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The Evolving Role of Exhibits in Court Reporting

Posted on: February 19th, 2024 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court Reporting, CourtScribes

In the ever-evolving landscape of legal proceedings, the integration of technology has brought about significant advancements in court reporting services. Among these innovations, the use of exhibits in court reporting has been a game-changer, enhancing the clarity, accessibility, and effectiveness of legal documentation and evidence presentation. CourtScribes, a pioneering court reporting service that operates nationwide, is at the forefront of leveraging exhibits to revolutionize the court reporting industry.

The Importance of Exhibits in Legal Proceedings

Exhibits, which include documents, photographs, videos, and other tangible items, play a critical role in legal proceedings. They serve as essential evidence that can support a case, providing tangible proof that complements oral testimony. In the context of court reporting, the integration of exhibits into transcripts and legal documentation ensures a comprehensive and accurate representation of the proceedings. CourtScribes has recognized the importance of exhibits and has innovated their use in several ways. Through their services, legal professionals can now access enhanced court reporting solutions that seamlessly integrate these exhibits, offering a more robust and detailed account of court proceedings.

Remote Depositions and Court Appearances

The advent of remote depositions and court appearances has necessitated a shift in how exhibits are managed and presented during legal proceedings. CourtScribes has embraced this challenge by providing sophisticated remote deposition services that allow for the effective use of exhibits, even in a virtual environment. Using cutting-edge technology, CourtScribes ensures that all participants in a remote deposition or court appearance can view and interact with exhibits in real-time. This capability is crucial for maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the legal process, allowing attorneys to present and refer to exhibits just as they would in a traditional, in-person setting.

Professional Legal Videography

Another area where CourtScribes excels is in the realm of professional legal videography. This service is particularly relevant when it comes to the use of exhibits in court reporting. Video recordings of depositions or court proceedings that incorporate exhibits provide a dynamic and engaging way to present evidence. CourtScribes’ professional legal videography service ensures that exhibits are captured in high definition, allowing for clear visibility and audio quality. This not only aids in the presentation of evidence during trials but also serves as a valuable resource for legal professionals as they prepare their cases.

Free 24/7 Access to Transcripts, Exhibits, and Videos

Accessibility to legal documentation and exhibits is a cornerstone of effective legal practice. CourtScribes recognizes this need and offers unprecedented access to transcripts, exhibits, and videos. Clients of CourtScribes can benefit from free 24/7 access to these materials, a service that significantly enhances the preparation and review process for legal professionals. This level of access ensures that attorneys and their teams can review evidence, refresh their memory on specific details, and develop their case strategy with the full suite of documentation at their fingertips. It represents a significant improvement over traditional court reporting services, where obtaining copies of transcripts and exhibits could be time-consuming and costly.

Live-Streaming at Marginal Cost

In today’s digital age, the ability to live-stream court proceedings and depositions offers a host of advantages. CourtScribes has tapped into this demand by providing live-streaming services at a marginal cost. This feature is particularly beneficial for legal teams that are geographically dispersed or for those who cannot attend proceedings in person. Live-streaming services by CourtScribes not only include the real-time broadcast of audio and video but also the integration of exhibits into the live feed. This means that viewers can see and hear what is happening in the courtroom or deposition room, including the presentation of exhibits, in real-time. This level of engagement ensures that all team members are on the same page, regardless of their location.

Video-To-Text Synchronization

One of the most innovative services offered by CourtScribes is video-to-text synchronization. This technology links the video recording of a deposition or court proceeding with the corresponding transcript, allowing users to navigate between the two seamlessly. When an exhibit is referenced in the transcript, users can instantly view the video segment where the exhibit is presented or discussed. This synchronization between video and text is invaluable for legal professionals, providing a user-friendly way to access and review specific parts of a deposition or trial. It enhances the comprehension and retention of information, making it easier to prepare for cases or to present evidence in court.

Enhancing the Efficacy of Evidence Presentation

The role of exhibits in court reporting cannot be overstated, with their integration serving as a crucial element in the presentation and understanding of evidence. CourtScribes’ approach to incorporating exhibits into their reporting services represents a significant leap forward in legal technology. By facilitating a more interactive and engaging evidence presentation, they ensure that the essence of each exhibit is fully communicated and understood by all parties involved.

Interpreters and Multilingual Support

In addition to their advanced use of exhibits, CourtScribes offers interpreter services, acknowledging the diverse linguistic landscape of legal proceedings in the United States. This is particularly relevant when exhibits include documents or recordings in languages other than English. CourtScribes ensures that all participants, regardless of their native language, have equal access to the information presented in court. This inclusivity not only upholds the fairness of the legal process but also enhances the accuracy of the court reporting by ensuring that exhibits are accurately represented and understood.

Streamlining Legal Workflows

The integration of exhibits into court reporting services by CourtScribes significantly streamlines legal workflows. By providing digital access to exhibits alongside transcripts and video recordings, legal professionals can easily navigate through vast amounts of data to find the information they need. This efficiency is invaluable during case preparation and in the courtroom, where time is often of the essence. The ability to quickly reference an exhibit or recall a specific detail can be pivotal in the development of legal arguments and the outcome of cases.

The Impact of Video-To-Text Synchronization on Legal Strategy

CourtScribes’ video-to-text synchronization offers a strategic advantage to legal professionals. By allowing users to connect the dots between what is said and the exhibits presented, this technology provides a deeper understanding of the case. Legal teams can analyze the demeanor of witnesses or parties as they reference exhibits, gaining insights that might be missed in a traditional transcript. This holistic view of the proceedings can inform strategy, aid in witness preparation, and bolster argumentation in court.

Future Directions: Beyond Traditional Court Reporting

CourtScribes is not just transforming the present; they are shaping the future of court reporting. Their innovative use of exhibits is part of a broader trend toward the digital transformation of the legal industry. As technology advances, we can anticipate further enhancements to court reporting services, including augmented reality (AR) presentations of exhibits or the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to categorize and analyze evidence. These future developments will continue to build on the foundation that CourtScribes has established, further enhancing the effectiveness and accessibility of legal proceedings.

Elevating the Standard of Legal Documentation

The meticulous attention to detail and innovative approach to integrating exhibits into court reporting set CourtScribes apart in the legal services industry. Their commitment to leveraging technology to enhance legal documentation ensures that every aspect of a case is captured with precision and clarity. As a result, legal professionals are equipped with the tools they need to effectively argue their cases, backed by comprehensive and accessible evidence.

The Broader Impacts of Enhanced Court Reporting

The innovations introduced by CourtScribes, particularly in the use of exhibits, have far-reaching implications beyond the immediate benefits of improved evidence presentation and accessibility. These advancements contribute to a broader transformation in the legal field, impacting areas such as judicial efficiency, legal education, and public access to justice.

Judicial Efficiency

The integration of technology in court reporting, as demonstrated by CourtScribes, has the potential to significantly increase judicial efficiency. By streamlining the process of presenting and reviewing exhibits, court proceedings can move more swiftly, reducing delays and backlogs. This efficiency not only benefits the legal professionals involved but also serves the interests of justice by ensuring that cases are resolved promptly.

Legal Education and Training

CourtScribes’ approach to court reporting also has implications for legal education and training. The availability of sophisticated tools and technologies for managing exhibits and other evidence can be integrated into the curriculum of law schools and professional development programs. This integration ensures that new generations of legal professionals are well-versed in the latest technologies and prepared to leverage these tools in their practice, ultimately leading to a more tech-savvy legal workforce.

Public Access to Justice

The accessibility features provided by CourtScribes, such as 24/7 access to transcripts, exhibits, and videos, as well as the ability to live-stream proceedings, enhance public access to justice. By making legal processes more transparent and accessible, CourtScribes contributes to a more informed public and facilitates greater engagement with the legal system. This openness can help demystify legal proceedings, making the justice system more approachable and understandable to non-professionals.

The Future of Court Reporting

CourtScribes is setting a new standard in court reporting through its innovative use of exhibits. By integrating technology into every aspect of their services, CourtScribes not only enhances the effectiveness of legal proceedings but also ensures greater accessibility and efficiency for legal professionals. As the legal industry continues to evolve, the role of exhibits in court reporting will undoubtedly expand, with services like those offered by CourtScribes leading the way. This integration of technology and legal expertise is transforming the landscape of court reporting, making it more dynamic, accessible, and effective than ever before.

In conclusion, the use of exhibits in court reporting, as exemplified by CourtScribes, represents a significant advancement in the legal field. Through their comprehensive suite of services, CourtScribes is not only improving the way evidence is presented and accessed but is also enhancing the overall efficiency of the legal process. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for further innovation in this area is boundless, promising even greater improvements in court reporting and legal proceedings in the years to come.

CourtScribes: Pioneering the Future of Court Reporting

Posted on: October 30th, 2023 by Sfl Media No Comments

court reporting, CourtScribesIn an increasingly digitized world, court reporting services have had to evolve to meet the changing needs of the legal industry. This evolution has given rise to companies like CourtScribes, a nationwide leader that seamlessly integrates traditional court reporting with cutting-edge technology to provide unparalleled services. Court reporting, at its core, is the art of accurately capturing spoken words and converting them into written transcripts. It’s a crucial part of the legal system, ensuring that an accurate record is kept of proceedings. However, the introduction of modern technology has expanded the possibilities within this field, and CourtScribes is at the forefront of this revolution.

Remote Services Redefining Accessibility

One of the standout features CourtScribes offers is its remote services, including remote depositions and court appearances. This means that even if an attorney or witness cannot physically be present in a courtroom or deposition room, they can still participate and provide their testimony or services. Given the recent global shifts towards remote work and the need for social distancing, this service is not just innovative; it’s essential. Remote services break down geographical barriers. An attorney in New York, for instance, can now easily take a deposition from a witness in California without either party having to travel. This not only saves time and money but also ensures that proceedings can continue without delay, regardless of external circumstances.

Professional Legal Videography: The Visual Advantage

CourtScribes recognizes that sometimes, a written transcript isn’t enough. Enter Professional Legal Videography. This service captures both the audio and visual nuances of a proceeding, ensuring that nothing is lost in translation. Facial expressions, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues can be just as telling as the words spoken. Videography ensures that these elements are captured and can be reviewed as needed. Moreover, with the added feature of Video-To-Text Synchronization, users can simultaneously view the video proceedings and the corresponding transcript. This is particularly useful during review sessions, allowing attorneys to quickly reference specific moments without having to sift through hours of footage.

Unparalleled Accessibility and Streaming Capabilities

Another commendable feature is the FREE 24/7 access to transcripts, exhibits, and videos. Legal professionals often work around the clock, and the ability to access necessary materials anytime and anywhere can be a game-changer. Additionally, CourtScribes offers live streaming at a marginal cost. This ensures that those who need to be in the loop – be it clients, co-counsels, or other stakeholders – can be updated in real time, no matter where they are.

The Importance of Adapting to Modern Demands

The legal field, historically rooted in tradition, sometimes finds it challenging to adapt to modern demands. However, as the landscape of the industry changes, so must the services that support it. CourtScribes is a shining example of how traditional practices can be enhanced and improved with the aid of technology.

By offering services like remote depositions, professional videography, and live-streaming, CourtScribes ensures that the legal system can continue to function efficiently, even in the face of challenges. Their dedication to innovation is a testament to their commitment to their clients and the broader legal community.

It’s not just about keeping up with the times; it’s about anticipating the needs of the future. And with CourtScribes leading the way, the future of court reporting looks brighter than ever.

A Deep Dive into the Benefits of Video-to-Text Synchronization

In a world where information overload is a common challenge, having the ability to streamline and efficiently access relevant data is of utmost importance. This is where CourtScribes’ Video-To-Text Synchronization shines. The pairing of video footage with its corresponding written transcript makes for a powerful tool in the legal arsenal.

For example, during a particularly contentious cross-examination, an attorney can easily reference a specific point in the deposition or testimony by simply clicking on the relevant section of the transcript. This pulls up the exact moment in the video, allowing for immediate visual and auditory recall. Such efficiency can be pivotal during trials when quick references can influence the direction of arguments or even the final outcome.

Accessibility: More Than Just a Buzzword

One of CourtScribes’ standout features is its commitment to accessibility. By offering clients 24/7 access to transcripts, exhibits, and videos, they are ensuring that legal professionals can operate at their best at any given moment. Consider the late-night preparations for a trial or the last-minute need to reference an exhibit before a deposition; with CourtScribes, everything you need is at your fingertips, no matter the time of day.

Furthermore, the added option of live-streaming ensures that no stakeholder is left out of the loop. Whether it’s a client who wants to be updated in real-time or a team of lawyers across different states collaborating on a case, live-streaming facilitates seamless communication and ensures transparency.

The Broader Implications for the Legal Industry

While CourtScribes’ services are undeniably impressive, it’s essential to view them within the broader context of the evolving legal landscape. The legal sector has, at times, been slow to adopt technological advancements. However, as companies like CourtScribes demonstrate the undeniable benefits of integrating tech into traditional processes, the industry is bound to take note.

The efficiencies offered by such advancements not only streamline processes but can also lead to cost savings. Reduced need for physical travel, faster access to essential documents, and the ability to collaborate in real-time are just a few ways in which these services can translate to tangible benefits for both legal professionals and their clients.

Furthermore, as the world continues to grapple with challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to conduct depositions, court appearances, and even trials remotely becomes not just a convenience but a necessity. In this light, CourtScribes isn’t just offering a service; it’s providing a solution to contemporary challenges.

As the legal world continues to evolve, so too will the needs of its professionals. CourtScribes, with its forward-thinking approach and commitment to innovation, is setting the benchmark for what modern court reporting can and should look like. By embracing technology and recognizing the changing dynamics of the legal landscape, CourtScribes is not only serving its clients but also pushing the entire industry toward a more efficient, accessible, and future-ready direction.

The Interplay of Tradition and Technology

In a realm like court reporting, one might assume that innovation has its limits. Yet, as CourtScribes proves, the fusion of tradition with modern technology yields results that far exceed expectations. The age-old practice of court reporting, characterized by meticulous note-taking and a keen ear, now pairs seamlessly with technological advancements, presenting a sophisticated blend of reliability and innovation.

Reinventing Remote Services

A decade ago, the idea of remotely attending a deposition might have sounded fanciful. However, in today’s interconnected world, where telecommuting and digital communication dominate many sectors, CourtScribes has capitalized on this trend, making remote court services not just feasible but also efficient.

Remote services, as championed by CourtScribes, offer more than just convenience. They break down barriers that could potentially delay justice. Consider, for instance, a key witness located overseas or someone with mobility issues. Remote depositions mean their testimony can be heard without the challenges and expenses of travel.

The Vital Role of Professional Legal Videography

While transcripts provide a detailed account of proceedings, they might miss out on the emotional undertones, the hesitations, the assertive gestures, or the skeptical glances. This is where Professional Legal Videography steps in, ensuring that every facet of a deposition or court appearance, from the words spoken to the subtle nuances of body language, is documented.

For attorneys, this means a more comprehensive view of events, which can be instrumental in shaping their strategies. Whether it’s noting a witness’s uncertainty or capturing a contradictory gesture, the advantages of having video evidence are manifold.

Democratizing Access with Live Streaming

The concept of live-streaming court proceedings isn’t just about keeping stakeholders informed; it’s a significant step towards democratizing the legal process. By allowing real-time access to court proceedings, CourtScribes ensures transparency and accessibility, two pillars essential for trust in the judicial system.

Live-streaming also has broader implications for educational and training purposes. Law students, budding attorneys, or even seasoned professionals can tune into live proceedings, gaining insights, observing courtroom dynamics, and enhancing their learning experience.

Cost-efficiency Meets Excellence

One of the more tangible benefits of CourtScribes’ offerings is the potential for cost savings. The combination of remote services, 24/7 access to materials, and live-streaming can result in significant reductions in expenses related to travel, accommodation, and physical documentation. For law firms, especially smaller ones operating on tighter budgets, these savings can be a boon, allowing them to allocate resources to other critical areas.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Court Reporting

With the rapid pace of technological evolution, the potential for further advancements in court reporting is boundless. As AI and machine learning continue to make strides, there could be future integrations that allow for real-time translations, predictive analytics for case outcomes, or even virtual reality-based courtrooms. Companies like CourtScribes are leading the charge, proving that innovation in the legal realm is not just about new laws or novel interpretations of existing ones but also about harnessing technology to make the judicial process more efficient, transparent, and accessible.

With our cutting-edge technology, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality court reporting services that exceed their expectations. Call CourtScribes today and experience excellence; court reporting at its best!

Court Scribes Explains What Those Court Reporters Are Typing On

Posted on: January 3rd, 2022 by Sfl Media No Comments

stenographerWhat’s that thing court reporters are always typing on? This is a question that CourtScribes gets asked all the time.

Well, that thing is called a stenotype machine. It’s also used for captioning television broadcasts as well. The stenotype works a bit like a portable word processor. It has a 22-button keyboard in place of the standard “qwerty” setup. The way modern stenotypes are set up, they have two rows of consonants across the middle, underneath a long “number bar.” Set in front are four vowel keys: “A,” “O,” “E,” and “U.”

How Does a Stenotype Work?

Court stenographers can type entire words all at once by striking multiple keys at the same time. This is a special skill that they have acquired. The left hand spells out the beginning of a syllable, while the right hand spells out the end. All keys are pressed at the same time, and the machine produces a word jumble that’s incomprehensible to anyone who’s not trained in (stenotype) machine shorthand.

Stenographers spell out syllables phonetically. But there aren’t enough keys on each side of the keyboard to cover every sound. Certain combinations of adjacent keys correspond to the missing consonants.

At court-reporting school, you learn one of at least half a dozen machine shorthand “theories,” which teach different approaches and general rules. Any experienced stenographer will work out his or her own abbreviations, especially for words and phrases particular to a given job.

In the old days, everything a stenographer typed would print to a roll of narrow paper tape. Later on, the stenographer would translate the notes back to English, and sometimes another stenographer would check the translation. Now the translation is done by computer. Fancier stenotype machines translate as they go. The paper tape still records the original notes, but an LCD display on the machine itself shows the words in regular English.

Almost all stenographers have their own customized machines. A brand-new, top-of-the-line stenotype costs up to about $4,500. Cheaper training models are a bit over $1,000.

In the last few years, more court reporters have begun to use less expensive technologies. A “verbatim” reporter holds a tiny microphone up close to his mouth and repeats everything he hears behind a mask and device that silences the sound of his voice. Voice-recognition software can translate the recording into printed text either after the fact or as the recording is made.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Court Scribes Asks: Do You Need to Hire a Digital Court Reporter?

Posted on: December 27th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

As CourtScribes has noted there is a continued growing shortage of stenographers. This reality combined with the fact that the average age of a court reporter is 53 years old, leaves cause for concern about the profession’s future. Additional contributing factors to the shortage include a significant decrease in graduates from professional stenographic training and the closure of many training schools.

To overcome these hurdles, the court reporting industry has been tapping into digital court recording systems, such as audio and video recordings of proceedings and advanced transcription technologies, which provide accurate court reporting.

What is a Digital Court Reporter?

Like a stenographer, a digital court reporter is a notary. Their responsibilities include swearing in witnesses and marking exhibits.

Instead of the traditional stenography machine, these professionals record the proceedings using digital technology. This usually means audio, but also includes video. Professionals take notes during the recordings either manually or by annotating in a software platform, and then submit these for transcription into a cohesive document afterward.


How Does Digital Court Reporting Future-Proof Your Business?

The biggest difference between digital and standard stenographic court reporting is that digital court recording systems allow businesses to grow and future-proof their operations.

Both clients and the legal system as a whole are transitioning into digital. There’s little dispute that digital court reporting is more efficient. Companies can get faster transcripts at better prices and avoid unwanted delays due to the stenographer shortage.

Cost savings is also a significant factor. Based on data from the AAERT, court reporting companies that transition into digital are expected to save nearly $250K USD over the next decade simply by transitioning from stenography to digital court reporting systems. Advanced technologies, therefore, provide the opportunity to lower costs, while also serving more clients faster.


How Digital Court Reporting Improves Turnaround and Quality

It has been learned that legal clients prefer to work with digital court reporters due to the faster turnaround that advanced transcription software provides. Due to artificial intelligence, instantaneous transcription also continues to be more accurate, as the software learns from its mistakes. Even if the transcription provider offers additional review by humans, the process is faster.

A top concern and also deciding factor is the quality and accuracy of court reports. Since the software is trained to understand both legal terms and a client’s own specific situation, the most advanced products provide 99% accuracy. Similarly, if selected software features an automatic sound recognition (ASR) engine, it can distinguish between different speakers to avoid confusion.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

CourtScribes Shows the Importance of a Court Reporter

Posted on: December 20th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Technology has seen an increase in jobs being taken over by their mechanical counterparts. This is just a sign of technological times. Some people believe that the court reporter may soon be one of the jobs that loses its value when this much technology is available. However, certain jobs, such as this one, requires a human quality to properly function.

The court reporter is the person in charge of making a verbatim legal record using a stenograph. Using this stenograph, they transcribe the court proceedings in shorthand. Instead of being replaced, the addition of audio technology allows a court reporter to now complete their job with even greater efficiency. So maybe the two can co-exist together.


Efficiency and Reliability


When you’re looking at the reason for transferring to technology it usually comes down to whichever option is more efficient and reliable. So, we’ll have to go into a little detail about the necessity of the court reporter.

Audio technology has given people a way to record conversations in detailed manners. However, some things are unable to be recorded if there is a crossover in a speech by multiple people. This means that there needs to be a human also recording everything being said in order to capture the full truth. Yes, technology has now given people a way to record, but this should mean that the occupation is now enhanced and requires training with audio recording technology on the side. This would be the most efficient and reliable way.


Can’t Take that Chance


Court reporters’ main focus is to record every single word that is uttered within the courtroom. All while differentiating between those who are speaking, and ignoring the background noises. One of the hardest situations is when two attorneys or legal participants speaking over each other. Audio technology has advanced to a much higher stage than its tape recorder predecessors. However, if there is any chance that this device may lose speech during a situation where two people are speaking over each other, then that entire passage of speech has been lost to the case. This especially matters if there is an appeal to the case. In other words, until it is perfect, we can’t take that chance.

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

The Art of Stenography

Posted on: December 13th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

The CourtScribes company are masters in stenography? The “art” of stenography is about recording what is being said as quickly and as accurately as possible.

Stenography is mostly used in a courtroom or legal setting, ensuring that everything is being transcribed for the record. This is important because important decisions are being made on what is said during trials, depositions, and arbitrations.

“Steno” uses a complicated machine (a stenotype) to record all this information, and people who are specially trained to use these machines are called stenographers.

But keep in mind that stenographers are not just restricted to the inside of a courtroom. Stenography is also used for live captioning you see on TV. Like the type, you’ll find on the 6 o’clock news or press conferences.

It’s also used for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in places of learning to help follow what’s being said in a lecture, classroom, or video conference.


Why Would I Need a Stenographer

Many companies are now looking to stenographers (like those at CourtScribes) for live captioning services.

Live captioning is a way to level the playing field for everyone, while at the same time ensure your company is meeting its obligation when it comes to the law.

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Why are Court Reporters Important to CourtScribes

Posted on: December 6th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court Reporting StenographAs time has gone forward, technology jobs increase as more mechanical-type jobs go by the wayside. In court reporting circles, that you have read about here at CourtScribes, many believe that this too will happen to the profession. As a matter of fact, it is happening right now as we speak. As the technology expands in the field, fewer and fewer actual court reporters are needed.

However, certain jobs require a human quality to properly function. Court reporting is definitely one of those jobs.

Who or what is a court reporter?

Well, the court reporter is the person in charge of transcribing a verbatim legal record using a typing tool called a stenograph. Using the stenograph, the reporter transcribes the court proceedings in a sort of shorthand. But, instead of being replaced, the technological addition of audio tech allows the court reporter to complete the job with even greater efficiency.


Reliability is Key

If one is trying to understand why technology is taking over this industry, it basically comes down to the option that is more efficient and more reliable. While the ability for a human being (court reporter) to take in proper notes and hear all that is going on crystal clear, many times that is just not the case.

Due to the simple advancement of tech, we can now record conversations and have audio renditions. However, some things are unable to be recorded if there is a crossover in speech by multiple people. This means that there needs to be a human also recording everything being said in order to capture the full truth. 

So that while technology has now given people a way to record, this should mean that court reporting is now enhanced and requires training with audio recording technology on the side. This would actually be the most efficient and reliable way to conduct transcribing.


Don’t Leave it to Chance

A court reporter’s main focus should be to record every single word that is spoken in the courtroom. They must do this, all while differentiating between those who are speaking, and ignoring the background noises. This is tough because one of the hardest situations to deal with is when two attorneys or legal participants speaking over each other.

The audio technology at CourtScribes has advanced to a much higher stage than its tape recorder predecessors. But if there is any chance that the device may lose speech during a situation where two people are speaking over each other, then that entire passage of speech has been lost. This especially matters if there is an appeal to the case. Imagine that someone has grounds all because the words were not properly transcribed?

If you need court reporting services like those described in this blog, then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

What Will CourtScribes Do For You?

Posted on: November 29th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes is a team of highly professional court reporters based out of South Florida but has offices all over the country. CourtScribes is the leader of the industry using top-of-the-line technology for a fraction of the price. Having an experienced court reporter is essential to every case. This includes cases in federal, state, and local jurisdictions.

Did you know that digital recording is now the exclusive method used for the record for all Supreme Court cases? Well, CourtScribes has this covered as well with professional legal videography, ease of access databases, and transcripts that are made with effective and precise support services.

CourtScribes provides a service that paralegals and attorneys alike all rely on. Whether it’s a trial, deposition, arbitration, mediation, or a hearing, visit or call 1-833-SCRIBES today to inquire about services.


Our Top-of-the-Line Services Include:

Audio Recording

CourtScribes audio recording equipment is designed to record every voice clearly and precisely. Each sound channel is dedicated to another person. Without having interfering channels, each voice will be captured in its own time allowing for playback at any time. Regardless of outside noise, accents or low speaking voices, there should be zero issues with our court reporters’ abilities to capture every moment.

Audio Transcripts

Each sample of audio will be replayed, documented and time-stamped for future review if needed. There won’t be any issues if a previous statement needs to be retraced or disputed. These transcripts are available through our 24/7 online database.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.


CourtScribes provides live and on-demand video streaming for your proceedings. These videos are also kept in our database for needed use. We use video-to-text synchronization for easy research into a past video. Using our time-recorded transcripts, you’ll be able to lookup statements from a perfect text record that matches up with both video and audio in perfection. Our top of the line technology will ensure that your case will be recorded with precision and accuracy.


Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

The Five Reasons Why You Must Seriously Consider Court Reporting

Posted on: November 22nd, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court reporting is a tough job. Court reporting may not be for everyone. You will have to go to a school and acquire a whole new skill set. That being said, here are five reasons why one should consider a career in court reporting.

1 – It is a High-Demand & Recession-Proof Career
From the moment you graduate from court reporting school and get licensed as a certified shorthand reporter, you will never experience a day without working that you didn’t want to work. A recession-proof job is one that remains in high demand even through bad economic times. Though no career is entirely recession-proof, court reporting is more constant than most others when times are hard.

Several elements create a high demand for court reporters. The first is that there is an increased demand in the legal field. Crime tends to rise dramatically when people feel desperate and experience serious financial problems, so the number of court cases increases. Civil disputes also reach a boiling point, resulting in more civil litigation when times are tough.

Secondly, there is an increase in demand in other industries that require real-time court reporters to provide transcriptions or captioning of conferences, seminars, video, and television. The growing number of fields that require stenographers includes television, sports, politics, business, medicine, and many more.


2 – The Potential for Higher Income

A court reporter’s salary depends on their location. The income is also affected by certifications and services provided. A reporter who provides real-time translation services usually makes more than one who doesn’t. The national average is around $46,000 a year. But keep in mind that many reporters work part-time, so it drives down the national average. The sky is the limit if you’re willing to work hard and be a top-notch reporter. Some reporters make $225k to $300k per year consistently.



3 – Flexibility in Working Hours
If you are looking for a flexible job, court reporting may be the field for you. Some court reporters work just two or three days a week. Working part-time as a court reporter is common and easily attainable if you are looking for a nice balance between your professional and personal life. Freelance reporters are able to schedule a short one-hour depo or an all-day video deposition if necessary. If you need to take the day off, then you can simply tell the agency you’re not available for work that day.


4 – Residual Income Opportunities
One of the main reasons some choose the court reporting profession is for the residual income opportunity. Once we report a matter, we can continue to get paid for the work for months and years after it’s done. It’s common to earning royalties from intellectual property like books and patents. The record court reporters make is considered a “work product”. If anyone wants a copy of it, money can be earned again and again.

Official court reporters earn a salary plus transcript income. Some freelance reporters will earn a per diem for the time that they are at a location or just to show up. After an original transcript is produced court reporters can earn money for the transcript again at the time of appeal, which happens in the years following the matter reported.


5 – Longevity of Career
Stenography stems from man’s desire and necessity to preserve happenings of yesterday and today for the future. Stenography is one of the oldest professions and will be around well into the future. Even with technological advancements, it will always need a human touch. Technology has come a long way in the last 20 years, but it still has a long way to go before it will be a threat to the profession of court reporting. The experimentation with replacing human court reporters with audio recording has failed time and again. It’s similar to replacing all language interpreters with translation software.

Court reporters are tasked with the protection of the record. Court reporters use extremely sophisticated technology to create a record using machine shorthand, and it is a process that takes an average of three years to master.

Stenography is a career that offers longevity. Many court reporters have enjoyed several decades-long careers in the profession and plan to work well into their retirement age. Longevity in court reporting is possible because of the variety of jobs.

A few of the things a human court reporter can do that digital recording can’t are: capture testimony at 99 percent or greater accuracy, handle multiple speakers at the same time, identify speakers, understand different accents and dialects, create an immediate draft transcript, create a same-day or next-day final transcript, mark exhibits, swear witnesses, and stop a proceeding for clarification due to an accent or soft-spoken witness, or ask for a repeat because a door slammed or other noise cut out the speaker.

Even if voice recognition technology evolves to a level of near perfection, it can still never replace the human court reporter because it lacks the ability to control and protect the record and do the human aspects of the job.

These five reasons outlined here by CourtScribes, show how court reporting is a great career choice. It is a decision you have to make, but if you think that these five reasons make sense and it is of any interest to you, then this is a career choice you would have to consider. It is not only rewarding financially, but it is rewarding because you are an intricate cog in the machine of the courts and justice.

Sonja L. Reeves Receives Prestigious NCRA Award

Posted on: November 15th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes likes to spread the love. So we are happy to announce that The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), which is the country’s leading organization representing stenographic court reporters and captioners, has announced that Sonja L. Reeves has earned the nationally recognized Registered Diplomate Reporter (RDR) certification.

This is the highest credential available to stenographic court reporters handed out. Reporters with this credential are recognized as highly experienced and seasoned members of the profession’s elite. NCRA currently has about 350 members who hold this highly prestigious certification.

Reeves is a federal official court reporter for the U. S. District Court in the District of Alaska. She is also a member of NCRA and has worked as a court reporter for 32 years. She also holds the professional certifications of Registered Professional Reporter (RPR), Registered Merit Reporter (RMR), and Certified Realtime Reporter, (CRR).

To be recognized as an RDR, candidates must hold the RMR certification and have five current and continuous years of membership in the NCRA, as well as pass a written knowledge test that focuses on the areas of technology, reporting practices and professional practices.

If you need court reporting services like Sonja provides, then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

CourtScribes is Changing the Court Reporting Industry

Posted on: November 8th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes court reporting agency is changing the court reporting industry by using Internet age technology to create the official record of court proceedings, using remote transcriptionists and charging attorneys up to 50% less than what they now pay. And as argued below as a disruptive technology, it will not only improve the quality of services but also ultimately extend and even democratize the use of services that are today often restricted only to high profile or high dollar value cases. The attorneys not only benefit from a less expensive transcript but the video and/or audio recording provides them with a more accurate and verifiable record.

CourtScribes may provide a live feed to attorneys in the office, allowing the office team to monitor the proceedings and more effectively assist the attorneys in the courtroom. All of this is a benefit to the attorneys as well as the clients that the attorneys represent. This simplification is key to getting accurate results and thus a more successful trial situation for everyone involved.

If you need court reporting services like those described in this blog, then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Automatic Speech Recognition Engine is On the Way

Posted on: November 1st, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Stenograph, LLC, which is a leader in legal transcription technology, announced that a project called Phoenix, an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) engine, which is designed specifically for the court reporting and the legal transcription industry which will increase the productivity and profitability of reporters, court reporting agencies, as well as transcription service providers.

Stenograph’s decades of knowledge of legal terminology, formatting, and editing to provide a solution that is purpose-built for the legal industry is a big reason why industry insiders feel like Phoenix can be a “game-changer”.

Stenograph has always led the court reporting and legal transcription industry in innovation to serve the purpose of justice globally. From the first shorthand machine to the first paperless writer, from audio backup to cloud backup. Stenograph has always striven to provide technology that is geared towards enhancing the productivity and profitability for all stakeholders of the court reporting ecosystem.

The Phoenix ASR engine will be incorporated into solutions that will support steno, voice, and digital methods. This is a step towards bridging the increasingly widening gap between supply and demand for quality legal transcripts by improving efficiencies up to 50%. In addition, Stenograph will also provide integrated white label solutions to service providers to incorporate Phoenix into transcription platforms for increasing productivity and profitability of such providers.

If you need court reporting services like those described in this blog, then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Stenogrpahy & Stenographers Matter

Posted on: October 25th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

stenographyStenography is one of the most identifiable methods of recording the spoken word. Stenographers have been a familiar sight in courtrooms for the better part of the past centuries. Stenography, in short, is the act of recording spoken words through shorthand using a stenotype machine.

Shorthand as a whole is not a new concept. Shorthand systems may rely on symbols, which represent specific sounds, concepts, or letters. Or it may rely on letters that have specific meanings.

The ultimate goal of stenography is to record the spoken word verbatim. Stenography allows court reporters, like those at CourtScribes, to record proceedings much quicker than they would be able to do using a standard keyboard. And, although handwritten stenography has been used for centuries, the use of a stenotype machine allows a court reporter to record information in a less laborious and more accurate manner.

Although today’s court reporters may use a variety of advanced technologies to record written proceedings, stenography still remains the most widely used form, both in and out of the courtroom.

If you need court reporting services like those described in this blog, then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Why Stenography is Necessary in Law

Posted on: October 18th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

You probably already are well familiar from this site that court stenographers are people trained to type and write in shorthand, which allows them to write as fast as people can speak. It is believed that 180 Words Per Minute is the ‘speed of speech’. Stenographers document and record everything that takes place in the courtroom. This makes them an integral part of court hearings across the world. In this article, we are going to break down what stenography is, and explain why it is important in law.


What Does Stenography Mean?

The word ‘stenography’ comes from the Greek word ‘steno’ which means narrow and ‘graphy’ which means writing. ‘Narrow writing’ therefore, is the writing system of shorthand. Stenographer simply means shorthand writer. Modern-day stenographers use machines called stenotypes, which allow them to type, in some cases, faster than 300 WPM, which is just about double the ‘speed of speech’.

Stenography is a specialist career, still vital to the legal industry despite the massive changes and advancements made in technology. Attempts to phase out stenography have failed in many places around the world, which we will explain, so continue to read more here about it. But first, here is a brief history of stenography, some basic facts you should know about.


The Importance of Stenographers

It is a requirement in many places for courts to have written transcripts. This alone makes stenography something that is still needed. Court reporters sit in on courtrooms and transcribe as the case is heard. Many now use a technology called ‘steno masks’ which are microphones plugged into their computers that run voice-recognition software. The stenographer then, in real-time, cleans up the machine’s mistakes and errors; the perfect fusion of technology and stenography.

While technology is an incredibly important part of all of our lives, it cannot be entirely trusted just yet. Machines are not infallible and make mistakes. A stenographer must supervise and verify what these ‘steno masks’ record. Court reporters are now also tasked with writing down the defendant’s gestures and expressions, as well as their reactions to things. This is something that no machine can do (at the moment).

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Do You Need to Hire a Digital Court Reporter

Posted on: October 11th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

As CourtScribes has noted there is a continued growing shortage of stenographers. This reality combined with the fact that the average age of a court reporter is 53 years old, leaves cause for concern about the profession’s future. Additional contributing factors to the shortage include a significant decrease in graduates from professional stenographic training and the closure of many training schools.

To overcome these hurdles, the court reporting industry has been tapping into digital court recording systems, such as audio and video recordings of proceedings and advanced transcription technologies, which provide accurate court reporting.

What is a Digital Court Reporter?

Like a stenographer, a digital court reporter is a notary. Their responsibilities include swearing in witnesses and marking exhibits.

Instead of the traditional stenography machine, these professionals record the proceedings using digital technology. This usually means audio, but also includes video. Professionals take notes during the recordings either manually or by annotating in a software platform, and then submit these for transcription into a cohesive document afterward.


How Does Digital Court Reporting Future-Proof Your Business?

The biggest difference between digital and standard stenographic court reporting is that digital court recording systems allow businesses to grow and future-proof their operations.

Both clients and the legal system as a whole are transitioning into digital. There’s little dispute that digital court reporting is more efficient. Companies can get faster transcripts at better prices and avoid unwanted delays due to the stenographer shortage.

Cost savings is also a significant factor. Based on data from the AAERT, court reporting companies that transition into digital are expected to save nearly $250K USD over the next decade simply by transitioning from stenography to digital court reporting systems. Advanced technologies, therefore, provide the opportunity to lower costs, while also serving more clients faster.


How Digital Court Reporting Improves Turnaround and Quality

It has been learned that legal clients prefer to work with digital court reporters due to the faster turnaround that advanced transcription software provides. Due to artificial intelligence, instantaneous transcription also continues to be more accurate, as the software learns from its mistakes. Even if the transcription provider offers additional review by humans, the process is faster.

A top concern and also deciding factor is the quality and accuracy of court reports. Since the software is trained to understand both legal terms and a client’s own specific situation, the most advanced products provide 99% accuracy. Similarly, if selected software features an automatic sound recognition (ASR) engine, it can distinguish between different speakers to avoid confusion.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

CourtScribes Explains What a Stenographer Is and Does

Posted on: October 4th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

stenographyCourtScribes is the number one company in America when you are looking for a stenographer. A stenographer is one who is trained to type or write in shorthand methods, enabling them to write as quickly as people speak.

Stenographers create long-lasting documentation of everything from court cases to medical conversations. This is useful in many legal settings. The skill is also used for live closed captioning on television or captioning for hard-of-hearing audiences at events.

What Does Stenographer Mean?

The word “stenography” comes from the Greek “steno” meaning narrow and “graphy” meaning writing. So stenography equals “narrow writing”.

Modern-day stenographers use shorthand typing machines called stenotypes. These machines allow stenographers to type at rates exceeding 300 words per minute. An average talking speed is about 150 words per minute. This incredible rate of writing lets a high-quality stenographer keep up with complex conversations, even when multiple people may be speaking in a court or event setting.

How Does Stenography Work?

Today’s stenographers use stenotype machines that enable shorthand writing. These stenotype machines work by typing in syllables rather than letters. By pressing three keys at once (called a “chord”), they can make the syllable “cal”, then “en” and “dar”. In the time it takes us to type three individual letters, a stenographer can type an entire word on their stenotype.

Because of this condensed form of typing, a stenotype keyboard has only 22 keys. This is opposed to normal computer keyboards, which have between 70 and 105 keys. The stenotype can be so condensed because of the chord system — by combining keys you have hundreds of combinations to make different syllables quickly.

What are the Differences Between Stenographers and a Court Reporters?

Let us first note that all court reporters are stenographers, but not all stenographers are court reporters.

Stenographers can offer services as medical transcriptionists, real-time TV captioners, as well as in numerous accessibility fields (think transcribing voice calls for deaf users). These stenographer services are widely varied in difficulty and importance of accuracy.

Court reporters are specialized, highly trained stenographers. Their extra training and certifications make the documents they create admissible as evidence in court.

It is crucial that a court reporter be completely accurate in their shorthand typing, so no important words or phrases are missed that could make or break an attorney’s case. Additionally, court reporters must learn an entire set of legal vocabulary and processes that they will use in the courtroom, all while navigating the stenotype machine that has been compared to using an instrument and a foreign language at the same time.

Stenographer vs Digital Court Reporting

In today’s digital age, it is easy to think that stenography should already be replaced by digital recording and AI transcription of recorded words. Eventually, this will probably be the case.

A more viable replacement for stenographers that is already being used in some courtrooms is digital court reporting. Rather than paying a highly trained stenographer to work a complex stenotype machine, courtroom proceedings are simply recorded as digital audio, then after the proceeding, a less trained typist transcribes the record at a slower pace.

The problem that many digital court reported records run into is the inaudible moments. Often a microphone will sizzle or a witness moves away from the microphone, resulting in difficult-to-hear and impossible-to-transcribe moments on the record. In high-stakes criminal justice, this can have a massive impact. A live stenographer has better hearing and can ask for a statement to be repeated if they miss a few words.

While digital options are certainly going to eat into the job market for stenographers (market sources anticipate the number of jobs to slow), there is still an anticipated shortage. The average age of stenographers is well into their fifties, and in the next ten years, the retirement wave is expected to create a shortage of stenographers. This makes stenography a very viable career even as the industry becomes increasingly digital.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Why Court Reporting Can Be Such a Rewarding Career

Posted on: September 27th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

court reporters

Are you considering court reporting as a career? Did you know there are several perks to becoming a court reporter, making it a profession worth pursuing? If you are interested in becoming a court reporter, there are several rewards that you can look forward to. Let CourtScribes show you how.

Court Reporting is Interesting

As a court reporter, there’s never a dull day in your profession. This type of profession exposes you to a wide range of subject matter. You’ll be working and learning a lot at the same time.

You also get to work in various locations and courtrooms. Interesting experiences even include coming into a courtroom with celebrities. While listening to depositions and courtroom litigations, you get to listen to people from various professions themselves. Some are even highly educated and much respected in their fields as they stand as witnesses or parties in a case.

A court reporter with decades of experience under their belt will likely tell you how they still take home something new every day. The amount of information they get to listen to and learn from daily is vast. You can look forward to the same if you decide to pursue court reporting, too.



Court Reporting Has Earning Potential

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that a court reporter’s average annual salary in 2019 was $60k+. The bureau also saw 9% growth for the profession faster than all occupations from 2019 to 2029.

A court reporter’s salary depends on their location, services offered, and the certifications they have obtained. A court reporter who offers real-time translation services typically earns more than one who does not. Many court reporters prefer to work part-time or freelance. However, others chose to work even harder and earn more than $200,000 per year.


In Conclusion

Is being a court reporter rewarding? Yes, it is. Court reporters have skills that are valued worldwide, especially in the legal world. You also get benefits in terms of income, longevity, reduced burnout rate, flexibility, a sense of purpose, and pride in mastery. There are indeed many rewards to being a court reporter.


If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Ge to Know CourtScribes and What They Do

Posted on: September 20th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

If you want to get to know CourtScribes and what exactly it is that they do, you are in the right place. CourtScribes is a team of professional court reporters that lead the industry in top-of-the-line court reporting technology. And all for a fraction of the price. Also provided is an experienced court reporter, which is essential to every case. This includes federal, state, and local jurisdictions.

Now, digital recording is the exclusive method for all Supreme Court cases. With professional legal videography, ease of access databases, and transcripts that are made with effective and precise support services, CourtScribes provides a service that paralegals and attorneys alike rely on. Whether it’s a trial, deposition, arbitration, mediation, or a hearing, visit or call 1-833-SCRIBES today to inquire about their services.


Top of the Line Services Offered



CourtScribes provides live and on-demand video streaming for your proceedings. These videos are also kept in our database for needed use. We use video-to-text synchronization for easy research into a past video. Using our time-recorded transcripts, you’ll be able to lookup statements from a perfect text record that matches up with both video and audio in perfection. Our top of the line technology will ensure that your case will be recorded with precision and accuracy.

Audio Recording

CourtScribes audio recording equipment is designed to record every voice clearly and precisely. Each sound channel is dedicated to another person. Without having interfering channels, each voice will be captured in its own time allowing for playback at any time. Regardless of outside noise, accents or low speaking voices, there should be zero issues with our court reporters’ abilities to capture every moment.

Audio Transcripts

Each sample of audio will be replayed, documented and time-stamped for future review if needed. There won’t be any issues if a previous statement needs to be retraced or disputed. These transcripts are available through our 24/7 online database.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

County in Indiana Makes Sure That Court Reporter’s Pay is Raised

Posted on: September 13th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

We at CourtScribes always think that positive news regarding court reporters is always a good thing. With that, Lawrence County, Indiana judges asked that all their court reporters be placed on the same pay schedule during the most recent county council meeting

“All of the judges have agreed this is acceptable practice in dealing with helping to increase pay for their court reporters,” said Lawrence County President Scott Smith.

Lawrence County Superior Court I Judge John Plummer III’s budget was similar to his budget over the last three years with the only key difference of making a request for all court reporters to receive a six percent salary increase.

Judge Plummer III works with one less court reporter than the courts do, which is a savings of approximately $45,000 to the county. The average court reporter’s salary ranged from $35,000 – $43,000 in 2021, the proposed salary increase would lift the average salary between the amounts of $36,000 -$44,000.

There are several qualifications and requirements that are labor-intensive to find applicants who meet the expectations, training, and follow Indiana State law in performing the duties required. A court reporter types a real-time transcription of everything that happens in a court of law. When there are appeals of a criminal case a court reporter must be able to provide a transcript of the proceedings which takes a lot of time.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Why Stenographers at CourtScribes Are Important

Posted on: September 6th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

We are guilty of being biased here at CourtScribes. We know that the career of being a stenographer is a ‘hidden gem of a career’. There are many services stenographers offer. These include court reporting, medical transcribing, and real-time TV captioning.

A court reporter serves an important role in the judicial system by protecting and preserving evidence and testimony and delivering an accurate record of events in a legal proceeding. All court reporters must be certified by a state board and approved by the State Supreme Court.

What are the Responsibilities?

A court reporter uses their stenograph machine, which is a specialized chorded keyboard or typewriter used for shorthand. The reporter listens to everything said in a courtroom during a hearing and types it all out in real-time.

On a normal day, the reporter will be in a courtroom for anywhere from five minutes to the whole day. She’ll keep records for 10 years, and, if needed, provides transcripts. They work in the office a lot. And work in the evenings and on weekends on transcripts quite a bit.

There are two types of court reporters. There are official court reporters and freelance court reporters. Instead of being employed by the judicial system, freelance court reporters are independent contractors or work for a court reporting firm and are typically hired by law firms to cover depositions, arbitrations, meetings, and business sections like a CourtScribes

The Stenotype Machine

Although it might seem like an easy job from the outside, court reporting is not as easy as it can look. Using a stenotype machine is like playing the piano. Stenotype machines have 22 keys and work by typing in syllables rather than letters, like normal keyboards, and court reporters use the chord-like system to combine hundreds of syllables to type upward of 300 words per minute.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

What are Those Court Reporters Typing On

Posted on: August 30th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

stenographyWhat’s that thing court reporters are always typing on? This is a question that CourtScribes gets asked all the time.

Well, that thing is called a stenotype machine. It’s also used for captioning television broadcasts as well. The stenotype works a bit like a portable word processor. It has a 22-button keyboard in place of the standard “qwerty” setup. The way modern stenotypes are set up, they have two rows of consonants across the middle, underneath a long “number bar.” Set in front are four vowel keys: “A,” “O,” “E,” and “U.”

How Does a Stenotype Work?

Court stenographers can type entire words all at once by striking multiple keys at the same time. This is a special skill that they have acquired. The left hand spells out the beginning of a syllable, while the right hand spells out the end. All keys are pressed at the same time, and the machine produces a word jumble that’s incomprehensible to anyone who’s not trained in (stenotype) machine shorthand.

Stenographers spell out syllables phonetically. But there aren’t enough keys on each side of the keyboard to cover every sound. Certain combinations of adjacent keys correspond to the missing consonants.

At court-reporting school, you learn one of at least half a dozen machine shorthand “theories,” which teach different approaches and general rules. Any experienced stenographer will work out his or her own abbreviations, especially for words and phrases particular to a given job.

In the old days, everything a stenographer typed would print to a roll of narrow paper tape. Later on, the stenographer would translate the notes back to English, and sometimes another stenographer would check the translation. Now the translation is done by computer. Fancier stenotype machines translate as they go. The paper tape still records the original notes, but an LCD display on the machine itself shows the words in regular English.

Almost all stenographers have their own customized machines. A brand-new, top-of-the-line stenotype costs up to about $4,500. Cheaper training models are a bit over $1,000.

In the last few years, more court reporters have begun to use less expensive technologies. A “verbatim” reporter holds a tiny microphone up close to his mouth and repeats everything he hears behind a mask and device that silences the sound of his voice. Voice-recognition software can translate the recording into printed text either after the fact or as the recording is made.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Why You Might Want to Consider a Digital Court Reporter

Posted on: August 23rd, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes has shown often, that there is a growing shortage of stenographers. This combined with the fact that the average age of a court reporter is now in the mid-fifties, causes concern about the profession’s future. Other factors to this shortage include a significant decrease in graduates from professional stenographic training and the closing of many training schools, according to the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers (AAERT).

The court reporting industry has been tapping into digital court recording systems to overcome these hurdles. This includes audio and video recordings of proceedings and advanced transcription technologies, which provide accurate court reporting.

What is a Digital Court Reporter?

Like a stenographer, a digital court reporter is a notary. Responsibilities include swearing in witnesses and marking exhibits.

Instead of the traditional stenography machine, these professionals record the proceedings using digital technology. That usually means audio, but also includes video. Professionals take notes during the recordings either manually or by annotating in a software platform, and then submit these for transcription into a cohesive document afterward.


How Digital Court Reporting Future-Proofs Your Business

The biggest difference between digital and standard stenographic court reporting is that digital court recording systems allow businesses to grow and future-proof their operations.

Both clients and the legal system as a whole are transitioning into digital. There’s little dispute that digital court reporting is more efficient. Companies can get faster transcripts at better prices and avoid unwanted delays due to the stenographer shortage.

Cost savings is also a significant factor. Based on data from the AAERT, court reporting companies that transition into digital are expected to save nearly $250K USD over the next decade simply by transitioning from stenography to digital court reporting systems. Advanced technologies, therefore, provide the opportunity to lower costs, while also serving more clients faster.


How Digital Court Reporting Improves Turnaround and Quality

It has been learned that legal clients prefer to work with digital court reporters due to the faster turnaround that advanced transcription software provides. Due to artificial intelligence, instantaneous transcription also continues to be more accurate, as the software learns from its mistakes. Even if the transcription provider offers additional review by humans, the process is faster.

A top concern and also deciding factor is the quality and accuracy of court reports. Since the software is trained to understand both legal terms and a client’s own specific situation, the most advanced products provide 99% accuracy. Similarly, if selected software features an automatic sound recognition (ASR) engine, it can distinguish between different speakers to avoid confusion.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

The Keys to Having a Successful Remote Deposition

Posted on: August 16th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Depositions are a key factor in a court case. In fact, they may be one of the most important factors in the decision-making process of a trial. In order for attorneys and other law participants to obtain valid information regarding the case, they must go through the process of deposition.

The actual definition of deposition is the act of going to a witness or someone with regards to the case at hand and receiving their personal information and the facts they have pertaining to the case. It is important to be prepared for these types of interactions. We are in times now where depositions are not necessarily done in person. They are more and more commonly being done remotely.

Here are some tips to get you on the right track to having a successful remote deposition.


Remote Depositions Rely on Working Equipment

This isn’t a standard deposition where you meet in person with an attorney and give all your information then and there. You are working over an online connection and speaking through a video streaming application. All of these interactions are going to be relying on your equipment, that is allowing you to stream, to continue working properly. Ensuring that nothing will go wrong with your computer and the internet is stable is essential.


Be Comfortable and Follow Standard Protocol for a Deposition

You’ve done it. Other than ensuring that your internet and equipment are functioning properly, you only have to answer all the questions the attorney provides you. Remember, you can be comfortable in your own space, but be respectful and follow all other standards for a deposition you would normally attend.


If you need court reporting services that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

CourtScribes is the Choice For Professional Court Reporting

Posted on: August 9th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes is a team of highly professional court reporters that has offices all over the country but is based out of South Florida. CourtScribes is the leader in the industry using top-of-the-line technology. Having an experienced court reporter is essential to every case. This includes cases in federal, state, and local jurisdictions.

You may not have known, but digital recording is now the exclusive method used for the record for all Supreme Court cases. Well, CourtScribes is doing the same with professional legal videography, ease of access databases, and transcripts that are made with effective and precise support services.

CourtScribes provides services that attorneys and paralegals alike all rely on. Whether it’s a trial, deposition, arbitration, mediation, or a hearing, visit or call 1-833-SCRIBES today to inquire about services.


Our Top-of-the-Line Services Include:

Audio Recording

CourtScribes audio recording equipment is designed to record every voice clearly and precisely. Each sound channel is dedicated to another person. Without having interfering channels, each voice will be captured in its own time allowing for playback at any time. Regardless of outside noise, accents or low speaking voices, there should be zero issues with our court reporters’ abilities to capture every moment.

Audio Transcripts

Each sample of audio will be replayed, documented and time-stamped for future review if needed. There won’t be any issues if a previous statement needs to be retraced or disputed. These transcripts are available through our 24/7 online database.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.


CourtScribes provides live and on-demand video streaming for your proceedings. These videos are also kept in our database for needed use. We use video-to-text synchronization for easy research into a past video. Using our time-recorded transcripts, you’ll be able to lookup statements from a perfect text record that matches up with both video and audio in perfection. Our top of the line technology will ensure that your case will be recorded with precision and accuracy.


Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Three Common Misconceptions About the National Court Reporter Shortage

Posted on: August 2nd, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Recent studies were done that caught the eye of CourtScribes regarding a likely court reporter shortage. The study found that the gap between the number of available stenographers and the demand for their services nationwide continues to increase year over year. This is no surprise as we have reported on this many times.

This problem has been consistent for seven years now and the shortage is impossible to ignore. This is a reality that the COVID-19 pandemic couldn’t even mask.

No firm has been immune to the impact of this court reporter shortage, especially firms located in the most litigious states like California, New York, Illinois, Texas and Florida. However, there are plenty of misconceptions about the national court reporter shortage.

Interestingly enough, some believe that there is no shortage at all despite all the evidence. There are some misconceptions about what is going on in the industry.

Misconception #1: Can’t we just train more stenographers?

This is easier said than done, especially when statistical data proves that such a proposition is near impossible.

Why is this happening? It was found that 70% of stenographers were over the age of 46. As the current population of stenographers continues to progress towards retirement, there are not enough new stenographers from younger generations entering the field to help close the gap.

Misconception #2: The shortage won’t affect us.

While you might think that only the “big” litigation states will be impacted by this shortage, each state will face the devastating lack of court reporters sooner than later.

As of 2019, 82,000 new students enrolled in court reporting training programs nationwide each year to overcome the deficit. This dropped dramatically in 2019 where there were only about 2,500 new enrollments. Now imagine that the average graduation rate is 10% and you’re talking about a maximum of only 125 new court reporters into the market.

You can see how the shortage is affecting all of the states. Combine this with our new remote work environments brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and there are even fewer court reporters available.


Misconception #3: There are no alternatives to stenography to combat the shortage.

While stenography is the gold standard for capturing a verbatim record of a proceeding, there are other court reporting methodologies available that are both accurate and flexible and provide the same finished product.

Voice writing offers an alternative to stenographers. A voice writer speaks into a steno mask, capturing a verbatim record of the proceeding, while speech-recognition technology converts the recorded audio into text.

Digital reporting is another court reporting method that has gained more widespread adoption in recent years. In fact, courthouses and law firms across the US have been successfully using digital reporting for years as their sole means of recording hearings and trials.

As the supply of available court reporters continues to widen each year, it’s becoming increasingly more important for legal professionals to understand and recognize the potential implications for their practice. While stenography will always remain the gold standard, there are additional court reporting methodologies that offer accurate, affordable and flexible solutions.

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

What Exactly is the Art of Stenography

Posted on: July 26th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

stenographerThe CourtScribes company are masters in stenography? The “art” of stenography is about recording what is being said as quickly and as accurately as possible.

Stenography is mostly used in a courtroom or legal setting, ensuring that everything is being transcribed for the record. This is important because important decisions are being made on what is said during trials, depositions, and arbitrations.

“Steno” uses a complicated machine (a stenotype) to record all this information, and people who are specially trained to use these machines are called stenographers.

But keep in mind that stenographers are not just restricted to the inside of a courtroom. Stenography is also used for live captioning you see on TV. Like the type, you’ll find on the 6 o’clock news or press conferences.

It’s also used for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in places of learning to help follow what’s being said in a lecture, classroom, or video conference.


Why Would I Need a Stenographer

Many companies are now looking to stenographers (like those at CourtScribes) for live captioning services.

Live captioning is a way to level the playing field for everyone, while at the same time ensure your company is meeting its obligation when it comes to the law.

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

The Uncertainty of Remote Depositions Post COVID-19

Posted on: July 19th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

As we have discussed many times here at CourtScribes, remote depositions became more prevalent in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. But we now have an interesting conundrum. Court reporters have refused to use video to record depositions because they were not certified to do so. This led to some attorneys taking the job upon themselves even though very few attorneys have had a chance to “test” the use of self-recorded video depositions at trial.

Now that civil cases are now getting back on the dockets, so are the questions of the admissibility of uncertified videos from remote depositions that took place during the pandemic.

In one Illinois case, a federal judge found that the use of such uncertified video recording bypasses the process outlined in the rules of civil procedure and jeopardizes the integrity of the proceedings. The judge was unconvinced by arguments that the certified transcript was available for comparison to affirm the accuracy of the video.

The judge seemed further concerned about the “vantage point” in remote depositions. He noted that in a gallery view situation, the jury could be influenced by the attorneys’ home spaces and children or pets that will occasionally (inevitably) appear on the camera.

He concluded that neither option mimics a typical video deposition that gives the jury proper focus at trial and that absent changes in the civil rules, uncertified recordings from video depositions are not admissible in his courtroom. It is difficult to tell how other courts will rule on the admissibility of such self-recorded online depositions.

As courts reopen, attempts to use uncertified video deposition recordings at trial will become more common. Until court rules and decisions provide more guidance, it is important to enter proper stipulations to ensure that an uncertified video recording of an online deposition can (or cannot) be used at trial.

If you need court reporting services, please contact, which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

What are the Different Stenographic Certifications

Posted on: July 12th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Like any career, there are some that are more accredited than others. This is true for those in stenography as well. Here is an introduction to the levels that stenographers can achieve according to the NCRA aka National Court Reporters Association.



Stenographic certifications include (from entry-level to highest order):

The entry-level registered skilled reporter requires the slowest Q&A dictation speed at 200 words per minute. The dictation speed and written knowledge content increase in difficulty through the certification progression. The registered diplomate reporter is the highest level of certification available to stenographic court reporters and requires passing a Q&A dictation speed of 260 words per minute. The RDR designation also has a years-of-experience component. The RDR distinguishes high-level, seasoned reporters as members of the profession’s elite.


The National Verbatim Reporters Association aka NVRA voice writer certifications include:

Skills tests for both NCRA and NVRA certifications are administered at speeds ranging from 200 to 260 words per minute for five minutes of dictation at 95% to 96% accuracy, including all speaker designations, punctuation, and procedural events that take place during the proceeding.

A Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) is a designation granted by multiple states across the country. The testing speeds and written exam requirements vary.


If you’re seeking a stenographic reporter who is highly skilled at providing an instantaneous delivery of the spoken word to text, you will want to seek a Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR).

A voice writer with similar skills has achieved one of the following certifications: Realtime Verbatim Reporter (RVR) or Realtime Verbatim Reporter – Master (RVR-M).

Accessibility to justice requires accommodations for people with hearing loss. A Certified Realtime Captioner (CRC) should be engaged for this service if you’re using a stenographic reporter. Registered CART Provider – Master (RCP-M) is the designation for a voice reporter.

A Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS), administered by the National Court Reporters Association, holds a high level of skill and understanding of all aspects of video deposition recording, court proceedings, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and deposition best practices.


If you need court reporting services, please contact, which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Addressing the Court Reporter Shortage

Posted on: July 5th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

One thing that CourtScribes has mentioned over and over again is that there is a serious court reporter shortage. This has not changed. As a matter of fact, it has probably gotten worse.

So that being said, there is definitely is still a shortage of stenographic court reporters in the United States. Yes, there have been concerted efforts to attract and train new stenographic reporters. But it is an uphill battle. First off, the job requires a high level of skill and education. Combine that with the rate at which stenographic reporters are retiring, and you can see that the numbers are dwindling.

Some court reporting agencies like CourtScribes, who are striving to ensure their client’s record is given the requisite diligence, have started to hire and train individuals to become certified as digital reporters.

One thing for sure is that professional certification requires a serious commitment to acquiring and maintaining a unique skill, which leads to the highest quality of service and product to clients. Commitment to obtaining, maintaining, and continually improving knowledge and skill levels are essential to quality. And while there are some that are ready to tackle this very overwhelming task, it is complicated, takes diligence, and needs someone with a “stick to it and through it” attitude.

If you need court reporting services, please contact, which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, and are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Project Steno Helps Students Choose a Career in Court Reporting

Posted on: June 21st, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Project Steno, founded in 2017, is an independent, non-affiliated organization that relies on financial support from the court reporting community to promote the stenographic reporting profession and recruit promising students.

Project Steno has a free, online, 12-hour course offering potential students an introduction to court reporting and captioning. All of this without having to make a financial commitment. Project Steno even provides a steno machine for the student’s use while in Basic Training.

The textbook and all training materials are provided to the prospects at no charge. Guest speakers will come to each two-hour session and explain the various professions to those who achieve the necessary stenographic skills.

The program allows prospective students to decide whether this is the right path for them. And with that, helping to save thousands of dollars in tuition and course fees should they discover it is not the right fit.

School data shows that 66% of students who start it, complete the 12-hour course, and 44% of those that complete enroll in court reporting school.

But it is a difficult course. It is very much like learning an instrument or a foreign language. This means that it can typically be a two-year program. Once enrolled, students are offered incentive-based merit awards (two at $1,000 each), as well as being mentored and encouraged along the journey to graduation and in their start as a new professional in our field.

Graduates are very necessary. As we have highlighted before, the industry is hurting for stenographers. Without graduates from this court reporting program, the community will be unable to staff courtrooms, putting at risk one’s right to appeal his/her/their verdict with a verbatim transcript of the testimony and arguments presented in trial.

Without graduates from the captioning programs, vital live events such as the news and sports will not be accessible to those members of our community who need them most: deaf and hard of hearing people.

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

How Did COVID-19 Shape UK Court Reporting?

Posted on: June 14th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Much like in the US, the UK justice system has also had to adapt to virtual settings (like Zoom meetings) throughout the pandemic. But it is not just lawyers and judges who have felt these perils. Court reporters have also experienced a period of adjustment.

When the pandemic hit, the UK government introduced The Coronavirus Act 2020. This meant that UK courts began to use video and audio technology so proceedings could be viewed by the public, including court reporters covering the cases.

And although the COVID-19 restrictions are easing, it doesn’t seem like video calls are going away anytime soon. The Coronavirus Act in the UK has been extended until September, so remote court hearings will continue until then.

Bumps in the Road

The transition to virtual court attendance has had its fair share of bumps in the road. One of the issues was that the UK legal system lacked the digital technology and infrastructure to make a smooth transition. Participants were dialing in through Skype and then a dedicated cloud video platform. Many times the links did not work and the settings were not acoustically designed for the type of set-up. It was often hard to hear who was talking and pick up the important details during hearings.

Normally the clerk of the court is on hand to clarify questions, or details on court lists, addresses, charges, or even the spelling of people’s names. But it is harder to ask questions in a virtual setting and so routine questions needed to be handled through follow-up emails. This was rather challenging.

Tuning in through a camera lens fails to encapsulate the typical drama expected in the courtroom. Journalists are missing out on reactions from the dock, defendants reacting to what’s being said about them, not being able to see the barristers or judge, and not understanding who the other people in the courtroom are. These are all peripheral things taken for granted in a courtroom.


The Upsides & Benefits

However, there is a bright side. Virtual hearings are more practical when a full day of work could mean up to four different hearings at four different venues across the town. So while the downside is that you can’t be there, you save time on travel and can get more accomplished virtually.

Improving accessibility could also see a spark of interest in court reporting. Virtual attendance has the capacity to get more journalists in the newsrooms involved with court reporting, but also spark more interest in the young talent coming through. However, universities have not been able to take their journalism students to visit courts as they normally would.


If you need court reporting services in the US that handles digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world is ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

What is a Stenotype, the Tool Stenographers Use

Posted on: June 7th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

stenographyWe have all seen that person in the courtroom typing away superfast on something that “kinda looks like a typewriter”. They are typing away because they are taking down all of the information to create a record of the events in that courtroom. And while that is not a typewriter they are typing on, it is actually called a stenotype. It is also known as a shorthand machine, steno writer, or chorded keyboard. And what that stenotype is doing, is recording in shorthand.

Those who are registered to use a stenotype as a trained court reporter must write speeds of approximately 180, 200, and 225 words per minute at very high accuracy in the categories of literary, jury charge, and testimony. We here at CourtScribes have many stenographers that are experts at just that.


What is a Stenotype?

The stenotype machine was invented in 1906 by Ward Stone Ireland, an American stenographer and court reporter. The stenograph and stenotype machine are used in offices to some extent. But they are mostly used for court reporting. Both machines have keyboards of 22 keys, and because the operator uses all their fingers and both thumbs, any number of keys can be struck simultaneously. And they will need to be.

The operator controls the keys by touch and is thus able to watch the speaker. The fingers of the left hand control the keys that print consonants occurring before vowels. The thumbs control the vowels, and the fingers of the right hand control the consonants that follow the vowels. There are not separate keys for each letter of the English alphabet. Abbreviations are used for some of the most frequent words, giving the operator the ability to write two or three words in one stroke.

Pressing the multiple keys simultaneously spells out whole syllables, words, and phrases with a single hand motion. Because the keyboard does not contain all the letters of the English alphabet, letter combinations are substituted for the missing letters.

If you need court services that handle digital recording that require those stenography skills, then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

CourtScribes is the Best in Court Reporting

Posted on: May 31st, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

If you are in need of court reporting services, the team at CourtScribes is a team of highly professional court reporters that are leading the industry. Possessing top-of-the-line technology for a fraction of the price, CourtScribes based in South Florida, is the one and only company you need for court services of all kinds. Having an experienced court reporter is essential to every court case. This includes federal, state and local jurisdictions.

CourtScribes also uses digital recording. Digital recording is now the exclusive method for all Supreme Court cases. It seems like it will become more and more used in the future. With professional legal videography, ease of access databases, and transcripts that are made with effective and precise support services, CourtScribes provides a service that paralegals and attorneys alike can rely on. Whether it’s a trial, deposition, arbitration, mediation, or a hearing, visit or call 1-833-SCRIBES today to inquire about their services.


Services Offered by CourtScribes


Audio Recording – We possess audio recording equipment that is designed to record every voice clearly and precisely. Each sound channel is dedicated to another person, without any interfering channels. Each voice is captured in its own time allowing for playback at any time. Even in the event of outside noise, accents, or people speaking too low, there will be no issues with our court reporters’ abilities to capture every moment.


Videography – CourtScribes even provides live and on-demand video streaming. These videos are also stored in our database for needed use later on down the road. We use video-to-text synchronization for easy research into a past video. Our top-of-the-line technology will ensure that your case will be recorded with precision and accuracy.

Audio Transcripts – Each audio sample will be replayed, documented, and time-stamped for future review. That way there won’t be any issues if a previous statement needs to be retraced or disputed. And these transcripts are available through our 24/7 online database.


If you need court reporting services that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Five Reasons Why You Should Consider Court Reporting

Posted on: May 24th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court reporting is a tough job. Court reporting may not be for everyone. You will have to go to a school and acquire a whole new skill set. That being said, here are ten reasons for why one should consider a career in court reporting.

1 – Potential for High Income

A court reporter’s salary depends on their location. The income is also affected by certifications and services provided. A reporter who provides real-time translation services usually makes more than one who doesn’t. The national average is around $46,000 a year. But keep in mind that many reporters work part-time, so it drives down the national average. The sky is the limit if you’re willing to work hard and be a top-notch reporter. Some reporters make $225k to $300k per year consistently.


2 – High-Demand & Recession-Proof Career
From the moment you graduate from court reporting school and get licensed as a certified shorthand reporter, you will never experience a day without working that you didn’t want to work. A recession-proof job is one that remains in high demand even through bad economic times. Though no career is entirely recession-proof, court reporting is more constant than most others when times are hard.

Several elements create a high demand for court reporters. The first is that there is an increased demand in the legal field. Crime tends to rise dramatically when people feel desperate and experience serious financial problems, so the number of court cases increases. Civil disputes also reach a boiling point, resulting in more civil litigation when times are tough.

Secondly, there is an increase in demand in other industries that require real-time court reporters to provide transcriptions or captioning of conferences, seminars, video, and television. The growing number of fields that require stenographers includes television, sports, politics, business, medicine, and many more.


3 – Flexible Working Hours
If you are looking for a flexible job, court reporting may be the field for you. Some court reporters work just two or three days a week. Working part-time as a court reporter is common and easily attainable if you are looking for a nice balance between your professional and personal life. Freelance reporters are able to schedule a short one-hour depo or an all-day video deposition if necessary. If you need to take the day off, then you can simply tell the agency you’re not available for work that day.


4 – Residual Income Opportunities
One of the main reasons some choose the court reporting profession is for the residual income opportunity. Once we report a matter, we can continue to get paid for the work for months and years after it’s done. It’s common to earning royalties from intellectual property like books and patents. The record court reporters make is considered a “work product”. If anyone wants a copy of it, money can be earned again and again.

Official court reporters earn a salary plus transcript income. Some freelance reporters will earn a per diem for the time that they are at a location or just to show up. After an original transcript is produced court reporters can earn money for the transcript again at the time of appeal, which happens in the years following the matter reported.


5 – Longevity
Stenography stems from man’s desire and necessity to preserve happenings of yesterday and today for the future. Stenography is one of the oldest professions and will be around well into the future. Even with technological advancements, it will always need a human touch. Technology has come a long way in the last 20 years, but it still has a long way to go before it will be a threat to the profession of court reporting. The experimentation with replacing human court reporters with audio recording has failed time and again. It’s similar to replacing all language interpreters with translation software.

Court reporters are tasked with the protection of the record. Court reporters use extremely sophisticated technology to create a record using machine shorthand, and it is a process that takes an average of three years to master.

Stenography is a career that offers longevity. Many court reporters have enjoyed several decades-long careers in the profession and plan to work well into their retirement age. Longevity in court reporting is possible because of the variety of jobs.

A few of the things a human court reporter can do that digital recording can’t are: capture testimony at 99 percent or greater accuracy, handle multiple speakers at the same time, identify speakers, understand different accents and dialects, create an immediate draft transcript, create a same-day or next-day final transcript, mark exhibits, swear witnesses, and stop a proceeding for clarification due to an accent or soft-spoken witness, or ask for a repeat because a door slammed or other noise cut out the speaker.

Even if voice recognition technology evolves to a level of near perfection, it can still never replace the human court reporter because it lacks the ability to control and protect the record and do the human aspects of the job.

These five reasons outlined here by CourtScribes, show how court reporting is a great career choice. It is a decision you have to make, but if you think that these five reasons make sense and it is of any interest to you, then this is a career choice you would have to consider. It is not only rewarding financially, but it is rewarding because you are an intricate cog in the machine of the courts and justice.

Nine Questions Answered About Stenography

Posted on: May 17th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

stenographerWe have all seen the person in the courtroom typing away with reckless abandon, as people speak and give their testimony in any given courtroom proceeding. You may have wondered to yourself, how do they do that, where did they learn that, and even how much do they make for doing that? Well, that person is called a court stenographer. Sometimes they are also referred to as a court reporter.

Court stenographers, like the ones available from CourtScribes, or court reporters, are people trained to type and write in shorthand, which allows them to write as fast as people can speak.

1 – What Does Stenography Mean?

The word “stenography” comes from the Greek word “steno” which means narrow and “graphy” which means writing. Narrow writing is now commonly referred to as “shorthand”. A stenographer simply put is a shorthand writer.

Modern-day stenographers use machines called stenotypes, which allow them to type, in some cases, faster than 300 WPM, which is just about double the ‘speed of speech’.


2 – How is stenography used?

Stenographers can type in shorthand which allows them to type as quickly as people speak. This provides important and accurate documentation that is immediately available. This is mostly provided in courtroom settings, however, stenographers are used to assist the hard of hearing as well by providing the services that you see on movies and TV that allow for captions.

You can actually make the case that the stenographer is as important as the judge in a courtroom.

3 – Do stenographers type every word?

Yes, and they can type full words at once by simultaneously tapping multiple keys. So while they do type every word, it is done with shorthand.

4 – Is stenographer a good job?

Yes, it is a great career. There is a huge demand in courtrooms for stenographers. This is true for a couple of reasons. One, there is a dire shortage of those that are trained to do this job, so there is a lot of opportunity. Two, the job pays very well, as it is a hard to acquire skill. And three, there are many side jobs you can do, as well as outsourcing your services outside of the courtroom.


5 – Why is stenography important?

It is important as it is a requirement in many places to have written transcripts. This makes stenography something that is still needed. Court reporters are also tasked with writing down the defendant’s gestures and expressions, as well as their reactions to things. This is something that no machine can do. The stenographer is responsible for creating the “record” of what occurred in the courtroom. This record is extremely important as every member of the court uses this record in their case.


6 – What are stenography skills?

The main skill is the ability to do shorthand and then transcribe your notes. 180 WPM is the ‘speed of speech’ which means that stenographers have to be able to write at a minimum speed of 180 WPM. Stenographers document and record everything that takes place in a courtroom, which makes them an integral part of court hearings across the world.


7 – How long does it take to become a stenographer?

It takes close to three years. You do have to put in the time as if it is a college-like education you are getting. This is a very difficult to master skill, and many dropout or just cannot accomplish the curriculum.


8 – Are stenographers well paid?

Stenographers are actually very well paid. Stenographers can make upwards of $80,000 a year based on hours and years in the industry.

This is due to the fact that it is an intricate skill, there are very few people that have the skill, and there is a shortage of those with the skill that are working in courtrooms.


9 – What is the future of stenography?

The future of stenography is clear. Technological advancements have been made and stenographers will have to adapt to them. While it is unlikely that at any time, now or in the future, that stenographers will not be needed, technology has infiltrated the area.

As technology has become more and more advanced, audio and video recordings are now being used in courtrooms around the world. To save money, courtrooms have invested in video and audio recorders. Many then theorized that the stenographer’s days were numbered. This simply is not true. There is room for both to work.

This is because video and audio recordings are not always successful. There can be interference, data gets corrupted, and sometimes people just forget to turn the devices on! Because of this potential threat, the stenography industry had to adapt to the times.

Computers became more popular, and as they did, court reporters began using these machines to compete with other forms of technology. Stenotype machines could now be plugged into portable computers, laptops, and be used to translate shorthand onto the computer screen in real-time. This was something video and audio recorders could not accurately do.

Many now use a technology called ‘steno masks’ which are microphones plugged into their computers that run voice-recognition software. The stenographer then, in real-time, cleans up the machine’s mistakes and errors; the perfect fusion of technology and stenography.

While technology is an incredibly important part of all of our lives, it cannot be entirely trusted just yet. Machines are not infallible and make mistakes. A stenographer must supervise and verify what these ‘steno masks’ record.

These nine points should have made one thing clear. Court reporters aka stenographers are very important, and they are not going anywhere any time soon. We here at CourtScribes provide all of the services mentioned in this article.

So if you need court reporting services that handle digital recording and remote depositions then, which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world, are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

We are located in South Florida, but offer our services throughout the entire United States. Call us now when you need any courtroom steno or tech.

Court Reporter Goes Rogue in Wisconsin

Posted on: May 10th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Nobody was surprised when Hyundai Motors, the Korean automaker, planned to appeal after a Racine County, Wisconsin jury returned a $38.1 million verdict against the company.

But nobody expected nearly a year later, that the appeal would remain on hold because of a missing court reporter who was responsible for providing a transcript of the trial.

Court records show that after the trial, Brande Browne agreed to have transcripts sent to Hyundai’s lawyers by March of 2020. By June the transcript still hadn’t been produced. Browne, nor her boss at the Racine Court Reporter’s office, were answering emails from Hyundai’s attorneys at the law firm of Quarles & Brady.

This scenario is one thing for sure that you won’t have to worry about with Court Scribes.

What Did the Court Reporter Do?

Finally, in mid-June, Browne responded, saying that personal and professional events had set her back, but she was working as fast as she could to complete the transcript of the 18-day trial. On June 30th, she indicated in a formal document that she would have the transcript by July 31st.

The problem is, August came, but the transcript did not. Hyundai’s lawyers emailed Browne repeatedly but never heard back. The Court of Appeals then demanded Browne file the transcript, then extended the deadline twice, before fining her $1,075 in November.

In December, the trial judge issued a warrant for Browne’s arrest after she failed to appear in court to explain why she hadn’t produced the transcript. Police have been to her home, but she was never present at the home. Calls reporters to various numbers listed went unanswered or the numbers were no longer in service.

What is the Case Against Hyundai About?

In 2015, Edward Vanderventer, 67, of Racine, Wisconsin, was stopped, waiting to turn in his 2013 Hyundai Elantra at an intersection when he was rear-ended by a 17-year-old driver.

He sued Hyundai and the driver, alleging that while the other driver caused the accident, Vanderventer’s serious back injuries, which left him a paraplegic, were caused by a defective seat that collapsed into his spine, although three passengers in his car were not seriously injured.

The jury found that a large portion of Vanderventer’s injuries was attributable to the seat design. Hyundai lost a judgment for $32.7 million of the total judgment.


The Appeal From Hyundai

On appeal, Hyundai plans to raise issues about how the trial was conducted. But they can’t without a reliable, accurate record of the proceedings due to the absence of the court reporter.

A court reporter, or stenographer, like the ones at Court Scribes, doesn’t just type what’s being said in court. They write the rapid speech into a type of code they must later translate into a readable transcript. They have extreme importance to the case.

Vanderventer’s attorney said the court reporter Browne was dependable throughout the trial. He said if she or her machine are never found, those drafts of daily transcripts might allow both sides, and the judge, to assemble an agreed-on final transcript for the appeal.

If you need proper court reporting services that handle digital recording and remote depositions then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Ten Tips to a Successful Remote Deposition

Posted on: May 3rd, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

court reporter

With COVID-19 completely altering the entire system of the courts, CourtScribes would like to offer some great tips in mastering the art of the remote deposition. The remote deposition has become one of the most important parts of the process now that things have dramatically changed and may stay this way for the near future.

CourtScribes has ten successful tips to take 2021’s virtual depositions to the next level. Let us dive into these valuable suggestions!



  1. Get to the Call Early. This will help in avoiding delays and gives time to iron out any technical issues, should there be any.
  2. Set the Stage Properly. Eliminate distractions around you. Make sure there is proper backlighting, and position yourself to the center of the screen.
  3. Test All of Your Equipment. Test your internet connection, your microphones, your headphones, and audio quality.
  4. Update Your Zoom software Regularly – Make sure to check for updates and install them.
  5. Dress Well. Wearing dark, solid colors works best on camera. Everyone should be clean and professional.
  6. Close All Unrelated Programs. When doing a remote deposition, only the deposition should be on your device. Close all browsers and programs running in the background. This will help to avoid inadvertently displaying confidential or compromising material or other sensitive materials to other participants. It also keeps focus on the deposition.
  7. Speak Slowly, Loudly, and Clearly. In any deposition, speaking clearly and slowly is helpful to the court reporter taking down the record. This is true for the interpreter, if one is present, as well.
  8. Avoid Multiple Participants in the Same Room. Each participant in the deposition should have their own separate location and device so that there are no problems with audio feedback. This will also provide a clear headshot for each participant.
  9. Request the Video. The mobile videoconference recording will always be made available, but this recording is unedited, and syncing is also not available.
  10. Be Patient. Technology, like everything else, is not perfect. Glitches, though uncommon and quickly resolved by skilled technicians, can and do sometimes happen. Just be patient and you will overcome any of these issues.


This list should be very helpful. Whether remote depos are a struggle or smooth sailing, this list is should be helpful as you continue to schedule remote depositions with CourtScribes. So, if you need court reporting services that handle digital recording and remote depositions then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Successful Tips for a Remote Deposition

Posted on: April 26th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, CourtScribes, courtrooms, and frankly the whole court system has changed. The need for social distancing has become an important factor in getting things back to normal as quickly as possible. And the courtrooms are no different.

Society agreed that conducting trials while making use of remote court appearances and remote depositions is now the norm. The thing is, that many are not used to video conferencing (like Zoom) and maybe going to the net for tips. You’re in luck though, as CourtScribes is gonna provide a list of tips to conducting a successful remote deposition.


1 – Knowing the Web Conference Applications

You should always do a practice run of the software that you will be using during remote depositions. This will make it more comfortable to use and can access all system commands without issue.

2 – Don’t Interrupt Audio from Another Source

Remote depositions are always recorded for future use. It is important that all of the audio is transmitted correctly. If it is not done correctly, it will be too difficult to understand. Try not to speak over others to ensure that everything is recorded.

3 – Make Sure All Equipment is in Order

Having a stable internet connection might be the most important part of having a successful remote deposition. Make sure all systems are stable. You don’t want to have any issues with disconnections. Check that all audio devices are working and make sure that the microphone is picking up all audio correctly.


4 – Follow Normal Conducts for a Standard Deposition

Many people are working from home, and although you are comfortable in your home, with your familiar equipment, it’s important that you still represent yourself in a professional state of mind. Use all standard protocol procedures for conducting a normal deposition.

5 – Work in a Comfortable Space

When working, you just don’t need unexpected visitors popping in to interrupt your remote deposition. It is important to make sure that the area you are going to work in is free from any chances of interruption.

CourtScribes is who you need to provide you with everything you may require for a remote deposition.

Contact us today!

Why are Court Reporters Important

Posted on: April 19th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

court reporters

As time has gone forward, technology jobs increase as more mechanical-type jobs go by the wayside. In court reporting circles, that you have read about here at CourtScribes, many believe that this too will happen to the profession. As a matter of fact, it is happening right now as we speak. As the technology expands in the field, fewer and fewer actual court reporters are needed.

However, certain jobs require a human quality to properly function. Court reporting is definitely one of those jobs.

Who or what is a court reporter?

Well, the court reporter is the person in charge of transcribing a verbatim legal record using a typing tool called a stenograph. Using the stenograph, the reporter transcribes the court proceedings in a sort of shorthand. But, instead of being replaced, the technological addition of audio tech allows the court reporter to complete the job with even greater efficiency.


Reliability is Key

If one is trying to understand why technology is taking over this industry, it basically comes down to the option that is more efficient and more reliable. While the ability for a human being (court reporter) to take in proper notes and hear all that is going on crystal clear, many times that is just not the case.

Due to the simple advancement of tech, we can now record conversations and have audio renditions. However, some things are unable to be recorded if there is a crossover in speech by multiple people. This means that there needs to be a human also recording everything being said in order to capture the full truth. 

So that while technology has now given people a way to record, this should mean that court reporting is now enhanced and requires training with audio recording technology on the side. This would actually be the most efficient and reliable way to conduct transcribing.


Don’t Leave it to Chance

A court reporter’s main focus should be to record every single word that is spoken in the courtroom. They must do this, all while differentiating between those who are speaking, and ignoring the background noises. This is tough because one of the hardest situations to deal with is when two attorneys or legal participants speaking over each other.

The audio technology at CourtScribes has advanced to a much higher stage than its tape recorder predecessors. But if there is any chance that the device may lose speech during a situation where two people are speaking over each other, then that entire passage of speech has been lost. This especially matters if there is an appeal to the case. Imagine that someone has grounds all because the words were not properly transcribed?

What this says, is that until it is perfect, courts just can’t take that chance.

A Look at a Court Reporter’s Remote Deposition Setup

Posted on: April 12th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

When COVID-19 first forced workplace closures back in March of 2020, people across the country quickly found themselves working from their home office, dining room, table, couch, and other unique locations within their homes. Basically, it was anywhere they could find a quiet place to do their work. The legal industry, including professional court reporters like those at CourtScribes, was certainly not immune to the work-from-home trend.

Court reporters shifted to working remotely and had to re-engineer how they operate in their day-to-day in reporting depositions and other proceedings. The emergence of new remote platforms, guidelines, and client expectations led court reporters to quickly adapt to ensure business as usual to capture the record.

At the onset of the pandemic, remote working meant simply setting up a workspace at the kitchen table or in the living room. Now a year later, with a lot of creativity being applied, many court reporters have learned helpful “do’s and don’ts” for at-home remote deposition setups.

We have learned that many professional court reporters created many interesting and effective remote deposition offices.

As the pandemic continues and the acceptance of remote formats for proceedings continues to gain widespread adoption and acceptance, it is important to stay up-to-date on best practices and considerations for a successful remote deposition.

In preparation for upcoming and future remote depositions, we gathered equipment and accessory recommendations that make the process easier for both you and your clients.

If you need court remote deposition services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Derek Chauvin Trial Highlights the Crucial Work of Court Reporters

Posted on: April 5th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

The Derek Chauvin (George Floyd’s kneeling police officer) trial is taking place, and someone in the courtroom who doesn’t get any publicity has one of the more important jobs. That job is the court reporter. CourtScribes agrees. This may be the most important person in the courtroom.

A court reporter is responsible for accurately transcribing every word that’s said in open court. Christine Phipps, the president of the National Court Reporters Association, says the job comes with a lot of pressure.


“Somebody’s life hinges on that testimony,” Phipps said. “It’s the court reporter’s certified transcript that rules the day over anybody’s memory of what might have been said. That is going to be what’s argued on appeal.”


Court reporting isn’t done letter by letter. Court reporters use combinations of keys to type by phonetic sounds. Shorthand gets proofread and fleshed out later.

When a trial goes on for two weeks, it could probably get between 2,500 to 3,000 pages of transcript you need to proof.

If something is missed or needs to be repeated, the court reporter will interrupt the proceedings, but tries to do so as delicately as possible. The reporter will also confer with the judge if they feel someone in the courtroom should be instructed to slow down.

Getting correct and proper testimony is key in any trial, but even more so in a trial that the whole world is watching. We at CourtScribes know this is true. That is why this position may actually be the most important in any given courtroom.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Reasons to Hire a Digital Court Reporter

Posted on: March 29th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

As CourtScribes has noted in several posts in the past, there is a growing shortage of stenographers. This reality combined with the fact that the average age of a court reporter is 53, leaves cause for concern about the profession’s future. Additional contributing factors to this shortage include a significant decrease in graduates from professional stenographic training and the closure of many training schools, according to the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers (AAERT).

To overcome these hurdles, the court reporting industry has been tapping into digital court recording systems, such as audio and video recordings of proceedings and advanced transcription technologies, which provide accurate court reporting.

What is a Digital Court Reporter

Like a stenographer, a digital court reporter is a notary. Responsibilities include swearing in witnesses and marking exhibits.

Instead of the traditional stenography machine, these professionals record the proceedings using digital technology. That usually means audio, but also includes video. Professionals take notes during the recordings either manually or by annotating in a software platform, and then submit these for transcription into a cohesive document afterward.


How Digital Court Reporting Future-Proofs Your Business

The biggest difference between digital and standard stenographic court reporting is that digital court recording systems allow businesses to grow and future-proof their operations.

Both clients and the legal system as a whole are transitioning into digital. There’s little dispute that digital court reporting is more efficient. Companies can get faster transcripts at better prices and avoid unwanted delays due to the stenographer shortage.

Cost savings is also a significant factor. Based on data from the AAERT, court reporting companies that transition into digital are expected to save nearly $250K USD over the next decade simply by transitioning from stenography to digital court reporting systems. Advanced technologies, therefore, provide the opportunity to lower costs, while also serving more clients faster.


How Digital Court Reporting Improves Turnaround and Quality

It has been learned that legal clients prefer to work with digital court reporters due to the faster turnaround that advanced transcription software provides. Due to artificial intelligence, instantaneous transcription also continues to be more accurate, as the software learns from its mistakes. Even if the transcription provider offers additional review by humans, the process is faster.

A top concern and also deciding factor is the quality and accuracy of court reports. Since the software is trained to understand both legal terms and a client’s own specific situation, the most advanced products provide 99% accuracy. Similarly, if selected software features an automatic sound recognition (ASR) engine, it can distinguish between different speakers to avoid confusion.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersburg, and Rockville.

Court Reporting Service Market is Anticipated to Grow

Posted on: March 22nd, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court Reporting Stenograph

New studies are showing that the court reporting service market is anticipated to grow well into 2027. CourtScribes is here to go over the findings. They were quite interesting.

The reports show present technological revolutions are continuously minimizing paperwork in legal proceedings with a gradual shift towards non-paper mode and an increase in digitalization. The rise in digitization is leading court reporting services to shift from a traditional reporting system to a remote reporting system, where lawyers and their clients can attend deposition remotely.

It is observed that governments in various countries are increasing their investment towards paperless in court proceedings. Globally, governments are continuously trying to expedite the court hearing process along with quick judgments in the least possible time.


What is Causing the Change

Another factor that is fueling the growth of the court reporting service market is the modernization of court structure and adopting modern software technologies for legal proceedings. Real-time transcription services are helping the attorneys, to instantly read, search and annotate a testimony along with a facility to leave deposition with a copy of the transcript.

The services also arrange a transcript copy for future references. The internet deposition facility provides greater flexibility in the hearing process, where the attorney and client can attend a court hearing session through the secured virtual space, no matter their physical presence.

Presently, courts are also promoting video recording practices during the deposition in order to bring more clarity to the entire hearing process. Modern software technologies provide data security facilities where unauthorized persons are restricted to access the database, however, authorized persons can access these details at any time and from any location.

In terms of revenue, the global court reporting service market stood at $4.4 million in 2018 and is anticipated to reach $6.5 million by 2027.


Key Findings of the Report:


If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Esquire Acquires Willette Court Reporting Its Second Acquisition of 2021

Posted on: March 15th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Court reporting gets bigger and bigger especially as CourtScribes reports acquisitions that occur in the community.

Esquire Deposition Solutions, a leading national provider of remote and in-person court reporting, video, and interpreting services, is pleased to announce it has acquired Willette Court Reporting. This acquisition strengthens Esquire’s industry leadership and expands its presence in Wausau and Central Wisconsin.

Willette’s network of highly skilled stenographic court reporters has serviced the area since 1985, with a focus on medical, expert, and technical testimony. Christine Willette, RDR, CRR, CRC, founder and owner of Willette Court Reporting, will become Esquire’s Vice President of Acquisition Strategy, where she will leverage her deep court reporting industry expertise to drive acquisition initiatives and work closely with Esquire’s court reporter and service partner programs.


“I am thrilled to welcome Chris to the Esquire family,” stated Terrie Campbell, Esquire’s Chief Executive Officer. “Her deep industry knowledge and history of industry leadership will add great value to service providers and clients as well. Chris will play an important role in helping Esquire navigate our clients, service providers, and employees through this unprecedented period of technology-driven industry transformation.”


This acquisition marks Esquire’s second recent acquisition following its announcement of the Honorable acquisition.  Esquire’s strategy of growth via acquisition enables local and regional court reporting firms nationwide to leverage Esquire’s investments and industry-leading platform.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Hiring the Right Stenographer

Posted on: March 8th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments


If you weren’t familiar by now with who those people are that are typing away during court proceedings are, they’re known as stenographers. Sometimes, they are also referred to as court reporters. They are incredibly helpful because the service they provide is helping a court, and all the members of it, jot down and record the proceedings by creating a written report.

While the courts require them, private attorneys and often businesses will occasionally need to find qualified stenographers that are able to do the job properly, which means that there is a checklist of qualifications to look for. Here are some of the ways to hire a good stenographer that a company like CourtScribes offers.

Start by Searching Court Reporter Companies

There are plenty of companies that hire out stenographers or reporters for the courts. This makes it easy to find the best out there as a court reporting company will feature only the most qualified, and the most trusted stenographers available. It’s also a lot easier to negotiate rates or fees, as well as scheduling when a large company is handling the bulk of the heavy lifting.

Check References & Reviews

On company sites, or anywhere else that a stenographer has listed work or availability, you’ll want to check references or reviews. Any job that is skilled labor will have reviews to help you decide on the right contractor. Stenographers are an example of this kind of contractor that can be found with reviews or even references to help bolster their claims of being qualified for the job. It’s important to always read these reviews to see what former clients have said about them, good or bad.

Find a Stenographer That Charges Reasonable Rates

Stenographers don’t charge an exorbitant amount considering their work, but they are not cheap. It’s not surprising to find stenographers that range in fees between $20 – $80/hr. It can be a lot or a little, depending on the length of the need. It’s still important to note that hiring a good stenographer is an important part of the process to ensure that the reporting of the court case (or whatever business transcription might be needed) is done effectively and efficiently. This is not something you’d want to mess up by hiring inferior workers, so a reasonable rate can be flexible if they are very experienced and qualified.

View Their Skills & Qualifications

Many stenographers, whether working full-time for a company or as a freelancer is that they should have a list of their skills and qualifications. Any kind of certificates or previous experiences working in sectors involving their typing, notation, and dictation skills are things that they will want to show off to make themselves look like more qualified and attractive candidates. You can easily view these, as well as looking them up on LinkedIn, to verify and determine if they are the right kind of candidates.

Meet & Vet Potential Candidates

You also have the option to meet up and interview the candidates or do a little more investigating to see how they are. It’s never a bad idea to meet face to face because this adds a more human approach to the entire process where you can finally meet and see them and figure out if they may be the right hire. Picking out a good stenographer means going with your gut sometimes, so getting a good interview process going will help you figure this out.


Stenographers might not be a household name when it comes to professions, but their services are invaluable nonetheless. Finding a good stenographer for a court case is also a hugely important process, so following these tips will help you make the right choice in picking a qualified court reporter. If done properly, you would end up with a stenographer than can get the job done in an efficient and effective manner.


If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

CourtScribes Providing 24/7 Online Access to Your Private Online Repository

Posted on: March 1st, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments


CourtScribes is the website and court service for all of your court reporter, remote court access, and online database needs. One of the top features offered is that CourtScribes offers 24/7 access to a private online repository that will hold all of your transcripts, exhibits, and videos regardless of where you might be located. By using either a computer, tablet, or smartphone, one can access all files on-demand. If you need the help of some of the most skilled court reporters in the business, then you must contact CourtScribes today!


What Type of Services does a Court Reporting Agency Provide?

CourtScribes takes pride in providing the most high-value skills many court reporting agencies don’t even possess. Here are some services that CourtScribes provides:

CourtScribes covers trials, arbitrations, depositions, mediations and hearings.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recording then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Do You Need a Service Like CourtScribes

Posted on: February 22nd, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

If you weren’t aware, CourtScribes is a team of highly professional court reporters & stenographers that lead the industry in top of the line court reporting technology for a fraction of the price. An experienced court reporter is essential to every case. This includes federal, state and local jurisdictions.

Did you know that digital recording is now the exclusive method for all Supreme Court cases. With professional legal videography, ease of access databases, and transcripts that are made with effective and precise support services, CourtScribes provides a service that paralegals and attorneys alike can rely on. Whether it’s a trial, deposition, arbitration, mediation, or a hearing, visit or call 1-833-SCRIBES today to inquire about their services.


Top of the Line Services


Audio Recording

CourtScribes audio recording equipment is designed to record every voice clearly and precisely. Each sound channel is dedicated to another person. Without having interfering channels, each voice will be captured in its own time allowing for playback at any time. Regardless of outside noise, accents or low speaking voices, there should be zero issues with our court reporters’ abilities to capture every moment.


CourtScribes provides live and on-demand video streaming for your proceedings. These videos are also kept in our database for needed use. We use video-to-text synchronization for easy research into a past video. Using our time-recorded transcripts, you’ll be able to lookup statements from a perfect text record that matches up with both video and audio in perfection. Our top of the line technology will ensure that your case will be recorded with precision and accuracy.

Audio Transcripts

Each sample of audio will be replayed, documented and time-stamped for future review if needed. There won’t be any issues if a previous statement needs to be retraced or disputed. These transcripts are available through our 24/7 online database.

If you need court reporting services that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.


Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Boulder County in Colorado Feeling Impact of Court Reporter Layoffs

Posted on: February 15th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

CourtScribes is reporting that after the 20th Judicial District laid off its court reporting staff due to budget constraints, attorneys in Boulder County, Colorado are trying to adjust to not having appointed employees creating a record during hearings and trials.

When the pandemic hit in March and led to budget chaos for the state, Boulder County court reporters knew there was a chance some of them could be impacted.

Unfortunately, that is what ended up happening as the 20th Judicial District laid off all of its court reporters.

Officials with the 20th Judicial District said they could not comment on the decision as it related to internal employee matters.

“I think Boulder made the decision that they thought was best for the district,” Kim Ritter said. “COVID has hit everybody really, really hard. It was scary for all of us, because we had been there for so long. When you get laid off it’s hard. And its scary because you don’t know what’s next.”

But understanding the decision did not make it any easier. Ritter has been a court reporter in Boulder County for 20 years full time and more than that if you count her time as a substitute court reporter to start her career.

The Effects are Everywhere

In addition to the hardships faced by the court reporters who got laid off, the decision has also affected the courts and attorneys.

“The impact of cutting court reports has been significant,” Boulder District Attorney Michael Dougherty said. “The court reporters are incredibly important, highly skilled people who do the difficult job of taking down every single word spoken in court.”

Without reporters, judges and attorneys were suddenly relying on a recording device to transcribe court proceedings. And it has been an adjustment.

Attorneys said the recording device has not been as effective in picking up sound from every part of the courtroom and sometimes does not catch what every witness is saying, especially with witnesses now wearing masks into court and some hearings taking place over spotty video feeds.

There have even been points when in a particular trial they went a half-day without realizing the recording device had malfunctioned.


The Importance of Having a Court Reporter

Recognizing the importance of having a court reporter for serious cases, some have looked into bringing in freelance reporters, and hired one for the Isaiah Rios trial, the one murder case that took place during the brief period when Boulder resumed trials in fall 2020.

In fact, the 20th Judicial District has now issued court orders helping regulate the use of freelance court reporters.

Freelancers can charge their own rates, which means using one is expensive. In the Rios case, the freelancer charged $600 a day, and the DA’s Office ended up paying $15,000 for the full trial.

Dougherty noted Boulder County currently has 40 serious cases that would warrant hiring a freelance court reporter set to go once court resumes.

As for the reporters themselves, Ritter said most court reporters were already doing freelance work.

“I took some weeks to kind of process everything, but I have been very blessed and have been able to work,” Ritter said. “As court reporters, most of us have two careers, one as official for the state of Colorado, the other as a freelancer doing depositions.”

Added Ritter, “You form friendships, and it’s a lot of very professional people that you highly respect and you enjoy working with.

“We’re very appreciative for the time that we had in Boulder, it was a great district to work in,” Ritter said. “Sadly, COVID has wreaked havoc on millions of peoples lives. Luckily for us, I think it worked out, and we’re in a good place.”

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.


What is Stenography

Posted on: February 8th, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

The “art” of stenography is about recording what is being said as quickly and as accurately as possible.

Stenography is mostly used in a courtroom or legal setting, ensuring that everything is being transcribed for the record. This is important because important decisions are being made on what is said during trials, depositions, and arbitrations.

“Steno” uses a complicated machine (a stenotype) to record all this information, and people who are specially trained to use these machines are called stenographers.

But keep in mind that stenographers are not just restricted to the inside of a courtroom. Stenography is also used for live captioning you see on TV. Like the type, you’ll find on the 6 o’clock news or press conferences.

It’s also used for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in places of learning to help follow what’s being said in a lecture, classroom, or video conference.


Why Would I Need a Stenographer

Many companies are now looking to stenographers (like those at CourtScribes) for live captioning services.

Live captioning is a way to level the playing field for everyone, while at the same time ensure your company is meeting its obligation when it comes to the law.

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.

Canadian Stenography Student Becomes TikTok Star

Posted on: February 1st, 2021 by Sfl Media No Comments

Stenography is getting a popularity boost thanks to a series of how-to videos posted by a female Edmonton, Alberta, Canada student. Isabelle Lumsden, who is taking a stenography course at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, featured her stenotype “steno” machine in a video that she posted on the social media app TikTok in September, 2020.

The people were hooked. Soon enough there were 3.3 million views on the video, close to half a million likes, and the 23-year-old was fielding a flood of questions.


“People were most fascinated by the keys and actually just how they work,” said Lumsden. “Lots of people were commenting, saying it was like witchcraft and very thrown off by it.”


Stenotype machines are used by court reporters who capture testimony verbatim during trials, hearings or depositions. The shorthand tapped into the stenotype looks like an alien language before being translated into proper sentences using a connected computer. Unlike the standard QWERTY keyboard, the stenotype machine has only 22 keys.

Shortage of court reporters

Stenography is often described as one of the original careers for women, dating back to the 1880s. But the profession seems to have lost its luster. The North American shortage of court reporters is why many feel this way. According to a 2019 article in the Wall Street Journal, the school dropout rate for court reporters is around 80 to 85 percent.

When her mom suggested she consider court reporting as a career, Lumsden was intrigued.

After the success of her first video, Lumsden dedicated her TikTok channel to stenography and court reporting. She’s gained about 80,000 followers and has been featured on BuzzFeed.

Because TikTok videos are only a minute long, Lumsden has released several that explain exactly how the machine works and how the keys form words.

With so many transcription tools available online, some people have asked if she is concerned about seeing her job taken over by artificial intelligence.

On average, court reporters can type between 180 to 225 words per minute.

Lumsden was told to practice a minimum of two hours a day. So far she can capture up to 80 words per minute but is working her way to 100.

With the shortage of stenographers in Canada and the United States, combined with the surprising popularity of her TikTok videos, Lumsden is confident about her future employment prospects.

If you need court reporting services (with a little more experience than Lumsden) that handle digital recoding then which supports all states and programs that aid in the court reporting world are ready to serve you in your court reporting, videography services, interpreters, live-streaming, and video-to-text synchronization.

Although the majority of cities that offer CourtScribes’ services are in Florida, the company home base, other cities all across these United States that CourtScribes offers services in, are the following: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, Weston, Sarasota, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Stuart, Hollywood, Naples, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Jupiter, Key West, Coral Gables, Maryland, Manhattan, Buffalo, Washington DC, Baltimore, Bowie, Virginia, Frederick, Albany, New York, Brooklyn,  Westchester, Gaithersberg, and Rockville.