in court, which can be crucial for building a strong case.

Choose the Court Reporting Service That Lawyers Trust, Choose CourtScribes!

Perhaps one of the most valuable services that CourtScribes offers is free 24/7 access to transcripts, exhibits, and videos. This means that lawyers can access their records at any time, from anywhere in the world. This is incredibly useful for lawyers who need to review information outside of regular business hours or who need to access information while traveling. Finally, CourtScribes offers live streaming at a marginal cost. This means that lawyers can stream live video of courtroom proceedings to their clients or colleagues who are unable to attend in person. This is useful for cases that involve clients who are located in different parts of the country or who are unable to travel to the courtroom.

In conclusion, savvy lawyers use CourtScribes because it offers a range of valuable and reliable services that can help them stay on top of their legal proceedings. From daily delivery of transcripts to professional legal videography, CourtScribes provides everything that lawyers need to build a strong case and achieve success in the courtroom.

CourtScribes; The Court Reporting Service That Makes a Difference

Posted on: April 10th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

Are you looking for a court reporting service that is at the forefront of innovation and technology? Look no further than CourtScribes, the premier court reporting service that is changing the game. With their cutting-edge remote deposition and remote court appearance services, CourtScribes is revolutionizing the legal industry. Gone are the days of having to physically appear in court or at a deposition. With CourtScribes, you can attend these events from anywhere nationwide through a remote video connection. This not only saves time and money but also offers a level of convenience that was previously unheard of in the legal industry. 

But CourtScribes doesn’t just stop at remote services. Live, and on-demand video streaming is provided by CourtScribes for trial proceedings, complete with technical team support. They have the knowledge and mastery to accommodate their clients in a full-spectrum virtual courtroom environment. From videography to live-streaming, CourtScribes offers a comprehensive range of services that are designed to make your virtual trial experience as seamless as possible. 

In addition to our standard services, we offer some advanced services that are difficult to find elsewhere. 

Standard Services

Advanced Services

Call a Court Reporting Service That Can Make a Difference, Call CourtScribes!

At CourtScribes, they understand the importance of eloquence and synchronization in the legal industry. That’s why they strive to synchronize your virtual trial experience every step of the way. They believe that every client deserves the best, and they work tirelessly to ensure that they deliver nothing less. CourtScribes is a nationwide court reporting choice that makes a difference in the legal arena. A court reporting service that offers a full range of services from videography to video-to-text synchronization. The team of highly skilled professionals takes pride in its ability to provide top-notch services and exceptional results. With their revolutionary remote deposition and remote court appearance services, on-demand technical support, dedication to eloquence and synchronization, and advanced services, CourtScribes is the choice that professionals look for to navigate the legal industry with ease. Call our team today and ask about the benefits of working with CourtScribes. 

CourtScribes, Serious Court Reporters For Serious Legal Matters

Posted on: March 13th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

When it comes to legal matters, having a reliable and accurate court reporter is crucial. That’s where CourtScribes comes in. As a nationwide court reporting agency, we offer a wide range of standard and advanced services that are hard to find elsewhere.

Our team of court reporters is unmatched in experience, accuracy, and legal knowledge, ensuring that you have the edge you need to win your cases.



One of the most impressive features of CourtScribes is our broad array of services. We offer: 

With our service, you will be able to access your information no matter what your location may be or what device you are using; whether it be a phone, PC, or tablet, you can access each individual case. This means that you can get access to your important legal documents and recordings as soon as possible, giving you the time and resources you need to build a strong case.

Our court reporters are trained to handle even the most complex and serious legal matters. We understand the importance of accuracy and attention to detail in legal proceedings, which is why we take pride in our ability to provide reliable and precise court reporting services.

When You Want the Best Court Reporting Services, You Want CourtScribes, Call Today!

At CourtScribes, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service possible. Whether you need a certified transcript or live-streaming video, we have the expertise and technology to deliver. 

With our advanced services and experienced court reporters, you can rest assured that you have the support you need to succeed in handling legal cases. So if you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy court reporting agency, look no further than CourtScribes; call us today and see what we can do for you.

What Makes CourtScribes Stand Out From the Rest?

Posted on: February 6th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes provides national coverage, including professional legal videography services, saving you time and money while delivering unmatched quality. Our experienced team of professional court reporters delivers nothing but excellence. We have a lot to offer, including outstanding customer service and top-of-the-line equipment. We provide remote depositions, deposition/ EUO, and remote court appearance services, as well as video-to-text synchronization, live-streaming, interpreters, and more. 

Video-to-text synchronization is a flagship service offered by CourtScribes. We offer accurate court reporting, synchronization of audio and video, as well as a certified transcript of the proceedings. This makes it easier for attorneys and other legal professionals to review and digest the material quickly and efficiently. 

CourtScribes provides an online private repository enabling you free access 24/7 to all of your exhibits, transcripts, and videos, no matter what device you are using and no matter what your location is. 

CourtScribes also provides a range of other services, including:

CourtScribes is a company that offers advanced services that are not available from other companies. Our company specializes in live and on-demand video streaming trial proceedings and provides comprehensive solutions for legal professionals. 

Call a Court Reporting Service You Can Rely on; Call CourtScribes!

CourtScribes is one of the best providers of real-time video streaming of trial proceedings, enabling legal professionals to gain an edge in the courtroom. 

Overall, CourtScribes provides a comprehensive suite of services unmatched in quality, litigation support services, and customer service. Our court appearances and services are all handled with the utmost professionalism, and we offer a variety of services to suit any need, including unparalleled savings making CourtScribes the clear choice for professionals in the legal arena across the nation. If you’re looking for a court reporting service with national coverage that you can rely on, call CourtScribes!

Why You’ll Need Reliable Court Reporting Services After Your Client Has Been Arrested for Bid Rigging

Posted on: January 30th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

If you or someone you know has been arrested for bid rigging, you will need a reliable court reporting service. Fortunately, CourtScribes reporters are renowned for accuracy, providing a comprehensive and accurate record of court proceedings. This can make all the difference in a legal case. 

In order to ensure the accuracy of court proceedings, CourtScribes reporters are equipped with advanced audio recording and transcription technology. Our services include real-time transcripts, digital recordings, audio-video synchronization, and more. This ensures that all of the testimony is accurately captured and transcribed.

In addition, CourtScribes have experienced court reporters and have a thorough understanding of the legal system. This means we can provide detailed and accurate transcripts of all court proceedings to attorneys, which can help them prepare and gives them a better chance to win their cases.

Furthermore, CourtScribes offer a variety of other services, such as video conferencing and streaming, which can be beneficial for those who need to attend court hearings remotely. This helps to reduce the need for physical attendance and can make proceedings more efficient.

For those who have been arrested for bid rigging, CourtScribes are renowned for accuracy and provide impeccable court reporting services. On top of our standard court reporting services, we provide an advanced package that is not offered through other court reporting companies. Not only do we provide the certified transcript, we offer live and on-demand video streaming of proceedings. We cover trials, depositions, hearings, arbitrations, and mediations.

Call CourtScribes and do Your Client a Favor Today!

Our advanced audio recording and transcription technology, as well as our experience in the legal system, ensure that all court proceedings are accurately captured and transcribed. In addition, our other services, such as video conferencing and streaming, can help make court proceedings more efficient and accessible. 

We offer free 24/7 access to your transcripts, videos, and exhibits. CourtScribes is the perfect solution for those seeking impeccable court reporting services.

When You Have a Career Making Case, You Need an Accurate Court Reporting Service

Posted on: January 23rd, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

When attorneys need to win a career-making case, they know they need an accurate court reporting service they can trust. That’s why they turn to CourtScribes, a national court reporting service that provides peerless quality, incredible savings, and impeccable service. With CourtScribes, attorneys get the edge they need to win their legal cases.

CourtScribes provides a wide range of services that surpass the needs of attorneys in any type of case. Whether it is a deposition, a hearing, or a trial, CourtScribes provides accurate and reliable court reporting services. 

Not only do we provide a full spectrum of standard court reporting services, we also have an arsenal of leading high-value services that other companies can not deliver. On top of that, we offer live and on-demand video streaming of trial proceedings and 24/7 access to your certified transcripts. If you think we are done yet, think again. We also offer interpreters, video-to-text synchronization, and professional legal videography.

At CourtScribes, our court reporters are licensed and certified, ensuring that they are qualified to provide the quality service that attorneys need. CourtScribes also provides a secure online system for attorneys to access their transcripts and other documents, so they can always have access to the information they need when they need it.  

Have an Important Case on Your Hands? Call CourtScribes and Hire a Court Reporting Service You Can Trust!

CourtScribes also offers unmatched savings on court reporting services. Attorneys can save time and money when they choose CourtScribes. Our court reporters are located all around the country, meaning attorneys don’t have to travel to get an accurate court reporting service. CourtScribes also offers competitive rates that are hard to beat. 

Attorneys know what to expect when joining forces with an agency like CourtScribes. From transcription to digital files to video conferencing, CourtScribes offers a comprehensive suite of services that give attorneys the edge to win their legal cases.

Call today!

Most People Never Think That They Will Need a Court Reporter, Here’s Why They Are Wrong

Posted on: January 9th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

Most people never think that they will need a court reporter, but the truth is that many people will need one at some point in their lives. It may even be a family member or loved one that is in need. Whether it’s for a civil case, a criminal trial, or any other matter that needs to be addressed in a court of law, having a professional court reporter on your side is essential. 

A court reporter can be the difference between winning and losing a case. They can provide certified, accurate, and timely transcripts of testimony, which can be used as evidence in a court of law. They can make all the difference when you need to win your case.

CourtScribes is one of the leading court reporting services in the United States, and it’s easy to see why so many people choose us. CourtScribes is well-known for its accuracy, professionalism, and experience in the field.

Our team of court reporters is available in an abundance of locations across the country, so we can easily accommodate any legal need. And beyond its national presence, CourtScribes is also known for its personalized customer service. 

Get Professional Court Reporting Services for a Price You Can Afford!

We provide one-on-one consultations with our clients to make sure their needs are met, and we offer competitive prices that make our services accessible to all. We have the ability to accurately capture and transcribe testimonies, arguments, and rulings in a timely fashion.

CourtScribes also offers a wide range of services, from real-time transcription to digital audio and video recording. 

From small local hearings to large national trials, CourtScribes provides accurate, professional court reporting services that exceed the needs of their clients. That’s why countless people choose CourtScribes for their court reporting needs; call today!

Hire a Court Reporting Service That Offers 24/7 Access To Your Transcripts and Exhibits

Posted on: October 31st, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

If you hire a court reporting service that offers 24/7 access to your transcripts and exhibits, you can review them as soon as they’re generated. This way, you can have access to vital recordings of court proceedings whenever you need them.

When hiring a court reporting service, you should look for one that offers 24/7 access to transcripts so you can always access your transcripts in a timely manner. Doing so will ensure that you have all the documents you need at your fingertips when needed.

Before signing up with a court reporting service, there’s something you should consider. If you want to be able to view items in a specific format, such as scanned documents or as a videography, make sure that the service can provide you with records in the format you prefer.

When handling any kind of case, whether it’s a divorce or a criminal trial, CourtScribes can help make things easier by providing you with a team of dedicated professionals and 24/7 access to remarkably accurate transcripts.

There are many reasons why you might need to access a transcript or exhibit quickly. You might need to get your transcript back before an impending deadline. Or you may be preparing for trial and need them for cross-examination. Whatever the reason, CourtScribes can help you get your transcripts and exhibits whenever you need them.

CourtScribes is a court reporting service that offers 24/7 access to your transcripts and exhibits. We are the ideal choice for anyone who needs expertly recorded transcripts for depositions or other court proceedings in a hurry. We keep all of your information safe and secure, so nobody else can access it unless you give them permission to do so. Need a court reporting service that makes everything easy for you? Call the team at CourtScribes today!

How Court Stenographers Help Cases Run Smoothly

Posted on: October 24th, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

Stenographers are a vital part of the court system. They take notes as witnesses testify in court so that the cases can be accurately recorded and referred to later when needed. Stenographers also help keep the court running smoothly by taking care of a variety of other tasks, such as writing down orders and filing documents.

Stenographers are essential to any trial, but they may not always get much recognition for their work. That’s why court stenographers need to be more visible in order to raise public awareness of their essential role in the legal system. By helping ensure that cases proceed smoothly, court stenographers are making a real difference for the people involved in each case.

Court stenographers record everything that happens in a trial, including everything said by the lawyers and witnesses, along with the judge’s rulings, and his or her style of ruling. They are there to make sure that every aspect of the case is recorded accurately. 

Court stenography can be a very stressful job. You need to stay focused at all times. Most people find this type of work rewarding because it gives them a chance to contribute to the progress of justice.

Stenographers who work for the court will be able to record their voice as well as their face and body language so that the judge can make a more accurate judgment regarding the credibility of the witness. Since most trials take place in an open courtroom, there is usually no need for privacy in the room where the witness is testifying. In fact, it is almost impossible for the judge to make a fair assessment of how credible or unreliable a witness is if they are not able to see them. 

Take Charge of Your Court Cases by Calling CourtScribes Today! 

Court stenographers are professionals who have taken special classes and training in order to work in this field. We at CourtScribes are professionally trained and ready to take on your cases. Having our team of court reporters and stenographers at the ready will help you do your best work in court. All you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call!

How Real-Life Courtroom Drama Differs From Movies and TV Shows

Posted on: October 17th, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

Films are a great way to learn about the law and the legal system, but they’re not always an accurate portrayal of how things actually work in real life. Real-life courtrooms are much more chaotic and unpredictable than what you see on television or in the movies. There’s no playing out of scenes or set pieces, so witnesses and lawyers have to stay focused and speak clearly when they’re on the stand. The judge may also interrupt or correct you if you’re speaking too quickly which can throw off your rhythm and your argument.

Some people think that real-life courtrooms are boring, but there’s actually quite a bit of drama that happens behind closed doors. Judges and attorneys don’t always agree with each other, so they might try to one-up each other with witty remarks or insults. 

Witnesses might be nervous about being called up to testify, and some people like to bait witnesses by asking them personal questions, or even just staring at them. And there are plenty of funny moments when witnesses accidentally contradict themselves or when they try to confuse the jury with confusing language.

Real-life courtroom drama is a lot more intense than the courtroom scenes you’ve probably seen in movies or TV shows. People in real life can face a lot of legal consequences, and the stakes are often much higher. The accused will not just be charged with a crime; they could end up on trial and go to jail, even if they’re found not guilty.

With this in mind, it’s important to be prepared for what you’ll see at trial. You should bring all your documents, evidence, and witnesses. You should know your case well, and be prepared to argue it aggressively. And you should never talk to jurors about your case or try to sway their decision one way or another, even if you think it might be what’s best for your client. All of these things can lead to serious consequences if you’re wrong, so keep them in mind at all times.

Meet CourtScribes, a Court Reporting Service That Knows How the Real Court System Works

In real-life courtrooms, there are no scripts to follow, so much of what happens in a courtroom is completely unpredictable. The court drama is much more stressful than fictional court shows not just because the stakes are high, but because there’s a lot riding on every decision that the judge makes. Hire a court reporting service that knows how a real courtroom works, call CourtScribes!

Why Your Court Reporter Should Not be Easily Distracted

Posted on: September 5th, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

The job of a court reporter is nothing short of fascinating. After all, you’re there to record everything that happens in the courtroom, even as it may be happening right in front of your eyes. That said, it can be quite stressful, and many court reporters find it hard to remain focused throughout the day.

While it is important to have a court reporter who is attentive and focused during an official proceeding, it is just as important that the court reporter can stay focused during the entirety of the proceeding. This means that your court reporter should be able to stay on task when they are taking down notes, answering questions, and interacting with other individuals involved in the proceeding. 

The most common reason for a court reporter to become distracted during an official proceeding is because they are being interrupted by other individuals in the courtroom. If you have to ask a question or make a comment about something that has been said, there should be no excuse for your court reporter to stop what they are doing just because someone else has entered the room. 

As the client, you should never have to remind your court reporter not to be distracted by other individuals in the courtroom or to remain focused on their job throughout the entirety of the proceeding. A professional court reporter should be perfectly capable of remaining undistracted on their own.

Need a Court Reporter That Knows How to Stay Focused? Call CourtScribes

One of the biggest problems with court reporting as a profession is that it can be very distracting. Court reporters are often working in a busy environment with many things going on around them. That can make it difficult to stay focused, especially when something interesting happens in the courtroom.

When working as a court reporter, one needs to be able to focus 100% of the time. If a court reporter gets distracted by anything, they risk missing important details that could change the outcome of a case.CourtScribes has a team of focused professionals that don’t get distracted. When you want a court reporter that won’t get bogged down by common distractions, you want CourtScribes. 


Don’t pay for distracted court reporters that make mistakes, call CourtScribes instead!

Why You Need a Court Reporter Who Takes the Job Seriously

Posted on: August 15th, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

A court reporter is someone who works in a courtroom. He or she is tasked with recording everything that happens in the courtroom. This means that the court reporter has to be very observant and pay close attention to what is going on in the courtroom. He or she must also be able to transcribe everything that is said in the courtroom. It’s important for a court reporter to take this job seriously because it can be very stressful and difficult at times. However, if you are willing to put in a lot of hard work and dedication, then you can become a successful court reporter.

One of the main reasons why you need a court reporter who takes the job seriously is the fact that when you have a court reporter who takes the work seriously, your job as an attorney becomes less stressful. For example, when you have to follow multiple cases at once, you need a court reporter that will pay attention and listen closely so that you don’t miss anything important. 

It’s important that you trust your court reporter. While it may be tempting to hire someone who is less experienced or lower priced simply because you can, this is a mistake. Instead, look for a court reporter who is committed to getting the job done right. Hiring a court reporter who takes the job seriously will help ensure your case gets the attention it deserves.

Your court reporter should be well-versed in courtroom etiquette and able to give clear and concise instructions. They should also have a solid understanding of courtroom protocol and know how to behave appropriately.

Another reason why you need a court reporter who takes the job seriously is that it can be very time-consuming when they make mistakes. When a court reporter makes a notable mistake, it can throw off your whole case and set you back a number of weeks or months. 

When You Need it Done Right, Call CourtScribes!

A reliable court reporter is key if you are hoping to get your case heard by the judge or jury. If they don’t show up on time or make mistakes during the proceedings, it can have an impact on your case. CourtScribes maintains a team of some of the most talented court reporters in the nation. 

When you need a court reporter that will take the work seriously, call CourtScribes, we have transcriptionists across the country standing by!

Why It’s Important for Court Reporters to Keep Their Equipment in Good Condition

Posted on: May 23rd, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court reporters are the unsung heroes of the courtroom. In the background of every court case, divorce, or legal battle, there is a court reporter working diligently in the background. A good court reporter is someone who can record statements that are made during court proceedings with perfect accuracy. While it’s important for court reporters to have a certain knowledge level to do their jobs effectively, the condition of the equipment they use is equally important.  

Here’s why it is important for court reporters to always keep their equipment updated and in good condition. You will also learn how the state of a court reporter’s equipment can affect the outcome of a court case. 

Court Reporter Equipment

Court reporters use several key pieces of equipment to do their jobs. Practically every court reporter uses a stenographer typewriter. These are specially designed typewriters that are built to facilitate fast and easy typing. It’s important for court reporters to keep their stenographer typewriters in good condition or to replace them when they become unreliable. 

Most court reporters also use microphones and voice recording equipment to capture audio during court proceedings or depositions. If the microphones or recording equipment is damaged in any way, it can affect the recordings which can affect the accuracy of the court reporter’s transcripts in turn. This is why it’s important for court reporters to keep their equipment in good condition. 

Need Court Reporters with Top-Notch Equipment? Call CourtScribes Today!

The team at CourtScribes uses top-notch equipment that’s always properly maintained. You can count on us for reliable court reporting every time because we take our responsibilities seriously. If you need court reporting services and you want the best for less, you’ll want to get in touch with CourtScribes.

Need court reporters that you can depend on? Call CourtScribes today!

Curious Facts About Court Reporters

Posted on: March 21st, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

Many people don’t really think about what it takes to be a court reporter until they either go into the industry themselves or need to rely on one during a deposition. Court reporters might work in the background, but the work they do helps legal professionals who are at the forefront of virtually every court case. Here are some curious facts about court reporters. 

They Have Specialized Equipment

One of the first things you should know about court reporters is how fast they can type. Most professional court reporters are expected to type at speeds of 180-220 words per minute. Now that’s fast!

You should also know that court reporters don’t type on traditional QWERTY keyboards. Instead, they use a specialized keyboard with 22 keys. The keyboard is divided into two halves, one for fingers on the right and one for the fingers on the left. This design helps court reporters type faster and more comfortably. 

They Save People the Trouble of Generating Settled Statements

Without a court reporter to record everything that has been said throughout a trial or deposition, legal teams would have to resort to generating settled statements. A settled statement is a term for a document representing oral court proceedings. 

While it’s ultimately approved by a trial court judge, both parties can contest the document multiple times which can cause court cases to drag on unnecessarily. This is one of many reasons why it’s so important to have a court reporter on hand.  

Want Records You Can Count On? Call CourtScribes

If you’re looking for a service that can produce perfect records that you can count on in court. Our team is expertly trained, friendly, and willing to help. When you work with us, you will have the confidence of knowing that the records you’re working with are accurate and precise.   

Looking for a dependable court reporter service? Get in touch with CourtSrcibes today!

What Happens When a Court Reporter Makes a Mistake

Posted on: March 14th, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

A good court reporter prides themself on their accuracy and eye for detail. Everyone makes mistakes, but in the court reporting industry, there simply isn’t any room for error. One simple mistake can throw an entire court case off course. Here’s what can happen when a court reporter makes a mistake and why you should partner with CourtScribes. 

How Bad Can it Be?

If you’re wondering how bad it can be when a court reporter makes a simple mistake, the answer is, pretty bad. One incident involving a court reporter who lost the record of the entire case due to a computer virus threw a murder trial completely off course. As a result, they had to hold a new trial because the court reporter had lost their records from the original trial.  

One court reporter compromised at least 30 cases after misrepresenting things that had been said throughout the trial as pure gibberish. The court reporter continuously typed gibberish in favor of the actual dialogue. Although they were subsequently fired, the damage they caused to each individual case was monumental. 

Accuracy is one of the things that people depend on court reporters for in the first place. One of the most important responsibilities of any court reporter is to ensure an accurate record of everything that has been said throughout the duration of the case. 

Want 100% Accuracy? Give CourtScribes a Call!

Now that you know how bad it can be when a court reporter makes a mistake, you know the importance of working with a court reporter who can ensure accuracy to the point of perfection. CourtScribes features an expertly trained team of world-class professionals who understand the importance of total accuracy. 

Need a court reporter for an upcoming case? Call CourtScribes today and put the best to the test!

Why Stenography is Necessary in Law

Posted on: October 18th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

You probably already are well familiar from this site that court stenographers are people trained to type and write in shorthand, which allows them to write as fast as people can speak. It is believed that 180 Words Per Minute is the ‘speed of speech’. Stenographers document and record everything that takes place in the courtroom. This makes them an integral part of court hearings across the world. In this article, we are going to break down what stenography is, and explain why it is important in law.


What Does Stenography Mean?

The word ‘stenography’ comes from the Greek word ‘steno’ which means narrow and ‘graphy’ which means writing. ‘Narrow writing’ therefore, is the writing system of shorthand. Stenographer simply means shorthand writer. Modern-day stenographers use machines called stenotypes, which allow them to type, in some cases, faster than 300 WPM, which is just about double the ‘speed of speech’.

Stenography is a specialist career, still vital to the legal industry despite the massive changes and advancements made in technology. Attempts to phase out stenography have failed in many places around the world, which we will explain, so continue to read more here about it. But first, here is a brief history of stenography, some basic facts you should know about.


The Importance of Stenographers

It is a requirement in many places for courts to have written transcripts. This alone makes stenography something that is still needed. Court reporters sit in on courtrooms and transcribe as the case is heard. Many now use a technology called ‘steno masks’ which are microphones plugged into their computers that run voice-recognition software. The stenographer then, in real-time, cleans up the machine’s mistakes and errors; the perfect fusion of technology and stenography.

While technology is an incredibly important part of all of our lives, it cannot be entirely trusted just yet. Machines are not infallible and make mistakes. A stenographer must supervise and verify what these ‘steno masks’ record. Court reporters are now also tasked with writing down the defendant’s gestures and expressions, as well as their reactions to things. This is something that no machine can do (at the moment).

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

County in Indiana Makes Sure That Court Reporter’s Pay is Raised

Posted on: September 13th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

We at CourtScribes always think that positive news regarding court reporters is always a good thing. With that, Lawrence County, Indiana judges asked that all their court reporters be placed on the same pay schedule during the most recent county council meeting

“All of the judges have agreed this is acceptable practice in dealing with helping to increase pay for their court reporters,” said Lawrence County President Scott Smith.

Lawrence County Superior Court I Judge John Plummer III’s budget was similar to his budget over the last three years with the only key difference of making a request for all court reporters to receive a six percent salary increase.

Judge Plummer III works with one less court reporter than the courts do, which is a savings of approximately $45,000 to the county. The average court reporter’s salary ranged from $35,000 – $43,000 in 2021, the proposed salary increase would lift the average salary between the amounts of $36,000 -$44,000.

There are several qualifications and requirements that are labor-intensive to find applicants who meet the expectations, training, and follow Indiana State law in performing the duties required. A court reporter types a real-time transcription of everything that happens in a court of law. When there are appeals of a criminal case a court reporter must be able to provide a transcript of the proceedings which takes a lot of time.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

CourtScribes Providing 24/7 Online Access to Your Private Online Repository

Posted on: March 1st, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments


CourtScribes is the website and court service for all of your court reporter, remote court access, and online database needs. One of the top features offered is that CourtScribes offers 24/7 access to a private online repository that will hold all of your transcripts, exhibits, and videos regardless of where you might be located. By using either a computer, tablet, or smartphone, one can access all files on-demand. If you need the help of some of the most skilled court reporters in the business, then you must contact CourtScribes today!


What Type of Services does a Court Reporting Agency Provide?

CourtScribes takes pride in providing the most high-value skills many court reporting agencies don’t even possess. Here are some services that CourtScribes provides:

CourtScribes covers trials, arbitrations, depositions, mediations and hearings.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

2021 National Court Reporting & Captioning Week Announced for February

Posted on: December 28th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


CourtScribes is proud to announce that The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), which is the country’s leading organization representing stenographic court reporters, captioners, and legal videographers, has designated February 6th-13th as the 2021 National Court Reporting & Captioning Week.

The weeklong event themed ‘All you need is love and steno.’ brings court reporters, captioners, court reporting firms, schools, and others in the legal industry together in showing the many aspects that make court reporting and captioning a viable profession.

Aspects include a quicker entrance into the workforce since no four-year degree is required, well-paying salaries, job and hours flexibility, and an increasing demand for more reporters and captioners to meet the growing number of employment opportunities available in the field.

The 2021 event marks the ninth year NCRA has hosted the celebration.


“Court Reporting & Captioning Week is our time to shine the light on what we do, why we do it, and what makes us, human court reporters and captioners, so vital,” said NCRA President Christine Phipps, RPR.

“Whether we are preserving records of proceedings, gathering the stories of our war veterans, or ensuring that the spoken word is made available through captions to members of the deaf or hard of hearing community, the skills we employ as professionals are dynamic and unique and cannot ever be replaced by artificial intelligence or electronic recordings,” Phipps added.


Court reporting and captioning professions offer serious career choices and plenty of employment opportunities nationwide and abroad. Court reporters and captioners rely on the latest in technology to use stenographic machines to capture the spoken word and translate it into written text in real-time. This work can take place both in and out of the courtroom. These tasks include recording legal cases & depositions, providing live captioning of events, and assisting members of the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities with gaining access to information, entertainment, educational opportunities, and more.

The NCRA made available a robust catalog of resources ranging from press release templates to media messages to help spread the word about the benefits of a career in court reporting or captioning. Additional marketing materials are available on NCRA’s site. There is also information available at the site about NCRA’s A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand, a free, six-week program that offers attendees the opportunity to learn to write the alphabet on a steno machine to discover if a career in court reporting or captioning is suited for them.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

What is the Transcription Process of a Court Reporter?

Posted on: July 28th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


One of the most important aspects of our modern way of law is the court transcript. A court transcript is a word-for-word written document that displays the actions and statements said by every party within the court room. This all-important document must be made with perfection in order for an involved judge, attorney or any other legal participant to look back on the trial for information whenever they choose to do so. A court transcript is crafted by a court reporter, who sits in and records everything they hear.


Knowledge and Training Required to be a Court Reporter


Each different state has many different requirements and credentials in order to become a court reporter. Some states require college degrees. Whereas, other states need a certification and applicants need to possess and extensive knowledge of listening skills, writing skills, reading comprehension, concentration and attention to detail. Judges and attorneys require a perfect transcript to look back on cases. In other words, there is no room for error when recording the proceedings for a trial. The standard for typing speed for a court reporter would be about 225 words per minute.

Court reporters must learn a special type of shorthand. It is an abbreviated language form that is designed for rapid transcription, to take notes on a steno machine in order to catch each word that is spoken. Once the notes are entered into the machine, they are translated by computer software into English.


CourtScribes Supports Court Reporters from Around the Nation supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and we too are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

How Videography Has Rocketed Court Reporting into the Future

Posted on: July 14th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments



Court Reporting is now an age-old industry that has brought an infinite amount of value into the courtroom. However, just as many other industries have developed technologies for betterment, court reporters have called upon legal videographers to aid them in the modern era. Videographers possess plenty of valuable skills that help a court reporter take the next step in completing their jobs. Videography has added an element of audio-freedom for the court reporter. Being able to sit in, or tune in, to a video streaming courtroom allows them to focus in on all the sounds, comments and statements made by all legal participants within the trial.


What Actually Changes for the Court Reporter?


You may ask yourself, “Doesn’t the legal videographer make the court reporter unnecessary?” The answer is no. Regardless how far into the future we may proceed, a third-party person must be there to record all statements made throughout the trial. It must be an unbiased and professional person to examine, transcribe and formulate correct and precise recordings. However, the addition of videography to the industry, has allowed for a whole new experience within the court reporting industry. Recorded video and audio allow for not only a video sit-in for transcription, but also material for them to cross-examine and document. These transcripts are now able to be timestamped with perfection on not only text, but audio recording and video recording.


It is Essential to Have a Team of Experienced Legal Videographers and Court Reporters


In order to succeed within this modern era of technology, you will require a team of professionals that can handle all of the aspects of recording within a courtroom. CourtScribes is proud to offer attorneys, judges and other legal participants all of the features of a modern courtroom. Our team is compiled of not only court reporters, but leading-edge technology that will ensure every step of the way is taken care of. Professional videography, video-to-text synchronization, live streaming and online databases are just a small sample of what CourtScribes has to offer.

NCRA’s Celebrate Certification Month

Posted on: May 18th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


The Members of the National Court Reporter’s Association are once again coming to participate in the annual Celebrate Certification Month. This May will be the third year of celebrating not only Court Reporter certifications, but certifications of all kind. Throughout the month, members of the NCRA are being encouraged to share with clients and other workforce about their success with being a certified court reporter. Also, they are trying to connect with clients about how important receiving a national certification is, and how important it is to choose people who possess such qualities.


Importance of Having a National Certification


National certifications are a key element to showing dedication to your profession. A national certified court reporter has a big commitment to their profession and does their best to keep all of their skills polished. Those with professional certifications provide the highest quality service available in the career. Also, numerous court reporters that truly do possess their professional certifications show to have a higher pay then others. Court Reporters are currently in short supply. All over the country, these positions need to be filled. What better time to strive for a certification in professional court reporting than now?


Court Reporter Platform


Court reporters all over the country are striving for greatness in their profession. There are tons of specialized court reporting certifications. Many of these professions only require designated training and certifications. This is contrary to other professions that require well over 4 years of learning in a scholastic environment. Being a court reporter is in increasing demand. These jobs include venues all over the world, flexible schedules and great salaries! May, 2020 is another year of celebrating certifications of all kinds throughout the country. If you haven’t taken the time to achieve a professional certification for your job, then now is the time! It is never too late to be recognized as one that strives and perseveres in their profession!

Virtual Court During Pandemic

Posted on: April 27th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments


With the coronavirus effecting the nation, people have been social distancing for all types of events. All court dates were delayed without further notice once the lockdown began. However, this week was a new look for court. The court system began its virtual court in order to start knocking out many of the waiting appeals. This system will allow cases to be slowly undertaken while remaining a safe distance away. Until the lockdown ends, this system is necessary. However, there is no site as to when exactly that will happen. According to President Trump, he intends to reopen the country this coming month.


COVID-19 Pandemic Court Response


People that are currently in essential or emergency proceedings that need to appear in court no longer have to wait until the end of the pandemic. This not only allows court officials to continue along schedule, but dramatically reduces the amount of people within the courtroom. Participants are able to use Skype to connect to the court proceeding and further the process at an expedited rate. Judges, criminal defendants, attorneys and more are all able to continue their social distancing while taking care of the cases that need immediate attention. This process also makes certain participants even more essential. Such as Court Reporters!


Court Reporters Document Your Virtual Case


When you are part of a proceeding that needs someone to have an ear open and everything to be documented, a court reporter is there to help. During these virtual cases, many things can be mistranslated or miscommunicated due to the video conferences. A court reporter is extremely necessary in order to document your full case. These court reporters are willing to put their work ahead of them and aid during this critical time. Constant monitoring of social distancing is still occurring. Therefore, in order for your case to be documented correctly, be sure to have a court reporter present during the virtual case!

Free Legal Video When You Use CourtScribes

Posted on: March 16th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes court reporting agency delivers both a complete range of standard court reporting services as well as advanced, high-value services not available from other court reporting services. In addition to the certified transcript, CourtScribes provides live & on-demand video streaming of trial proceedings for enhanced trial team support. CourtScribes is proud to covers trials, depositions, arbitrations, mediations, and hearings for our clients.

Does your court reporting agency give you a free video?

At CourtScribes court reporting agency we provide all our clients with a free legal video! Here is a little more information about the amazing services we provide here at CourtScribes court reporting agency. At CourtScribes we offer two different packages for our court reporting service:

Standard Services

Advanced Services

If you would like to use CourtScribes for your court reporting needs and get a free legal video for every case. Then we would love the opportunity to earn your business and build a long-standing relationship. CourtScribes proudly serves the following areas:




Port St. Lucie

Fort Lauderdale

Cape Coral

Coral Springs


Palm Bay

Ft. Myers




St. Petersburg





West Palm Beach

Boca Raton

Deerfield Beach


Key West

Coral Gables




Washington DC






New York





NY State Senator Addabbo Honors Forest Hills Court Reporting Program

Posted on: March 2nd, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments

We at are always proud to see the profession being honored. It doesn’t happen enough, so it always great to see when it does. In this case, New York State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., visited Plaza College in Forest Hills, Queens to celebrate the institution’s renowned court reporting program.

As we have discussed countless times, there is a serious nationwide shortage of court reporters. It is a problem that will only become worse with impending retirements, as court reporters are on average 53 years old.

State Senator Addabbo presented Plaza College with a proclamation to commend its dedication to educating young men and women with the most efficient technology in RealTime writing, providing them with the skill to become professional court reporters.

During his visit to Plaza College, Senator Addabbo discussed his appreciation for the industry and the individuals who create an accurate record of the official spoken word.


“Court reporting and captioning is a vital skill that helps keep an accurate account of what takes place in courtrooms, and even in the State Legislature, as well as informing the deaf and hard-of-hearing with the necessary information they need,” said State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. “It was a privilege to honor Plaza College with a proclamation recognizing their wonderful Court Reporting and Captioning program during National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, and the hard-working students who help make that program a success. I truly appreciate Plaza College’s commitment to the quality, diverse educational programs it offers.”

Plaza College, the only school in New York City that offers a degree program in court reporting, has successfully introduced stenography to the next generation by educating high school students and others interested in the career field about the many opportunities available.

In partnership with the National Court Reporters Association, Plaza College offers students a free four-week introductory program to Steno Machine Shorthand called A to Z.

Plaza College President, Charles Callahan III noted how this is a proud moment for the school. Stating how they are endlessly dedicated to preparing court reporting students to be skilled professionals. Being recognized by Senator Addabbo is a great honor and helps in continuing to help the court reporting industry flourish into the future.

If you need court reporting services from the best court reporting service, which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and we are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Texas is Another State Hit With Court Reporter Shortages

Posted on: February 3rd, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court reporters

As you know from reading the blogs on this site, the country is rapidly running low on court reporters. You can now add Texas to the list of states that is really beginning to feel the crunch,

On Dec. 31, Judge Chris Day, of the 2nd Judicial District Court, in Cherokee County, Texas, sent a formal request to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton inquiring about the possibility of implementing a court recording system in face of “an increased shortage of court reporters.”


Shocking Statistics

In 2014, there were about 32,000 court reporters in the U.S. Texas had the second-biggest shortage in the country. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says the country has half that many court reporters today!

The good news is that becoming a court reporter only requires one to have a high school diploma or equivalent, and pass a state certification exam as well as a state and federal background check. Include court reporting school and a stenograph and it should only set one back $25,000.

Many students fail their certification tests on their third or fourth try as the program dwindled but in the last three years there has been a change in enrollment, a new spark in the profession, and the word is getting out that the legal profession needs court reporters, badly.

And the shortage has one major side effect that may have been overlooked: Court reporters make bank. In 2014, a six-figure court reporter job opened up in San Francisco, and while that’s still on the high end, median wages were approaching $60,000 a year in 2018.


What About Court Recorders

Isn’t the issue as simple as putting microphones on judges, prosecutors and plaintiffs? Well, not really.

Not only would the cost of implementing a recording system, as well as hiring human technicians to maintain and operate the equipment, likely reach as high as $400,000 after also factoring in storage and archiving costs, but court recorders are far less accurate. And there lies the biggest problem.

Court recording machines do not seem to be the answer. They have been tried and they are very difficult to transcribe with accuracy. They may be OK for municipal court but they are always extremely difficult and time-consuming.

Anyone who has ever struggled to understand a teacher with a thick accent or a police officer with a particularly distinct regional dialect can probably understand why simply recording someone’s voice might not be adequate for creating an accurate transcription.

So if you’re sick of your job or just ready for a career change and you live in Texas, now is the time. You should really think about becoming a court reporter. Because without court reporters to produce an accurate record of court proceedings, then chaos, injustice, and most gruesome court delays are likely to be the inevitable outcome. And nobody wants any of that.

If you need court reporting services from the best court reporting service, which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and we are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Court Reporter Shortage Could Affect Trials in Texas

Posted on: January 20th, 2020 by Sfl Media No Comments

texas-flagAnother state, another shortage in court reporting being mentioned on this site. This time out of Texas. All across Texas, a shortage of court reporters has caused a Cherokee County judge, Chris Day, to pitch an idea to the Texas attorney general.

His idea is to have an electronic recorder in-lieu of an appointed court reporter if said court reporter is unavailable. This worries Smith County official court reporter, Kristy Crawford.


“If you have electronic reporting then you have an uncertified person pressing record on the tape recorder,” she said.


Currently Judge Day is three months without a court reporter and says that the goal of the recorder is not to replace a court reporter, but to have an alternative in case they’re unavailable.

Court reporters are sworn officers of the court and their role is to protect the integrity of the record. If any mistakes are made in an electronic recorder, 321st District Court Judge Robert Wilson says it’ll cost the county.


“You’ve already lost an important part of the record. The authenticity is questioned and what that creates fertile ground for an appeal. Which ends up costing a county lots of money or resources to retry a case,” he said.


According to the National Court Reporters Association, the average age of a court reporter is 53 years old. And many court reporters are now retiring and local schools are not offering classes to train their replacements. This is due to a lack of interest by younger society.

In the state a lot of people have retired and then there’s also the schooling situation. Schools have closed that provide court reporting programs, Cherokee County official Court Reporter Tena Argenbright said.

Some court reporters believe that going electronic is a step in the wrong direction.

“There’s been a problem with the audio recording. Either it wasn’t three or someone forgot to hit record after a recess…those things happen because there’s not someone with their license on the line charged with making that record,” Crawford said. supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and we too are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.


Wisconsin Courthouses Receive New Recording Systems Due to Shortage of Court Reporters

Posted on: December 30th, 2019 by Sfl Media No Comments

columbia-county-courthouseColumbia County, Wisconsin is on the shortlist to receive updated and new audio and video recording equipment for their courtrooms. This to fill in gaps as a statewide shortage of court reporters shows no signs of slowing.

Circuit Court Judge Andrew Voigt said the state is working to place new video and audio recording systems in almost all courtrooms across the state within the next two to three years, to provide uniformity in systems. The recording systems will also be used to address the rising shortage of court reporters, as a large number are set to retire, with very few new reporters entering the field to replace them.

(Yes, this is the same story we keep hearing all over the country.)


“There is a very significant percentage of court reporters in the state of Wisconsin eligible to retire in the next five years, dramatically more than are graduating from court reporting schools in Wisconsin,” said Voigt. “There is no conceivable way that the graduates could fill all of what will be open spaces.”


The state will provide the equipment and technology. But because the county owns the courthouse, it will be responsible for wiring or rewiring the courtrooms for installation. The state will be responsible for storing the files that are recorded in courtrooms and making them available.

Voigt said these systems will likely not be extensively used in the near future as there is still enough court reporters working in the county.

“This is a response to (an expected shortage of court reporters) because we as a court system don’t ever want to be in a position where we can’t hold court because we are missing personnel,” he said.


Will Technology Replace Court Reporters

While this is all meant to fill gaps in the absence of a court reporter, it will not eliminate the need for someone to operate the computer system used to record, and create transcripts from the recordings nor will it eliminate all court reporter positions throughout the state.

The county was not aware of the costs of this system. The money needed to wire the courtrooms is not accounted for in the 2020 budget, but is needed by the time the state is ready to install the equipment which Voigt says will likely be late February or early March.

“There’s so many unknowns with this, but we don’t have a choice, by statute they can order us to do this,” said County Board Chairman Vern Gove. “We don’t know what this is going to be, but it could be a big amount.” supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and we too are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Alfred State College Helping Court Reporting Students Via Project Steno

Posted on: December 23rd, 2019 by Sfl Media No Comments

project-steno-logoAlfred State College, of New York, is partnering with Project Steno to help put students on a path to a rewarding career in the high-demand field of court reporting.

Project Steno promotes the stenographic court reporting/captioning profession through social media and community outreach, with the goal of building a robust pipeline of students into school and graduating them in two years.


How Does Project Steno Help

The first step of Project Steno involves providing prospective students with a free introductory court reporting course, with partnering instructors donating their time and court reporters donating steno machines. After a six-week course, students are able to select a partnering school to attend so that they can obtain their court reporting degrees.

Students that complete the introductory course who then attend a partnering school will receive tuition assistance. As the final step in the process, Project Steno monitors student progress and helps mentor those who need extra help in order to ensure that those who meet the program milestones graduate in two years.

Alfred State offers a two-year degree in court and realtime reporting and a certificate in court reporting and captioning. To find out more about these programs, visit

For more information on Project Steno, visit supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and we too are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

The National Court Reporters Association Annual Expo in Denver

Posted on: August 26th, 2019 by Sfl Media No Comments

NCRA_convention29 men and women filled the Colorado Convention Center in downtown Denver representing the cream of the court reporting crop. They descended on the Mile High City for the annual National Court Reporters Association Convention and Expo, where contestants are competing for the chance to be crowned the fastest and most accurate reporters and captioners in the country.


This is basically the Olympics of court reporting.


Who are the Participants?

Most know court reporters from movies or TV shows as the silent, robotic human that sits at a steno machine without so much as a smile or smirk and types away indiscriminately.

“People think we’re robots,” said court reporter Amanda Maze, “We’re not!”

And while the name of the role suggests court duties only, the profession extends far beyond depositions and preliminary hearings. Music festivals, TV, movies and more need closed captioning for performances. Sports broadcasts need someone to keep up with the announcers for its telecasts.

And guess what…none of it requires a college degree.


“People have no idea what a great job it is,” says a court reporter from Illinois and contest chair for the competition. “You can travel. You can have a great government job. You can stay home. There are so many possibilities.”


What do the Contestants Have to Say?

Court reporting is not typing, contrary to popular belief. It’s really learning a language.

Stenography machines look like laptops with smaller screens. They feature keyboards with long, piano-like keys without any letters of numbers. To keep up with the speed of human speech, reporters write in their own shorthand, combining different keys to produce words and phrases. They can also program keys to write common words that can be used with just one keystroke.

While these skills are mostly used in courtrooms and in boardrooms, veteran court reporters and captioners relish the ability to compete against one another on steno’s biggest stage: the National Speed and Realtime competitions.

Court reporters are usually grammar buffs and detail nuts with unnerving concentration. The best of them just let their fingers fly, a rhythm so familiar it’s like breathing or blinking.

“If you’re thinking,” Maze said, “you’ve already lost.”


The Competition 

In the speed contest, the contestants raced to complete three, five-minute sessions, that gradually escalate in speed and difficulty. Afterward, they’re allowed to clean up their transcriptions, and the person with the most accurate account takes home the gold.

And it’s all done in complete silence. Organizers gathered all cellphones and watches to prevent any distractions. One court reporter made sure that everyone had their Wi-Fi turned off.

Participants kept their stenos on black tripods, hoisted up to their waists. The computer voice launched into the third and final test, a rapid-fire sequence of questions and answers from a lawyer to a DNA expert. The speed: 280 words per minute.

The good news is that steno keys are virtually silent, unlike computer keyboards.

Many of the participants said the tight-knit court reporter community is what brought them to Denver. It wasn’t just about winning a medal. They come together as a fraternity that from our previous posts are “the last of a dying breed”. is ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Are Court Stenographers on Their Way Out

Posted on: July 15th, 2019 by Sfl Media No Comments

As technology continues to improve daily, and it does continue rapidly to do so, there has been a concern regarding how much its advancement may cost people their jobs in the future. Now, we have entered an era where not only basic audio recordings, but also voice-to-text translations have become widely available, officials have started to wonder, “Are court reporters still needed in the courtroom…are stenographers on their way out?

And while the idea may strike fear to many, it’s not something that can be ignored. It’s an important discussion. The same way the steam engine has completely revolutionized the way people travel. Similar questions have been raised, like whether e-books will replace printed materials. As new technologies are adopted, is there a need to be worried about the livelihoods of people such as court reporters?

Some States are Changing

This shift has been happening a lot in recent years. Massachusetts, among other states, have actually discontinued the employment of official court reporters in the Supreme Court since June 30, 2018. Instead, a court monitor or a freelance court reporter oversees an electronic recording. This change is a clear indication of the move towards human-less interaction.

Presence of Transcript Errors

There have been incidents of transcript errors found on electronic proceedings, and investigations have been conducted in order to pinpoint the cause. Among the errors, they include machines suddenly turning off during proceedings (which cause missed testimonies), incomplete testimonies, and large portions of proceedings not being captured properly.

This being said, it’s clear how machines can be unreliable during important moments. All the more important, when it is in the case of a recording a court proceeding. But, it’s not only about technical difficulties. Machines, unlike humans, are incapable of politely interrupting in order to clarify misunderstood or misspoken words. A stenographer aka court reporter can do so. That is a major difference. It’s difficult to predict how much the technology will improve over the years. But, it’s apparent that current technology is still very limited, and factors such as background noise, low audio, or unclear speech may cause inconsistencies in the court transcripts.

So What is the Future

Human intervention is a highly important aspect of effective court reporting. This is one thing that the courts can’t do without in order to come up with accurate transcriptions. A court reporter has a huge contribution to the overall quality of work, and they’re not only responsible for actions inside the courtroom. Other tasks include preparing transcripts, making sure the printed transcripts are accurate, arranging the schedules of trials and other court proceedings, filing completed court transcripts with the county clerk, and even performing clerk duties such as the maintenance of law libraries, among others.

So, are court reporters on their way out? While there have been significant changes in the current court setup, court reporters are far from being “phased out.” At least to this point. But the tides are turning and technology is not going away. The technology at present, while useful, is still widely unreliable, and inaccuracies can be detrimental to any court proceeding. However, it’s still interesting to witness how much the industry is changing and progressing. is ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Four Reasons To Hire A Skilled Court Reporting Service

Posted on: November 19th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

Professional court reporting services like Court Scribes are an important part of any trial, a fact that attorneys recognize.

Conservative Daily News recently listed several benefits of hiring a skilled court reporting service:


Court reporters have to complete training that gives them the necessary knowledge and skills they need to provide their services in a courtroom. Most professional court reporters complete a two-year training course.

Miami court reporters

Experienced court reporters and stenographers have a good famliarity with legal documents, legal terms, and how court cases progress. They also are comfortable dealing with interruptions, delays, and background noise that are often associated with most depositions.

Peace of mind

Hiring a reliable court reporting agency will help the lawyer run the case smoothly, eliminating stress and headaches. A skilled court reporting agency will  handle all logistics and any last-minute.

Court reporters have a strong understanding of the importance of confidentiality and with the concept of neutrality. They understand they must always behave as an unbiased third party.

Prompt services

Agencies like Court Scribes that offer professional court reporting services, deposition services, and transcription have experience dealing with the needs of different attorneys and services are very efficient and reliable.

High level of accuracy

Court reporting services like Court Scribes have the background and experience to produce high-quality, accurate transcripts thanks to the cutting-edge technology they use and the quality people they employ.

CourtScribes uses professional-level recording systems to bring the most sophisticated digital technology into the private marketplace and provide the highest quality transcripts.

The company uses computer-based digital systems with enhanced features that perform recording functions with convenience, flexibility, and economy.

Electronic recording equipment is overseen by an experienced reporter at all times. The reporter simultaneously takes notes that are time-linked to the corresponding recording, so people involved with the case can instantly find the point in the record where they want to re-listen.

Courtroom Recording Technology Offers Distinct Advantages

Posted on: November 12th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

Advanced technology helps make trials easier in many ways. Christianity Today recently listed some of the benefits of court technology, the most important being that people who can’t attend the trial can view the transcript in real-time if they have an internet connection.

Here are some other advantages to having courtroom recording technology, per Christianity Today:

Immediate admission to the transcript

Attorneys can see the transcript while the trial is still going on, enabling them to quickly change their tactics if need be and strategize how to best question a witness. It also enables them to see clearly what was asked and answered earlier in the trial so they can re-state information if they need clarification.

Private messaging off the record

Attorneys can record off-the-record conversations via real-time instant messaging, saving time and averting any interruptions that might delay of the trial.

Live review

Real-time reporting allows the counsel’s teammates to see the  transcript instantly and formulate follow-up questions. They can also rephrase their queries if they did not get the response from the witness that they were looking for.

Cost efficiency

Attorneys can see a rough draft of the transcript before the final and official, making it much easier for them to prepare for the next day of questioning, which is cost-efficient for both the client and the attorney.

Testimonies can get impeached instantly

An instant transcript helps an attorney in the courtroom to impeach a witness instantly if necessary.

CourtScribes uses professional-level recording systems to bring the most sophisticated digital technology into the private marketplace and provide the highest quality transcripts.

The company uses computer-based digital systems with enhanced features that perform recording functions with convenience, flexibility, and economy.

Electronic recording equipment is overseen by an experienced reporter at all times. The reporter simultaneously takes notes that are time-linked to the corresponding recording, so people involved with the case can instantly find the point in the record where they want to re-listen.

Head Of Court Reporters Philanthropic Organization To Retire

Posted on: November 5th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), the country’s leading organization representing stenographic court reporters, captioners, and legal videographers, announced that the head of its philanthropic arm will retire in January.

BJ Shorak, Deputy Executive Director of the National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF), will be replaced by NCRA Senior Director of External Affairs Mary Petto.

“Today’s announcement does not mark the end of an era for NCRA and NCRF, but rather a step into the future for both organizations as they continue to work together to advance the court reporting and captioning professions,” said Marcia Ferranto, CEO and Executive Director of NCRA.

“BJ has committed the last 28 years of her career to building lasting relationships between NCRF and like-minded organizations, establishing unprecedented programs that benefit our members, students, and the legal profession as a whole and creating a legacy on which the Foundation will continue to grow,” she added.

Petto, who has been with NCRA for a year, most recently established NCRA’s Corporate Partnership Program to strengthen the Association’s mission to promote and protect the court reporting and captioning professions.

“I’ve had the privilege to work closely with Mary over the past year on a variety of fundraising activities for NCRF and am confident that her experience and fundraising talents will carry NCRF on its strategic path well into the future,” Shorak said.” I am confident that NCRF’s presence in the industry will remain strong and viable with the leadership of Mary and Marcia, who also has extensive experience in the fundraising arena.”

Shorak joined NCRA in 1987 as Director of Research and Technology. She was named Deputy Executive Director of the Foundation in 1992 when it began operating separately from NCRA.

Throughout her tenure, Shorak has successfully built lasting relationships with organizations and individuals that have led to dozens of meaningful programs

“I know I speak for hundreds of others whose lives BJ has touched through her work with the Foundation, that as she begins this new journey in her life, we will always be grateful for her commitment that has created the legacy she leaves behind: making a difference in the court reporting and captioning professions, and a smile in our hearts and on our faces whenever we think of her,” said NCRA Past President Tami Keenan.

Canada’s Legalization Of Marijuana Will Have Implications Across The Border

Posted on: October 29th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

On Oct.17, Canada became the second country in the world to legalize marijuana. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any rules or laws that apply to marijuana smokers, The Washington Post reported.

Canadian law allows people 18 and older to buy marijuana, but some provinces have set a minimum age of 19 to match the drinking age, and Quebec has announced its intentions to raise it to 21.

The new federal law sets a 30-gram limit on how much marijuana people can buy or possess in public. That’s equivalent to about one ounce. In addition, some cities have specific rules that apply to where you can consume your legal lmarijuana.

The legal sale of pot is limited to fresh buds, oil, plants and seeds. Edibles are not available for legal purchase although you can cook and consume them in someone’s home.

Driving under the influence of drugs is illegal, with different penalties in different provinces.

You cannot bring marijuana legally purchased in Canada back into the United States, even if you are bringing it into a U.S. state where marijuana has been legalized. It will be considered both possession and drug smuggling.

Although medical cannabis is legal in 46 states, marijuana is still an illegal substance under federal law. The federal government regulates drugs through the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). This act does distinguish between medical and recreational use of cannabis. Marijuana laws are used to prosecute people who possess, cultivate, or distribute large quantities of cannabis, according to Americans for Safe Access.

Under federal law, cannabis is treated like every other controlled substance, such as cocaine and heroin.. Under the CSA, cannabis is classified as a Schedule I drug, which means the federal government considers it to be highly addictive and that it has no medical value.

Although doctors can’t “prescribe” cannabis for medical use under federal law, they can “recommend” its use under the First Amendment, ASA said.

Indiana Supreme Court shifts in big way to electronic filing

Posted on: October 1st, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

High-tech solutions like the court reporting technology CourtScribes provides make the courtroom run more smoothly. And there are other important technological advances coming to courtrooms as well. One of them that increases efficiency and saves time and money is electronic filing.

For example, the Indiana Supreme Court is turning to electronic filing to reduce the paperwork that was created by the 1.3 million cases filed in Indiana’s state courts in the past year, The Statehouse File of Franklin College reported.

Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush said in the court’s 2017-2018 annual report that the goal is to switch almost every county court system to electronic filing over the next year.

Part of the problem is that more than a million cases being filed each year, courts are running out of room to file and store the paperwork, and electronic filing will create a more efficient, more accessible system while saving the court system money.

The electronic document filing system, along with new notification systems, will also help create more transparency among the courts and the public, Rush said. The court system also recently started sending reminder messages to defendants via text reminding them of important appointments like court dates.

Counties in the system have sent more than 160,000 text reminders in the past month alone.

“There was a real push with the courts with regards to advancing technology. We had about 90 percent of our counties involved in electronic filing in some form and we had 80 percent of our counties in a unified case management system,” Rush told The Statehouse File.

The court system has also increased security measures to make sure that the electronic records are fully protected, including putting the  entire system is behind the state’s technology firewall,

“We have a team in court administration for technology working on cyber security,” Rush said.

Technical College Plans To Add Court Reporting Curriculum

Posted on: September 24th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

There’s a nationwide shortage of court reporters, and while technology like the systems provided by CourtScribes help, skilled people are still needed to help with courtroom communications.

Horry Georgetown Technical College is one school that wants to start offering a court reporter program to help ease the shortage, which is especially severe in South Carolina, TV station WPDE ABC15 reported.

Horry Georgetown Technical College is a two-year technical college with three campuses, one in Georgetown, South Carolina, one in Conway, and one in Myrtle Beach. It is a part of the South Carolina Technical College System and is the fourth-largest technical college in the state, offering more than 80 degree and certificate programs.

Miami court reporters

The Miami court reporters of CourtScribes incorporate technology into their work.

The president of the college, Dr. Marilyn Fore, said the first step to setting up a program at the school is to figure out what credentials are needed for the job and to determine whether the program should be a degree program or certificate program.

Next, the college will build a curriculum then find qualified instructors to teach the classes.

“I think there are private contractors that teach court reporting but they would like for a college to do this, so they’re also volunteering to teach. I’m going to seek those folks out and see how they can help us to structure the program,” she said.

Fore said she hopes to have a plan in place by January.

A recent National Court Reporters Association found there will be 5,500 job openings available in the court reporting field across the country in the next five years.

Part of the reason for the strong demand is that many court reporters are retiring, so jobs are opening up, but there aren’t enough studying court reporting so there aren’t enough people to fill the jobs.

Also, a lack of awareness about the profession means people don’t often think of it as a career choice, something that court reporting programs are working locally and nationally to change.

New York Adds Watchdog Organization For Prosecutors

Posted on: September 17th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

Accurate court reporting is an important part of the criminal justice system, and so is fairness in prosecution.

New York state is working to reform its court system, and as part of that effort, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has signed legislation establishing the nation’s first State Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct.

The Commission will review and investigate prosecutorial conduct to address allegations of misconduct which lead to malicious prosecutions and wrongful convictions, frequently impacting people of color and marginalized communities.

By avoiding wrongful convictions and associated retrial costs and settlements, the Commission will save taxpayers money, the state said in a statement.

“Our criminal justice system must fairly convict the guilty and exonerate the innocent,” Governor Cuomo said. “When any prosecutor consciously disregards that fundamental duty, communities suffer and lose faith in the system, and they must have a forum to be heard and seek justice. This first-in-the-nation Commission will serve to give New Yorkers comfort that there is a system of checks and balances in the criminal justice system, and to root out any potential abuses of power to ensure that our justice system is just for all New Yorkers.”

Senator John DeFrancisco said, “There have been many cases of individuals who’ve been wrongfully convicted and who’ve served jail time because of the misconduct of some prosecutors. Despite the good work of most prosecutors, there must be a remedy against those who violate the law. This prosecutorial conduct commission legislation, signed by the Governor today, will provide that remedy and also provide oversight by an independent body, which over time will change the conduct of the wrongdoing of prosecutors, and help to ensure all a fairer criminal justice system.”

Governor Cuomo also led a successful effort to expand New York’s DNA databank in 2012, making New York the first state in the nation to require DNA samples from anyone convicted of a felony or Penal Law misdemeanor.

The Governor also established the Work for Success Initiative which has helped over 18,000 formerly incarcerated people find work upon their release.

Court Reporters And Captioners Are In Demand

Posted on: September 4th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

Becoming a court reporter is a sure-fire path to a good job, experts say.

A recent National Court Reporters Association survey that looked at the trends affecting job opportunities in the profession found there will be 5,500 job openings available in the field across the country in the next five years, Smart Business Cleveland reported.

Miami court reporters

The high tech solutions adopted by CourtScribes Miami court reporters could help solve personnel shortages.

“We have a 100 percent employment rate for graduates,” Kelly Moranz, program manager and adjunct faculty in the Captioning and Court Reporting program at Cuyahoga Community College, told Smart Business. “I’m always getting calls about job openings. Court reporters and captionists are being hired locally and all over the country.”

She said part of the reason for the strong demand is that many court reporters are retiring, so jobs are opening up but there aren’t enough people to fill them.

Also, a lack of awareness about the profession means people don’t often think of it as a career choice, something that court reporting programs are working locally and nationally change.

Moranz said flexibility is one attractive feature about the job. Captioners and court reporters often can work from home with significant earning potential. She said it’s not uncommon for experienced reporters to earn more than $100,000 a year.

She said new reporters might start out doing freelance work like deposition hearings, arbitrations or CART captioning for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community In court

There are also video captioning opportunities, including post-production jobs for companies like Nextflix and Hulu.

Training programs typically teach students the skills they need to earn their National Court Reporters Association or National Verbatim Reporters Association certification. There is also an associate degree option, which typically takes two years to complete.

The emphasis in court reporting is on accuracy and performance,  so students need to practice regularly to be successful.

Moranz noted that captioning and court reporting is an in-demand field offering excellent pay and great flexibility for those willing to put in the work.

Legal Professional Sues Amazon Over Exempt Status

Posted on: August 20th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

A former paralegal at Inc. is suing the company, alleging that the online retail giant misclassified paralegals as exempt employees, The Puget Sound Business Journal reported.

Paralegals and court reporters are both crucial to the legal process.

Court reporters

Miami court reporters Courtscribes bring technology to the table.

The lawsuit alleges that Amazon wrongfully misclassified paralegals as exempt employees, meaning that they were not subject to state and federal rules that required the company to pay them overtime for working more than 40 hours a week and to give them scheduled, set times for meal and rest breaks,  the Puget Sound Business Journal reported.

The lawsuit was filed in King County Superior Court in Seattle on Aug. 1. Filing the lawsuit was  former Amazon employee, Lorraine Colby of Bellevue, who said she worked as a paralegal for Amazon from June 2012 to June 2017.

Amazon is headquartered in Seattle and is looking to open a second headquarters somewhere else in the United States. The company has not responded to the lawsuit in court and a spokeswoman declined to comment to the Puget Sound Business Journal when contacted Aug 16.

“In its never-ending search to save money from its employees, Amazon willfully misclassified its paralegals to save on overtime and avoid the requirements of meal and rest breaks under Washington state law,” the Business Journal quoted the lawsuit as saying.

The lawsuit alleges that Amazon’s legal department was “advised on multiple occasions that these employees were misclassified based on their job duties.”

Amazon onboarding documents told paralegals they were expected to work 50 hours per week to meet the minimum requirements of their job, the lawsuit said, but they were not paid 1.5 times their regular pay for working more than 40 hours per week.

The lawsuit said because paralegals can’t “independently determine their own work product, settle cases, and determine strategy or impact policy or procedure without the authorization of an in-house lawyer” they are not exempt employees.

The lawsuit seeks class-action status to include any paralegals who worked for Amazon in Washington state after August 2015 and were classified as exempt.

Houston Man Holds Guinness World Record As Fastest Court Reporter

Posted on: August 13th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

Who’s the fastest court reporter in the world? According to Guinness World Records, it’s

Mark Kislingbury, who can type 360 words per minute on his stenomachine.

Kislingbury set the record in 2004, securing his place in the Guinness World Record book as well as his place in history.

But Houston, Texas native Kislingbury is not happy to just sit back and relax now that he holds the world record, he told WGNO TV while he was attending the National Court Reporters Association convention in New Orleans recently.

court reporters

There’s still a place for courtroom stenography in the technological revolution by court reporting agency CourtScribes.

“I’m going to keep practicing in hopes of breaking my own record.  Hopefully in the next few years I can break it by typing 370 or 380 words per minute,” he said.

“It is wonderful to hold the record because only a small amount of people have a World Record, and I have one,”  he said.

Kislingbury, who said he has been a court reporter for 35 years, uses a stenomachine. While he was at the recent convention in New Orleans, he competed in a “real-time” competition in which he had 99 percent accuracy.

“Using this machine is using shorthand.  I make so many shortcuts, it allows me to go faster than most people,”  Kislingbury said.

He encouraged more people to learn his profession, which is seeing shortages across the United States.

“There’s a big demand.  There are jobs everywhere,” he said.  “The money is good.  The job satisfaction is good.  The job is challenging, so not everyone can do it, but that’s why we get paid so well.”

Guinness World Records says its mission is to make the amazing official. They seek to inspire people — individuals, families, schools, teams, groups, companies and communities – of any age, in any city or country, to be inspired by reading, watching, listening to and participating in record-breaking.

To become the ultimate global authority on record breaking, Guiness World Records

researches, measures, documents and authorizes the world’s superlatives, then creates products that entertain, inform and inspire people through our unique window on the world.

NCRA Adds Three New Corporate Partners

Posted on: August 6th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), the country’s leading organization representing stenographic captioners, court reporters, and legal videographers, announced that three major industry leaders serving or representing the court reporting and captioning professions have signed on to the Association’s corporate partnership program, NCRA said in a press release.

court reporters

There’s still a place for courtroom stenography in the technological revolution by court reporting agency CourtScribes.

NCRA welcomed MacCormac College, Chicago, Ill., Magna Legal Services, Philadelphia, Pa., And U.S.  and Legal Support, Washington, D.C., as corporate partners.

NCRA’s Corporate Partnership program, which ranges in levels of support from $10,000 to $100,000, aids in business and workforce development efforts by NCRA and the National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF).

“We continue to focus on the next generation of captioners and court reporters by illustrating that these professions are viable and lucrative career opportunities,” said NCRA executive director and CEO Marcia Ferranto. “We’re excited about the diversity of the organizations that are joining our commitment to closing the shortage gap of stenographers nationally.”

“NCRA recognizes that there are various methods available to capture the spoken word, but our emphasis is on ensuring that both the general public and the legal industry understand that stenography is by far the most effective and desired method,” Ferranto said

The court reporting and captioning professions offer viable career choices that do not require a four-year college degree and yet offer good salaries, flexible schedules, and interesting venues. There is currently an increasing demand for more reporters and captioners to meet the growing number of employment opportunities available nationwide and abroad.

Court reporters and captioners rely on the latest in technology to use stenographic machines to capture the spoken word and translate it into written text in real time. These professionals work both in and out of the courtroom recording legal cases and depositions, providing live captioning of events, and assisting members of the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities with gaining access to information, entertainment, educational opportunities, and more.

South Carolina Is Feeling The Pinch Of Court Reporter Shortage

Posted on: July 30th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments

The shortage of court reporters is being felt in Horry County, South Carolina, and Bobbi Fisher of Myrtle Beach, who works as a court reporter in Horry County’s Family Court, says she’s afraid  that when her generation leaves the courtroom there won’t be anyone to replace them.

Ginny Jones, spokesperson for the S.C. Judicial Department, said that since fewer people are entering the profession and the numbers of new court reporters hasn’t kept up with retirements, machines are the obvious choice to remedy the problem.

She said the South Carolina Court Administration is already experimenting with digital recorders.

“In January 2018, the S.C. Supreme Court issued an order for a Digital Courtroom Recorder Project,” Jones told The Horry Independent. “This proven technology, which is operated in courtrooms by trained staff, is now capturing the record effectively in five courtrooms and is coming to more this year.”

But Jones went on to note that technology is not replacing human court reporters where they are available.

“It is important to note that we view digital recording as a supplement to court reporting; it has never replaced an existing court reporter, nor do we intend for it to.”

If no court reporters are available, the courts are more likely to take plea bargains over trials. Defendants who opt for a trial will have to wait until the proper staff is available.

South Carolina Senator Greg Hembree called the court reporter shortage a “huge” problem.

“Yes, it is a huge problem, especially in Family Court,” he said. “We’ve got judges that can’t hold court because they don’t have court reporters.”

He said the government is willing to increase court reporter salaries if  need be.

He calls letting machines help with recording court proceedings “a good experiment” but said, “In the meantime, we’ve got cases that are not getting heard.”

Poor Californians Win Right To Court Reporters

Posted on: July 16th, 2018 by Sfl Media No Comments
court reporter

The California Supreme Court has ruled everyone is entitled to a court reporter in that state.

The California Supreme Court has enshrined the right to a private court reporter in civil cases, whether they can afford one or not.

Judges on the court ruled unanimously that everyone is entitled to a verbatim record of their proceeding. The ruling is a reaction to cost-cutting in San Diego County that deprived some civil litigants of the services of a court reporter.

According to Courthouse News Service:

“By precluding an indigent litigant from obtaining the attendance of an official court reporter (to which the litigant would be entitled without payment of a fee), while at the same time preserving the right of financially able litigants to obtain an officially recognized pro tempore court reporter, the challenged court policy creates the type of restriction of meaningful access to the civil judicial process that the relevant California in forma pauperis precedents and legislative policy render impermissible,” Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye wrote. “Accordingly, we conclude that the court policy in question is invalid as applied to plaintiff and other fee waiver recipients, and that an official court reporter, or other valid means to create an official verbatim record for purposes of appeal, must generally be made available to in forma pauperis litigants upon request.”

The ruling acknowledges the importance of a verbatim record from a qualified court reporter in such issues as appeals.

Michael Shipley, who argued the case before the California Supreme Court on behalf of Barry Jameson, a prison inmate who brought the suit, said, “I practice in state court all the time for nonindigent litigants and we’re all sensitive to the fact that the courts don’t have unlimited amounts of money. But the court was clear that the solution to that problem cannot exist to deny access to justice for poor litigants. Access to justice is a huge civil rights issue and we had 40 different organizations that either filed or joined amicus briefs because this issue was affecting in a negative way all kinds of people’s rights to petition the government for redress of their grievances.”