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The Art of Stenography

The CourtScribes company are masters in stenography? The “art” of stenography is about recording what is being said as quickly and as accurately as possible. Stenography is mostly used in a courtroom or legal setting, ensuring that everything is being transcribed for the record. This is important because important decisions are being made on what […]

Stenogrpahy & Stenographers Matter


Stenography is one of the most identifiable methods of recording the spoken word. Stenographers have been a familiar sight in courtrooms for the better part of the past centuries. Stenography, in short, is the act of recording spoken words through shorthand using a stenotype machine. Shorthand as a whole is not a new concept. Shorthand […]

Three Common Misconceptions About the National Court Reporter Shortage

Recent studies were done that caught the eye of CourtScribes regarding a likely court reporter shortage. The study found that the gap between the number of available stenographers and the demand for their services nationwide continues to increase year over year. This is no surprise as we have reported on this many times. This problem […]

Are Court Stenographers on Their Way Out

As technology continues to improve daily, and it does continue rapidly to do so, there has been a concern regarding how much its advancement may cost people their jobs in the future. Now, we have entered an era where not only basic audio recordings, but also voice-to-text translations have become widely available, officials have started […]

Court Reporters Themselves See Stenographer Shortages Ahead

Court Reporting Stenograph

We keep reporting here at about the shortages in the court reporting industry. There does not seem to be an end in sight if the enrollment into programs does not increase. Even court reporters themselves see the stenographer shortages ahead. So what can be done? One issue is that television advertisements for schools & […]

Is There a Shortage of Qualified Stenographers

Court Reporting Stenograph

There seems to be a little issue happening in our courts. Court reporters are seeing a stenographer shortage coming in the very near future. So that does beg the question, is there a shortage of qualified Stenographers? We here at are here to find out. ‘People think this is an archaic profession. … it’s […]