At the core of every court case, you will find a series of depositions. Many court cases are driven by the information revealed in depositions. Considering how much influence depositions can have on the outcome of a case, the responses that are given during a deposition should be recorded as accurately as possible.
When a court stenographer records a defendant’s responses during a deposition by typing them out, inflection is extremely difficult to represent in print. One way to avoid any confusion concerning inflection is to opt for a videography of the deposition instead.
Here’s what legal professionals should know about the importance of inflection and why it’s best to hire a videographer to record a deposition.
Why is Inflection so Important in a Court Case?
While every court case is different, one thing that remains the same is the fact that inflection plays a key role in shaping the opinions of jurors and judges alike. When you’re reading someone’s recorded responses in print, it’s difficult to tell when they’re being genuine or sarcastic.
Likewise, it is extraordinarily difficult for court stenographers to represent the inflection in someone’s tone of voice in a written transcript. For example, when a transcript says that a defendant said they were sorry for something, it’s virtually impossible to tell if the inflection in their voice had sounded genuine or not.
When a video of the deposition has been recorded, the inflection in the defendant’s voice can help jurors come to a decision by making it easier to determine how sincere a defendant is when answering questions.
Record Depositions Accurately and Efficiently at a Low Cost, with CourtScribes
To get the best in terms of accuracy, sound quality, and service, you’ll want to get in touch with the team at CourtScribes whenever you need to record a deposition. Our team has the knowledge, the equipment, and the experience you need.
Need professional videography services to record an upcoming deposition? Call CourtScribes today and ask about our videography services!