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Everything is quite complicated when solving the issues of our current court system through this pandemic. However, with diligence and patience, the Florida Court System has been steadily working through. There is quite a long list of cases that has built up due to COVID-19. That is why Florida court systems, such as the Palm Beach County court system has done great work to minimize the amount of hearings, appearances and people within the jails quite well over this period of turmoil.


Workgroups Created and Coordinated


In order for all of this to have played out strategically, the courts developed a system between remote and on-site workers. Judges, judicial assistants, court staff and partners and many more have been using proper methods of social distancing. Also, thanks to the offset use of teleworking and rotating teams of on-site workers, the virus has been spreading at very minimal amounts. This reduction of person to person contact has allowed these determined workers to continue their job and aid in this very difficult time. These workgroups are consulting public health experts with the ability of handling pandemics and managing exactly what people should do. With the help of these officials, they are able to propose actions and hearings. They are then able to report these actions through state court administrators as soon as they are developed.


Milestones During a Pandemic


Within Palm Beach County, the court system has been diligently working in order to lessen the huge load of work that will return once the pandemic crisis is averted. With the help of teleworking and rotating on-site people, hearing and appearances have been physically and virtually happening. Thankfully, the jail populations have been decreasing, orders are being made, paperwork is being handled and judges are able to reside over many hearings. As long as these court workers are able to work in good health, the court systems shouldn’t be overwhelmed upon the opening of the country.